Timeline of the Israelite

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
These stubborn people who rebelled against God and His commandments, who worshiped Baal and Astaroth and the golden calf statues made for them by the Samartan and later on by Jeroboam son of Nabat.

Milestones on their timeline:
Assure conquering the northern kingdom.
The Babylonian conquered the southern kingdom
Titus the Roman general conquered them... leading to their Dispora.
The Mahdi will terminate them except those who submit themselves to God and His Quran.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
These stubborn people who rebelled against God and His commandments, who worshiped Baal and Astaroth and the golden calf statues made for them by the Samartan and later on by Jeroboam son of Nabat.

Milestones on their timeline:
Assure conquering the northern kingdom.
The Babylonian conquered the southern kingdom
Titus the Roman general conquered them... leading to their Dispora.
The Mahdi will terminate them except those who submit themselves to God and His Quran.
Sorry but nope. Mohammed was a nobody.
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Mosaic Hebrews and Gentiles that didnt follow the Judean sect (Jews).
God sent Abraham and the messengers before him, like Noah, to deliver the message of the One God and to oppose idolatry everywhere. Still, the ancient Israelites misinterpreted it and restricted it to their people alone, rather than to all humans.. this is like the Arabs might restrict the monotheism to themselves rather than to all non-Arabs in addition to the Arabs themselves.

So in the past, some Arabs (like the Israelites now) started to see themselves as loftier than other non-Arab peoples.

This misinterpretation by the Israelites (and others) came from their duty to fight idolatry and the idolaters. so while the surrounding peoples were idolaters then, this led to their restricting the monotheism to themselves, and to seeing themselves as loftier than other non-Israelite peoples.

The point is that the one guided to this 'monotheism and the exclusive devotion to God alone' is in fact has been favored by God Who guided him with His favor. But this does not mean that the guided one is preferred to other servants of God and other humans so that he will be proud of this, but rather should propagate monotheism in a way of gratitude to God Most Gracious.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In continuation of the first post:

They were evil people
God set the enemy of the Israelites on them, not because the Israelites were good people, but on the contrary: because they were evil people: transgressing on others and plundering the rights of the weak and the poor and because of their acquiring idolatry in stead of holding fast with the true monotheism and the exclusive devotion to God alone. So God sent them messengers and warners to advise them to worship God alone, but they did not listen to them and killed some of them.
They Killed the Prophets

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Sorry but nope. Mohammed was a nobody.
God set His messengers on the disbelievers and the idolaters and gives him victory against them. So he set Prophet Mohammed on the disbelievers among the people of the Torah, and he destroyed them, following in that God's command, as will God set the Mahdi shortly, God willing.

Quran 59: 2-6, which mean:
(2. It is [God] Who expelled those people of the Scripture who disbelieved, out of their habitation, [so that] as soon as they met together [to discuss the matter of the besiege; they agreed to leave their village near Medina.]
You [believers] did not imagine that they would leave, and they thought that their fortresses would defend them against God.
But God brought [the army of the Muslims] against them from where they did not expect, and He cast terror into their hearts; so that they started to destroy their houses with their own hands and with the hands of the believers.

Therefore understand this lesson, you [men] who have insight!

3. Had God not decreed the exile for them, He would otherwise have chastised them [with slaying, imprisoning, and captivity] in the life of the World; and there awaits them in the Hereafter the chastisement of the Fire.

4. Such [exiling from their habitation] was [their reward] because they opposed [the command of] God and [the command of] His messenger.

[Then God – be glorified – threatened those who follow their example in opposing the command of God and His messenger, so He said:]
And whosoever opposes [the command of] God, then surely God will severely punish them [in the Hereafter, on account of their opposing the command of their Lord.]

[When the Prophet besieged the tribe of Beni Nadhier, he ordered the cutting of some palm-trees outside the wall [of the city] in order to open a way to reach to the wall.
So the Jews said: “Mohammed, you forbade the indecency, then what’s the matter with you today that you cut off the palm trees?”
Therefore, this aya was revealed:]

5. Whatever young palm-tree you [believers] did cut down or that you left standing upon their roots, was by God's leave and to disgrace the disobedient [Jews.]

6. And whatever Fayá [: spoils of war] God has given to His messenger from them, for which you troubled neither horse nor riding-camel [to reach the village of Beni Nadhier.]
God gives power to His messengers over whomever He will; God is Most Able to do all things.)


Similarly, He will give the Mahdi a manifest victory against the savage Zionists, and all the world will be delighted for his justice,.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
If you want to know how evil are the Zionists of Tel Aviv, see the example of Gaza: the Palestinians killed a few Zionists and took some others captives ... the Zionists reaction was: destroying all Gaza and the killing of 30 000 of the Palestinians and double of this number wounded. And now they besiege Rafah with its crowded people and threaten to attack them.

But God the Just is watching over His servants, and He will do whatever He wills: none whoever can prevent Him:

God - be glorified - said in the Quran 17: 8 addressing the Children of Israel:
(If you return [to your corruption and transgression] We will return [to take revenge on you.])
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
In fact, if we study history of the Zionists and their ancestors, we find that God set on them many many of their enemies to destroy them and to enslave them, on account of their evil manners and rancor and hatred towards others.
Pharaoh might be the first one and Hitler might not be the last.
In addition to their conflicts and wars among themselves.
This is because of their idolatry and disobedience to God's prophets, and because of their wrongdoing and transgression: Gaza is an outstanding example.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
God set His messengers on the disbelievers and the idolaters and gives him victory against them. So he set Prophet Mohammed on the disbelievers among the people of the Torah, and he destroyed them, following in that God's command, as will God set the Mahdi shortly, God willing.

Quran 59: 2-6, which mean:
(2. It is [God] Who expelled those people of the Scripture who disbelieved, out of their habitation, [so that] as soon as they met together [to discuss the matter of the besiege; they agreed to leave their village near Medina.]
You [believers] did not imagine that they would leave, and they thought that their fortresses would defend them against God.
But God brought [the army of the Muslims] against them from where they did not expect, and He cast terror into their hearts; so that they started to destroy their houses with their own hands and with the hands of the believers.

Therefore understand this lesson, you [men] who have insight!

3. Had God not decreed the exile for them, He would otherwise have chastised them [with slaying, imprisoning, and captivity] in the life of the World; and there awaits them in the Hereafter the chastisement of the Fire.

4. Such [exiling from their habitation] was [their reward] because they opposed [the command of] God and [the command of] His messenger.

[Then God – be glorified – threatened those who follow their example in opposing the command of God and His messenger, so He said:]
And whosoever opposes [the command of] God, then surely God will severely punish them [in the Hereafter, on account of their opposing the command of their Lord.]

[When the Prophet besieged the tribe of Beni Nadhier, he ordered the cutting of some palm-trees outside the wall [of the city] in order to open a way to reach to the wall.
So the Jews said: “Mohammed, you forbade the indecency, then what’s the matter with you today that you cut off the palm trees?”
Therefore, this aya was revealed:]

5. Whatever young palm-tree you [believers] did cut down or that you left standing upon their roots, was by God's leave and to disgrace the disobedient [Jews.]

6. And whatever Fayá [: spoils of war] God has given to His messenger from them, for which you troubled neither horse nor riding-camel [to reach the village of Beni Nadhier.]
God gives power to His messengers over whomever He will; God is Most Able to do all things.)


Similarly, He will give the Mahdi a manifest victory against the savage Zionists, and all the world will be delighted for his justice,.
Did Mohammed obey the 10 commandments?

Yes or no?
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In fact, if we study history of the Zionists and their ancestors, we find that God set on them many many of their enemies to destroy them and to enslave them, on account of their evil manners and rancor and hatred towards others.
Pharaoh might be the first one and Hitler might not be the last.
In addition to their conflicts and wars among themselves.
This is because of their idolatry and disobedience to God's prophets, and because of their wrongdoing and transgression: Gaza is an outstanding example.
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Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
These stubborn people who rebelled against God and His commandments, who worshiped Baal and Astaroth and the golden calf statues made for them by the Samartan and later on by Jeroboam son of Nabat.

Milestones on their timeline:
Assure conquering the northern kingdom.
The Babylonian conquered the southern kingdom
Titus the Roman general conquered them... leading to their Dispora.
The Mahdi will terminate them except those who submit themselves to God and His Quran.


How about if you want to talk timelines, you start from the beginning, okay?

Don't use your flawed version of the Bible, the Quran, and the Torah.

Talk history, NOT myth.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Did Mohammed obey the 10 commandments?
Yes or no

Prophet Mohammed - peace be on him - obeyed the Ten Commandments of God in the Quran.
The Ten Commandments In The Quran

(Quran 6: 151.
Say [O Mohammed, to these associaters and idolaters:] "Come, I will recite to you what your Lord has forbidden you [in the Book]:
>> that you associate not anything with Him,
>> and that you do good to parents,
>> and that you slay not your children because of poverty – We provide for you and for them,
>> and that you come not near to adultery whether open or concealed,
>> and that you kill not the [living] person, which God did forbid save by right.

This [statement] He has commanded you; haply you will understand.

6: 152.
>> And approach not the wealth of the orphan [with betrayal] but only in the fairer [way], till he reaches maturity.
>> Give full weight and full measure, with justice [: without any defect.]
We task not any soul more than its capacity.

>> And when you [people] pronounce [a witness or a judicial decision], then be just, even though he is a kinsman.
>> And fulfill the covenant of God [that you covenant with anybody.]
That [statement] He has commanded you with; so that you may receive admonition.

6: 153. Surely, this [religion of Islam] is My 'standard and straight' way;
>> Therefore do you [men] follow it, but [in the future] follow not other ways [of falsehood], lest you should be parted from His way [because of the plighting and designing of the associaters of the other ways.]

This [warning] He has commanded you with; haply you will ward off [their plights and wickedness.])

The Conflict between the Torah and the Quran

N.B. The commandments in the Torah of Ezra were regarding "your kindred or relative or neighbor" while in the Quran the commandments concerned all people not only the relatives or neighbors.
The Ten Commandments in the Torah of Ezra
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