Muslim Brotherly Love via Torch light

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
A call to the Iranian government:

A plight is obviously made by Tel Aviv in cooperation with their ally the US government ..

How can Iran be safe of such evil plight?
>> By relying on God alone
>> By refraining from the glorification of the imams and sheikhs and their tombs.
>> By observing God's commandments in the Quran.

Therefore, I invite the Iran government to stop supporting the ignorant men who glorify the imam shrines and tombs ..
to stop supporting the shrines and tombs of the imams, but instead to support the mosques of God ..
and to keep glorifying God alone .. seeking His help alone

If the Iran government observes this subject, then they will escape the plight and evil of the Zionists and the Imperialists .. or else the Iran government will lose.


Some practical steps against such 'shirk' or association with God:

1- to cut the financial support to the shrines and tombs of the imams .. and to direct such expenditure to the mosques.
2- to remove all the signboards from streets that invite to the glorification of the imams apart from God alone.
3- to stop every tradition or act, not written in the Quran, and which imply the glorification and sanctifying the imams and religious men apart from God alone.
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Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
A call to the Iranian government:

A plight is obviously made by Tel Aviv in cooperation with their ally the US government ..

How can Iran be safe of such evil plight?
>> By relying on God alone
>> By refraining from the glorification of the imams and sheikhs and their tombs.
>> By observing God's commandments in the Quran.

Therefore, I invite the Iran government to stop supporting the ignorant men who glorify the imam shrines and tombs ..
to stop supporting the shrines and tombs of the imams, but instead to support the mosques of God ..
and to keep glorifying God alone .. seeking His help alone

If the Iran government observes this subject, then they will escape the plight and evil of the Zionists and the Imperialists .. or else the Iran government will lose.


Some practical steps against such 'shirk' or association with God:

1- to cut the financial support to the shrines and tombs of the imams .. and to direct such expenditure to the mosques.
2- to remove all the signboards from streets that invite to the glorification of the imams apart from God alone.
3- to stop every tradition or act, not written in the Quran, and which imply the glorification and sanctifying the imams and religious men apart from God alone.

I don't profess Isl;am myself, but even non-Muslim scholars acknowledge that Muhammad himself had appointed 'Ali as the leader of the faithful. The Twelver Shi'a are actually right on that one.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I don't profess Isl;am myself, but even non-Muslim scholars acknowledge that Muhammad himself had appointed 'Ali as the leader of the faithful. The Twelver Shi'a are actually right on that one.

Whether he appointed Ali or not is irrelevant now, because Ali - salam to him - died and went to Paradise in Heaven, so now people should hold fast with the monotheism and the Quran.
Such centering about Ali will lead people to worship and glorify Ali apart from God alone.


A call to the Iranian people

The Iranin Muslim people should be alert to the plot of the Zionists and Imperialists : Tel Aviv and Washington
The way to become triumphant is:
>> To hold fast with God alone.
>> To abandon the idolatry in the form of glorifying the imam shrines and tombs, and instead to glorify God alone seeking His help.
>> To abandon every tradition not written in the Quran
>> To be alert about the impostors and religious men who invite to the enthusiasm about the imams and sheikhs.


The enthusiasm about the imams and the family of the Prophet

The enthusiasm in loving the imams will lead to glorifying them apart from God.
While the glorification and worshiping is due to God alone.


Glorifying the tombs of the imams is a kind of idolatry:

People will come to visit the erected tombs, and to ask their needs from them, and to glorify them apart from God, which will lead to the idolatry.


Building the Graves Is a Sin, and Sanctifying Them Is a Kind of Associating Them with God

This link is also for those who know Arabic:
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If the Iranian Muslim people and their government put their trust in God alone, and refrain from the enthusiasm about the imams - salam to them - and the family of the Prophet, they will be triumphant against their enemy, or else they will not.

Quran 3: 160, which means:
(If God helps you [against your enemies], none can overcome you;
but if He forsakes you
h, who then can help you other than Him? i

Therefore, in God [alone] let believers put all their trust.)

160 h If you seek help of those apart from Him.

160 i It means: seek God's help against your enemy and ask victory from Him in order to help you with victory, but never seek the help of others for then He will forsake you.

More explanation is in the link:

So basically you want them to stop being Shi'ites.

This is not related to being Shia or Sunni, but every enthusiasm about the imams or the companions of the Prophet is wrong and will lead to the idolatry.

So the Iran Muslim people should unite together and be alert to the devils among the Zionists of Tel Aviv and their allies (like Johnnny) who work to divide the Iranian people so as to weaken them.


Free thinking men and men with firm will among the Iranian Muslim people should work with zeal to fight the traditions that are not commanded in the Quran and to purify people from customs and habits that do not agree with the Quran .. and they will certainly be victorious and will prosper.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
If the Iranian Muslim people and their government put their trust in God alone, and refrain from the enthusiasm about the imams - salam to them - and the family of the Prophet, they will be triumphant against their enemy, or else they will not.
What does that even mean?? LOL

Allowing 'the West' to win construction contracts will see 15% completed using the oldest parts possible and the other 85% has no profit margin for them so it stalls there and decades pass and nothing changes.

Dealing with China and India would mean a slow start as they ramp up production for that line of products but at least when it is done it is as modern as possible and that means maintenance free for 50 years or so.

The West is also not in a position to be letting out big contracts, they are scrambling to save what is left of the manufacturing base. The Bronco will become 'the People's car'. That 'down time' is either used to rebuild or destroy what is left and the fattest people take it all.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
I appreciate your words here, MHz.

Some points here are worth mentioning:
1- Iran (and me also) does not like or wish for any conflict.
2- I hope for the peace and prosperity of Iran and all other countries of the world.
3- Such words that I said in this thread are only intended to show the way that Iran (and every other country in the world) will gain the dignity and prosperity if they follow the 'devotion to God alone'.
4- If individuals and states follow the commandments of God (in the heavenly books), they will be at excellent condition, and if they oppose such commandments, they will be corrupt and will lose.

This can be seen in the Book of Levites or Leviticus, chapter 26: that is to be with God, or to be against God.

Quran 14: 7, which means:
([O Jews], remember when your Lord was requested j [by your enemies to fight you but He did not permit them to do that; and He said to you]:
"If you are thankful, I will surely increase you[r blessing]; but if you are ungrateful, My punishment is terrible indeed [to the disbeliever and denier of My bounties.]"

7 j The meaning: Mohammed, mention to the [Jews] the story of the Sidonians, when you came to them and to their country; they asked God’s permission to fight you, but He did not permit them, then they asked His permission to welcome you and give you food and drink, and He permitted them to do so. This was some of His bounties to you; so you should thank Him for it.

The story: When the Israelite set forth in their exodus out of Egypt, and they approached the city of the Sidonians, their king gathered the chiefs and ministers and said to them: “The Children of Israel has approached us, and they are so many, and we cannot fight them, so what shall we do?”

After discussion, they said to him: “Consult God.”
So he wrote two signboards and hung them on the wall: on the first, he wrote: “I should fight them”, and he wrote on the other one: “I should welcome them with food and drink and hospitability.”

Then he threw an arrow towards them, and the arrow fell on the second; therefore, they took food and drink and went out to welcome them. Their story is mentioned in the Bible, the Book of Exodus.


This (event of the Sidonian) happened when the Israelite (together with Moses) were devoted to God alone, while the same event (of Nabuchodonosor) happened when the Israelite fell in the idolatry and were against God.

Quran 7: 167, which means:
([Remember, O Mohammed] that your Lord did [many times] give permission a [requested by the enemies of Jews] that ..
[Here God – be glorified – swore and said:]
He would send against [Jews] till the Doomsday, those who should visit them with evil chastisement;

[O Mohammed] your Lord surely is Swift at punishment [for wrong-doers], Most Forgiving [to those who repent], and Most Merciful [to those who regret.]

167 a i.e. the enemies of Jews asked God for permission to fight the Jews, and He permitted them that.

Ancient people had a custom that they consulted God by lots of arrows: so they wrote "Do" on a piece of parchment or a board, and on another one they wrote "Don't do", then they threw it with an arrow, so if the arrow hits the first, they say: "Our Lord permits us to do that!" But if it hits the second, they say: "He does not permit us that!"

So Nabuchodonosor took an arrow and asked God's permission to fight the Children of Israel, and he threw the arrow which fell on the first one on which was written "Do"; therefore, he marched with his army, fought and overcame them.
And this in fact is the meaning of ([Remember, O Mohammed] that your Lord did [many times] give permission); i.e. they asked Him to permit them to fight the Jews and He permitted them to do so.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The exodus wars was a program designed to exterminate all 6 fingered people as that was a requirement for the Law that governed the earth was changed from the Re:21 one to the 10 Commandments. A remnant from all the nations made up of 5 fingered people were married into the 12 Tribes. That shows the Jews are a conglomeration of people from all over the place rather than a selective group that shuns outsiders.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015


The U.S. will restore sanctions on Iran, raising tensions and deepening a divide with Europe after withdrawing from the nuclear deal.

Iran can retaliate militarily very easily. The US (with allies such as Canada) frequently sail fleets through the Straits of Hormuz into the Persian Gulf. The issue is that the Person Gulf is very shallow, the Straits very narrow and carriers have comparatively little ability to manoever, there. The Strait of Hormuz could be blocked and sealed quite easily, too and the Iranians could trap an entire carrier task force in shallow, hostile waters with minimal effort. They could then besiege that carrier and it's escorts with anti-ship missiles until it either sinks or is permanently disabled. Could the air arm on the carrier shoot it's way out? Not without help and it is more likely that they would be evacuated off of the carrier to land bases like Diego Garcia.

Science fiction?

Big maybe.
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
A call to the Iranian government:

A plight is obviously made by Tel Aviv in cooperation with their ally the US government ..

How can Iran be safe of such evil plight?
>> By relying on God alone
>> By refraining from the glorification of the imams and sheikhs and their tombs.
>> By observing God's commandments in the Quran.

Therefore, I invite the Iran government to stop supporting the ignorant men who glorify the imam shrines and tombs ..
to stop supporting the shrines and tombs of the imams, but instead to support the mosques of God ..
and to keep glorifying God alone .. seeking His help alone

If the Iran government observes this subject, then they will escape the plight and evil of the Zionists and the Imperialists .. or else the Iran government will lose.


Some practical steps against such 'shirk' or association with God:

1- to cut the financial support to the shrines and tombs of the imams .. and to direct such expenditure to the mosques.
2- to remove all the signboards from streets that invite to the glorification of the imams apart from God alone.
3- to stop every tradition or act, not written in the Quran, and which imply the glorification and sanctifying the imams and religious men apart from God alone.

You are an Israeli stooge?

God demands flesh and blood investment in the future.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In order to be successful and win in the present conflict with Washington and Tel Aviv ... the Iranian People should become with God alone:

>> To glorify God alone without glorifying others like the imams and their tombs and shrines.
>> To refrain from the enthusiasm about the Prophet and his family members and about Imam Ali and his sons.
>> To love God more than loving others.
>> To devote their religious worship to God alone.

Bearing in mind that "Whoso is with God, God will be with him."

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The reason why Jews and Christians have been set on Muslims:
Muslims have the Quran, yet they do not work according to its teachings .. particularly as regards to the true monotheism: (the devotion to God alone: glorifying Him alone apart from the imams and religious figures)

In fact Muslims have fallen in the idolatry: the enthusiasm about the imams and the companions of the prophet .. Muslims started to construct the tombs of the imams and to glorify these graves .. they seek help of imams rather than God's help, they give charity not for God alone, but for the love of the Prophet and the sons of Imam Ali.

Yes, indeed, we should love these imams and take them as examples in piety and righteousness.. but we should not magnify and glorify their persons and graves .. we love them, but our love to God must be more than loving others even though they are the Prophet family and Ali and his sons.

So this is the idolatry or the associating of these imams with God.
Therefore, when Muslims understand this and believe in God alone .. God then will be with them .. Muslims will then be dignified and united while their enemy: the idolaters, disbelievers and blasphemers will deteriorate and divide among themselves, and God's hand will be with Muslims who devote themselves to God alone without associate.
Those who know Arabic may see the following link with the explanation in Arabicسؤال_29_

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
The reason why Jews and Christians have been set on Muslims :

You failed to mention the primitive barbaric nomads who confuse the articles of their Islamic faith with their Stone-age tribal customs.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The reason why Jews and Christians have been set on Muslims :
You failed to mention the primitive barbaric nomads who confuse the articles of their Islamic faith with their Stone-age tribal customs.

Of course being a Zionist, you cannot keep silent, and cannot say other than such bubbling. :D

Know also that Jews and Christians have been set on Muslims at present, just as had Nebuchadnezzar been set on the Israelite in the past.

But this will change when Muslims have their wisdom and devote themselves to God alone without associating the imams and the companions of the prophet and their tombs.

Those who know Arabic may have more explanation in the link:قبور_الأولياء_
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If not Zionist, then worse than Zionist: a blasphemer and God's enemy.

Your purpose is to corrupt my call to people to devote themselves to God alone: by barring and hindering them from God and His Quran.

Those who know Arabic may have more explanation in the link:منهج_التوحيد_طريق_الفلاح_
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
If not Zionist, then worse than Zionist: a blasphemer and God's enemy.

Your purpose is to corrupt my call to people to devote themselves to God alone: by barring and hindering them from God and His Quran.
You are the only Muslim on here so why are you polluting the air waves with your propaganda on this site. Nobody here will listen or care what you think, say or do.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
The reason why Jews and Christians have been set on Muslims:

The reason is simple.

Different interpretations of what God is according to their source material (Torah and writings before it).

That's it.

The God of Islam is the same God of the Jews as it is the same God of Christians. But because all of them think they have the sole answer for how to worship said God, they can't not fight among themselves.

You're all vying for the favor of a God you all agree exists, you just aren't sure about how to deal with him in life.

If you'd all just get over yourselves and let people worship as they wish, then there wouldn't be the fighting and death that your so called God abhors (but really doesn't cause he's one of the worst instigators of murders ever created).
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