Round 2


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ah, with the Middle East neighborhood geographical hornets nest of oil producing nations, the Dem’s must be having an attack of the vapours right about now then.
Its all up to MBS. He can turn the taps back on to drive oil prices into the gutter.

Biden will need to tap strategic reserves or gas and diesel will skyrocket when markets open tomorrow morning.

We cant keep pumping and dumping gold to float western economies much longer. CAD is taking a shit kicking. More food inflation.

It all hits home now. Welcome to the Great Reset.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
A Falkland Islands sort’a thing? Maybe something to do with banana production?
The Brazilians are going hardcore to the Left with Trudeau level shit. Argentina went hardcore Right. On the otherside of the Andes Chile and Peru are bouncing back economically. If Venezuela comes back down to reality and joins in SA becomes a powerhouse.

Oh yeah....and Catholic!

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
20hrs later…we wait to see what the reaction to Iran funding & advising on Oct 7th, then the subtraction of the Iranian guard Dudes from the Syrian embassy out building thing reaction, then the 300+ combo of stuff’s tossed at Israel yesterday reaction…that reaction…the reaction to the reaction to the reaction reaction.

Tehran has warned it will strike again with greater force if Israel or the US retaliate for the retaliation for the retaliation for the retaliation (is that one too many retaliations?) for the Iranian strike on Israel that used more than 300 drones and missiles on Saturday night.
Iran’s unprecedented Saturday night attack on Israel — in which it sent over 300 drones and missiles into Israeli territory, supplemented by rocket fire from Hezbollah and other terrorist proxies — has been almost universally condemned by the international community, and saw the United States, United Kingdom and even Jordan actively participating in the defence of the Jewish state.

Yet even before the dust had settled, Israel was being held to a higher standard than any other country on earth.

Make no mistake: the Iranian aggression — the first time the Islamic Republic has launched a direct assault on Israel — constituted a clear act of war.
It would be easy to blame Israel for starting this conflict when it struck a building next to the Iranian Embassy in Syria, killing Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi and six other IRGC officials on April 1. But according to the U.S. government, Zahedi “acted as a liaison to Hezbollah and Syrian intelligence services and is reportedly charged with guaranteeing weapons shipments to Hezbollah.”

(And Hezbollah has been attacking Israel on a near-daily basis for the past six months)

It was thus Tehran that started this tit-for-tat aggression, and it was Iran’s leaders who decided to escalate the conflict by launching a direct attack from within their territory, rather than looking to their terrorist proxies in the region to respond, as has been the case in previous instances when Israel has targeted Iranian officials and nuclear scientists.
While the Israel Defence Forces and its allies successfully repelled the attack — the IDF says that 99 per cent of the drones and projectiles were successfully shot out of the sky, with the only apparent fallout being some damage to a military base and, tragically, a girl who was seriously wounded after being hit by shrapnel — the message being sent by the mullahs in Tehran is clear: we can — and will — terrorize your population, wear down your air defence systems and strike deep in the heart of Israeli territory any time we please.

On Sunday, Maj.-Gen. Mohammad Bagheri, chief of staff of the Iranian armed forces, warned that, “Our response will be much larger than tonight’s military action if Israel retaliates against the retaliation against the retaliation, etc…against Iran.” IRGC commander Hossein Salami said that the strike had created a “new equation,” setting a precedent for Iran to attack Israel over any perceived threat to its interests, and that it had succeeded “beyond expectations.”
The subtext, which was surely not missed by anyone, is that the very existence of the Jewish state will be threatened if and when Iran successfully develops nuclear warheads.
A nuclear-armed Iran would threaten global peace and security, along with the very existence of the Jewish state. Joint Israeli and American strikes against Iran’s nuclear program could eliminate this threat, deal a decisive blow to a regime that has mired the Middle East in war for the past six months and provide a strong counterpoint to Donald Trump’s accusations that Biden is weak.
1713132981024.jpegBut that would mean holding Israel to the same standard as any other western ally.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
The subtext, which was surely not missed by anyone, is that the very existence of the Jewish state will be threatened if and when Iran successfully develops nuclear warheads.

A nuclear-armed Iran would threaten global peace and security, along with the very existence of the Jewish state. Joint Israeli and American strikes against Iran’s nuclear program could eliminate this threat, deal a decisive blow to a regime that has mired the Middle East in war for the past six months and provide a strong counterpoint to Donald Trump’s accusations that Biden is weak.
Its an assumption that they dont have nukes...

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Its all up to MBS. He can turn the taps back on to drive oil prices into the gutter.

Biden will need to tap strategic reserves or gas and diesel will skyrocket when markets open tomorrow morning.

We cant keep pumping and dumping gold to float western economies much longer. CAD is taking a shit kicking. More food inflation.

It all hits home now. Welcome to the Great Reset.
time to use the last resort hyperspace button


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
20hrs later…we wait to see what the reaction to Iran funding & advising on Oct 7th, then the subtraction of the Iranian guard Dudes from the Syrian embassy out building thing reaction, then the 300+ combo of stuff’s tossed at Israel yesterday reaction…that reaction…the reaction to the reaction to the reaction reaction.

Tehran has warned it will strike again with greater force if Israel or the US retaliate for the retaliation for the retaliation for the retaliation (is that one too many retaliations?) for the Iranian strike on Israel that used more than 300 drones and missiles on Saturday night.
Iran’s unprecedented Saturday night attack on Israel — in which it sent over 300 drones and missiles into Israeli territory, supplemented by rocket fire from Hezbollah and other terrorist proxies — has been almost universally condemned by the international community, and saw the United States, United Kingdom and even Jordan actively participating in the defence of the Jewish state.

Yet even before the dust had settled, Israel was being held to a higher standard than any other country on earth.

Make no mistake: the Iranian aggression — the first time the Islamic Republic has launched a direct assault on Israel — constituted a clear act of war.
View attachment 21789
It would be easy to blame Israel for starting this conflict when it struck a building next to the Iranian Embassy in Syria, killing Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi and six other IRGC officials on April 1. But according to the U.S. government, Zahedi “acted as a liaison to Hezbollah and Syrian intelligence services and is reportedly charged with guaranteeing weapons shipments to Hezbollah.”

(And Hezbollah has been attacking Israel on a near-daily basis for the past six months)

It was thus Tehran that started this tit-for-tat aggression, and it was Iran’s leaders who decided to escalate the conflict by launching a direct attack from within their territory, rather than looking to their terrorist proxies in the region to respond, as has been the case in previous instances when Israel has targeted Iranian officials and nuclear scientists.
View attachment 21788
While the Israel Defence Forces and its allies successfully repelled the attack — the IDF says that 99 per cent of the drones and projectiles were successfully shot out of the sky, with the only apparent fallout being some damage to a military base and, tragically, a girl who was seriously wounded after being hit by shrapnel — the message being sent by the mullahs in Tehran is clear: we can — and will — terrorize your population, wear down your air defence systems and strike deep in the heart of Israeli territory any time we please.

On Sunday, Maj.-Gen. Mohammad Bagheri, chief of staff of the Iranian armed forces, warned that, “Our response will be much larger than tonight’s military action if Israel retaliates against the retaliation against the retaliation, etc…against Iran.” IRGC commander Hossein Salami said that the strike had created a “new equation,” setting a precedent for Iran to attack Israel over any perceived threat to its interests, and that it had succeeded “beyond expectations.”
View attachment 21790
The subtext, which was surely not missed by anyone, is that the very existence of the Jewish state will be threatened if and when Iran successfully develops nuclear warheads.
A nuclear-armed Iran would threaten global peace and security, along with the very existence of the Jewish state. Joint Israeli and American strikes against Iran’s nuclear program could eliminate this threat, deal a decisive blow to a regime that has mired the Middle East in war for the past six months and provide a strong counterpoint to Donald Trump’s accusations that Biden is weak.
View attachment 21791But that would mean holding Israel to the same standard as any other western ally.


Anyone who didn't know Iran was not going to do anything, and is denying the heads up Iran gave the US and other countries, plus Israel that they would be retaliating, is a fucking idiot.

But then again, Israel did fuck itself over by attacking 'sovereign soil'.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
They had a lot more than 7 hit their targets....
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Does this mean Ukraine can go back to bombing refineries and add in reactors for even more ass whooping? The avoiding escalation shit only applies to Ukraine it seems.
In the face of Russian expansionism, western leaders had an opportunity to humble our adversaries. But, out of an ill-advised fear of escalation, they took too long to open up their arsenals and revive defence industries, and thus squandered an opportunity for a quick and instructive victory.

As Russia’s invasion turned into a war of attrition, the West’s solidarity collapsed. Nowhere has this been more noticeable, and embarrassing, than in the United States, where new military aid to Ukraine has been blocked in Congress for months due to the obstructionism of a few radical Republicans.
Didn’t realize either side in the Ukraine Russia wing of the fight stopped doing that to be honest.
Is growing conflict with Iran in any way surprising? Our collective weakness signalled to the Ayatollah that it might be possible to launch major attacks without serious consequence. If Iranian kamikaze drones could freely detonate in Europe, then what prevented them from terrorizing the Middle East? Nothing. It was only a matter of time until this happened.
If the West had simply given Ukraine enough weapons to expel Russia two years ago, then there is no way that Iran would have considered bombing Israel today. It would have been made clear that attacking a western ally is futile and costly. Israel was put in danger because Ukraine was allowed to suffer — and because too many policymakers failed to appreciate that seemingly-disparate regional conflicts are, in truth, just different theatres of the same war.
With the Israel Iran thing out in the open, or out’a the closet, etc…
Iran’s drone and missile attack on Israel on Saturday would not have happened had the west shown more resolve against Russia over the past two years. Our indecisiveness in eastern Europe signalled to our enemies that we are weak and divided — so is it any surprise that they are now trying to exploit this to their advantage?

Some would like to believe that the struggles of Ukraine and Israel are unrelated, but those people are wrong. The fact is that we are in the midst of a new Cold War that is splitting the world into two broad camps, and, as both the Middle East and eastern Europe are strategic battlegrounds in this global conflict, their fates are inexorably intertwined.

Our adversaries — led by Russia, Iran, China and, to a lesser extent, North Korea — understand this. And they understand that, by working together, they can achieve their shared foreign policy goals and eventually reshape the global order to their advantage. Their growing collaboration and solidarity on this matter have been impressive.

When Russia invaded Ukraine, Beijing expanded its “no limits” partnership with Moscow, despite the risk of sanctions, and, in doing so, ensured that the Russian economy survived western isolation. Now, two years later, Russia is undertaking its biggest military buildup in generations with the help of Chinese technology and machine tools.

Meanwhile, Tehran did not hesitate to become Moscow’s main arms supplier and has, to date, sold thousands of kamikaze drones and hundreds of ballistic missiles that have rained destruction upon Ukraine’s cities and critical infrastructure. In return, Russia gave Iran fighter jets and attack helicopters that were previously earmarked for export to Egypt, a western-aligned power.

When Moscow faced critical shortages of artillery shells last year, Pyongyang procured millions of munitions to fill this gap and, in exchange, received access to Russian technology that has reportedly bolstered North Korea’s space and armaments industries.

Given these symbiotic relationships, which are only strengthening over time, it should be obvious that these powers constitute a de facto military alliance, even if they currently lack formal mutual defence agreements. Our enemies are different heads of the same, frightening hydra — and together they have shown a great deal of discipline, coordination and aggression in pursuit of their collective interests.

In contrast, the west has been feckless and indecisive.
…I wonder if that will bounce up the timeline with respect to the China Taiwan branch of the goat rodeo?


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
In the face of Russian expansionism, western leaders had an opportunity to humble our adversaries. But, out of an ill-advised fear of escalation, they took too long to open up their arsenals and revive defence industries, and thus squandered an opportunity for a quick and instructive victory.

As Russia’s invasion turned into a war of attrition, the West’s solidarity collapsed. Nowhere has this been more noticeable, and embarrassing, than in the United States, where new military aid to Ukraine has been blocked in Congress for months due to the obstructionism of a few radical Republicans.

Is growing conflict with Iran in any way surprising? Our collective weakness signalled to the Ayatollah that it might be possible to launch major attacks without serious consequence. If Iranian kamikaze drones could freely detonate in Europe, then what prevented them from terrorizing the Middle East? Nothing. It was only a matter of time until this happened.
View attachment 21806
If the West had simply given Ukraine enough weapons to expel Russia two years ago, then there is no way that Iran would have considered bombing Israel today. It would have been made clear that attacking a western ally is futile and costly. Israel was put in danger because Ukraine was allowed to suffer — and because too many policymakers failed to appreciate that seemingly-disparate regional conflicts are, in truth, just different theatres of the same war.

Iran’s drone and missile attack on Israel on Saturday would not have happened had the west shown more resolve against Russia over the past two years. Our indecisiveness in eastern Europe signalled to our enemies that we are weak and divided — so is it any surprise that they are now trying to exploit this to their advantage?

Some would like to believe that the struggles of Ukraine and Israel are unrelated, but those people are wrong. The fact is that we are in the midst of a new Cold War that is splitting the world into two broad camps, and, as both the Middle East and eastern Europe are strategic battlegrounds in this global conflict, their fates are inexorably intertwined.

Our adversaries — led by Russia, Iran, China and, to a lesser extent, North Korea — understand this. And they understand that, by working together, they can achieve their shared foreign policy goals and eventually reshape the global order to their advantage. Their growing collaboration and solidarity on this matter have been impressive.

When Russia invaded Ukraine, Beijing expanded its “no limits” partnership with Moscow, despite the risk of sanctions, and, in doing so, ensured that the Russian economy survived western isolation. Now, two years later, Russia is undertaking its biggest military buildup in generations with the help of Chinese technology and machine tools.

Meanwhile, Tehran did not hesitate to become Moscow’s main arms supplier and has, to date, sold thousands of kamikaze drones and hundreds of ballistic missiles that have rained destruction upon Ukraine’s cities and critical infrastructure. In return, Russia gave Iran fighter jets and attack helicopters that were previously earmarked for export to Egypt, a western-aligned power.

When Moscow faced critical shortages of artillery shells last year, Pyongyang procured millions of munitions to fill this gap and, in exchange, received access to Russian technology that has reportedly bolstered North Korea’s space and armaments industries.

Given these symbiotic relationships, which are only strengthening over time, it should be obvious that these powers constitute a de facto military alliance, even if they currently lack formal mutual defence agreements. Our enemies are different heads of the same, frightening hydra — and together they have shown a great deal of discipline, coordination and aggression in pursuit of their collective interests.

In contrast, the west has been feckless and indecisive.

That rug really ties the room together.

I said it before and Ill say it again. The USA is weak and in its death throws.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Israel and Iran on Friday both played down an apparent Israeli airstrike near a major air base and nuclear site in central Iran, signaling the two bitter enemies are ready to prevent their latest eruption of violence from escalating into a full-blown regional war.

But the indecisive outcome of weeks of tensions — which included an alleged Israeli strike that killed two Iranian generals, an unprecedented Iranian missile barrage on Israel and the apparent Israeli strike early Friday in the heart of Iran — did little to resolve the deeper grievances between the foes and left the door open to further fighting.

“It appears we’re closer than ever to a broad regional war, despite the fact that the international community will most likely make a great effort to de-escalate tensions,” wrote Amos Harel, the military-affairs commentator for the Israeli daily Haaretz.

Israel has long considered Iran to be its greatest enemy — citing the Islamic Republic’s calls for Israel’s destruction, its controversial nuclear program and its support for hostile proxies across the Middle East.

These tensions have risen since Hamas and Islamic Jihad, Iranian-backed Palestinian groups, attacked Israel on Oct. 7, sparking a devastating Israeli offensive in Gaza that has continued for more than six months. Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed proxy in Lebanon, immediately began striking Israeli targets, opening up tit-for-tat fighting along a second front, while Iranian-backed militias in Iraq, Syria and Yemen have also fired missiles and drones at Israel throughout the war.

While Israel and Iran have waged a shadow war for years, mostly in neighboring Syria, they have largely avoided direct confrontations. That changed after an April 1 airstrike killed two Iranian generals at an Iranian diplomatic compound in the Syrian capital of Damascus. Although Israel did not comment, Iran blamed Israel for the strike and vowed revenge.

Iran responded with its first-ever direct attack on Israel, launching over 300 missiles and attack drones late Saturday night. Israel, working with a U.S.-led international coalition, said it intercepted 99% of the incoming fire, though a handful of missiles managed to land, causing minor damage to an Israeli military base and seriously wounding a young girl.

In Friday’s attack, Iranian state television said that air defense batteries fired in several provinces over reports of drones in the air. Iranian army commander Gen. Abdolrahim Mousavi said crews targeted several flying objects.

“The explosion this morning in the sky of Isfahan was related to the shooting of air defense systems at a suspicious object that did not cause any damage,” Mousavi said.

Authorities said air defenses fired at a major air base near Isfahan, which long has been home to Iran’s fleet of American-made F-14 Tomcats — purchased before the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Isfahan also is home to sites associated with Iran’s nuclear program, including its underground Natanz enrichment site, which has been repeatedly targeted by suspected Israeli sabotage attacks. The apparent attack Friday came on Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s 85th birthday.

State television described all Iranian atomic sites in the areas as “fully safe.” The United Nations’ nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency, also said there was “no damage” to Iran’s nuclear sites.

Iranian officials made no mention of possible Israeli involvement. That could be intentional, particularly after Iranian officials for days have been threatening to respond to any Israeli retaliatory attack.

Israel also had no comment on the apparent attack, though one hard-line government minister, Itamar Ben-Gvir, hinted at his dissatisfaction, with a one-word tweet early Friday, using a slang word for weak or lame.
Charles Lister, a senior fellow at the Washington-based Middle East Institute and a longtime regional analyst, challenged Iran’s claims that drones carried out the attacks. It appears instead that a small number of Israeli aircraft flew from Israel over Syria — striking at least two southern Syria military bases that have air defense systems along the way, he said.

They then entered Iraqi airspace, from where they fired a small number of Blue Sparrow air-to-surface ballistic missiles, likely without ever entering Iranian airspace, Lister said.

Accounts of explosions over Iraq support that scenario, and so does debris from what appears to be the booster of an Israeli-made Blue Sparrow missile that Iraqi security found in a field outside Baghdad, Lister said.

“In other words, the Israelis would never have needed to enter Iranian airspace to conduct this attack,” Lister said. "I think this was Israel’s way of just sending a message that we can reach you anywhere we want.”

If this latest round subsides, Israel can now return its focus to its ongoing war in Gaza and the simmering fighting with Hezbollah. With neither of those fronts letting up, the risk of further run-ins with Iran remains high, though neither side appears eager after Friday's apparent Israeli attack.
So this was a “Roof Knock” as opposed to any actual retaliation then?
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