Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
It's strange. In this country, we call out people and even arrest them for hate speech. Except when it comes to donning terrorist propaganda and paramilitary garb on Canadian streets. It's telling that shortly after 9/11 or October 7th happened, hate from these groups was virtually ignored, replaced by sudden hysteria about Islamophobia and the religion of peace and love. I was a soldier; I served with many fine people, and my son served honorably. My commanding officer once told me that as a soldier in his unit, it was my responsibility to question orders if they were wrong. We have a code. These monsters have none. Ron summed it up well with the toothpaste analogy. As I said, I don't believe in a sky man. But I never have to fear that a Western country will take a hit out on me because I wrote a fantasy book that insulted their beliefs.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Yes, but so does Israel, and when Hamas attacked on October 7th, they had every right to retaliate in turn.
This is not retaliation.
And if you consider that Hamas work was a reaction to the transgression of the Zionists on the Aqsa Mosque and on the West Bank at the start.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Netanyahu is like Hitler
In fact, he is worse than Hitler with his savage war against Gaza and other parts of Palestine.
He and his ministers should be arraigned before the justice court for his war crimes and their war crimes.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Tel Aviv Zionists are not God-fearing
Had they feared God, they would not have committed their crimes against Muslims: the Palestinians and in particular the Gazans.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Netanyahu is like Hitler
In fact, he is worse than Hitler with his savage war against Gaza and other parts of Palestine.
He and his ministers should be arraigned before the justice court for his war crimes and their war crimes.
But they won't. Because Allah is not able to work His Holy Will in the world.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I advise Jews in Palestine and elsewhere
To fear God, and to believe in God as One God without associate or son or peers.
And to believe in all His messengers including Jesus and Mohammed.
And to believe in all God's heavenly books: the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran.
And to believe in the Hereafter where man will have his just dealing: reward and punishment.
And to be just with people: particularly Muslims and particularly the Palestinians.

Or else they will have a dark future and ominous outcome from God Almighty.

A Call to Contemporary Jews


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I advise Jews in Palestine and elsewhere
To fear God, and to believe in God as One God without associate or son or peers.
And to believe in all His messengers including Jesus and Mohammed.
And to believe in all God's heavenly books: the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran.
And to believe in the Hereafter where man will have his just dealing: reward and punishment.
And to be just with people: particularly Muslims and particularly the Palestinians.

Or else they will have a dark future and ominous outcome from God Almighty.

A Call to Contemporary Jews
What do you advise Hamas? Rape, torture, and murder more people?
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
A Call to Contemporary Jews
O people of the Scripture, your Scripture (or Book) was torn up by Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon, and your present Torah was altered by the hand of Ezra, the son of Siraeh. The statements, that God had revealed to His messenger Moses the son of Imran, have been changed, and the laws have been altered. Therefore, your religious duties have been altered, and your religious deeds (or rituals) have become wrong. So your religion has become torn up just as had your Book been torn.

While God – be glorified – has ordered you to believe in the religion of Islam, so obey the order of God, and believe in His messenger Mohammed, the son of Abdullah, and don’t be like the stubborn deniers: who deny God’s messengers; because that will let you lose in the Next Life, just as did your fathers lose, because they denied God’s prophets and hurt them, and “the man who warns he should not be blamed.”

God – be glorified – said in the Quran 5: 15, which means
(People of the Bible [: Jews and Christians], now has Our messenger [Mohammed] come expounding to you many things in the Book [or the Bible] that you were concealing, and many things else he disregards. There has come to you a light from God and a clear 'Book' [: the Quran.])

O people of the Bible, believe in the Quran which was sent down from God to Mohammed, the messenger of God, and which includes the word of God, and abandon the books which have been altered by the hands of men so they changed their rules and distorted their programs; so that you ceased to wash your bodies with water after copulation while that is prohibited for you, and you work with usury while it is prohibited by all religions. Therefore, do not hold fast with such religion.

Moreover, God has invited you to the religion of Islam, the generous religion that is the religion of easiness in which there are no restraints or difficulties, as it has been restrained for you in the Torah. It had been restrained for you as a punishment because you disobeyed His commandment and rebelled against His messenger Moses, so He made the religious duties (or rituals) heavy on you.

But now listen to my words, follow my advice, and believe in all God’s messengers so that God will be pleased with you and you will succeed in your Worldly life and the Hereafter, and abandon the stubbornness and pride; because the consequence of the stubbornness is only the regret and loss, just as how your forefathers lost when they denied and hurt the messengers (or apostles) of God; then likewise you will lose if you do not believe in Mohammed the son of Abdullah, the messenger of God.

God – be glorified – said in the Quran 3: 85, which means:
(Anyone seeks any religion, other than Islam, [his righteous work] will not be accepted from him [because the past religions were altered],
and he shall, in the Hereafter, be of those who lose [the prosperity of Paradise.]

God gave you respite, this whole period, [for reflection] to contemplate in his apostle-hood and to study His Quran and that you should believe in him.

God – be glorified – said in the Quran 7: 185, which means:
(And it may be their term is already drawing nigh [by death]; in what relation, after this [Quran], then will they believe?)

The interpretation:
There will be no heavenly book after the Quran to believe in it. Therefore, no excuse for you from now on, and anyone who will believe, a period of time after this explanation, then his belief will not be accepted from him.

God – be glorified – said in the Quran 6: 158, which means:
(On the day [that] one of your Lord's portents will come, it shall not profit a soul to believe [at that time] that never believed before [the occurrence of that portent], or earned some good by his belief.
Say [Mohammed to these associaters and idolaters]: "Wait you [for the occurrence of that portent; for] we [too] are waiting [for your death in order that We will punish you in the world of souls]."

The Conflict between the Torah and the Quran
By Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Did the entire Allied forces hide behind their own civilians, or put themselves between their civilians and threats to those civilians?
Both, at various times. As did the Axis.

Say what you will about courage or morality, it takes more balls than brains to take on an enemy as formidable as Israel.

And as ex-Air Force, I've never felt comfortable about condemning "killing innocent women and children." That was pretty much our mission. Let's just say the the Air Force has a. . . "looser" definition of collateral damage than the Army.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
This is not retaliation.
And if you consider that Hamas work was a reaction to the transgression of the Zionists on the Aqsa Mosque and on the West Bank at the start.
So murdering and raping innocent women and children at a concert is fine with you, yet Israel eliminating goat humping filth from the earth is bad?


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
So murdering and raping innocent women and children at a concert is fine with you, yet Israel eliminating goat humping filth from the earth is bad?

Well it's hardly like your opinion is actually going to matter if you're going to be a racist fuckhead.