The Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
BRITISH ministers are “no longer discounting” the theory that coronavirus originated after leaking from a Chinese bio research lab in Wuhan, according to reports.

Senior sources have reportedly admitted while the “balance of scientific advice” is that the virus originated naturally, a leak is also being considered by security services.

Theories about the origins of coronavirus being linked to a lab in Wuhan have been batted around since the early days out of the outbreak.

One member of Cobra, the emergency committee led by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, said security services are now considering a possible leak, reports The Mail on Sunday.

The source added however they did not dispute the virus was “zoonotic” - meaning it originated in animals.

Chinese officials have previously attempted to dismiss claims of a leak as "internet rumours".

The government source’s comments come as pressure ratchets up on China to come clean over the outbreak.

The member of Cobra, which receives classified briefings from British intelligence, said: “There is a credible alternative view [to the zoonotic theory] based on the nature of the virus.

“Perhaps it is no coincidence that there is that laboratory in Wuhan. It is not discounted.”
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
BRITISH ministers are “no longer discounting” the theory that coronavirus originated after leaking from a Chinese bio research lab in Wuhan, according to reports.

Senior sources have reportedly admitted while the “balance of scientific advice” is that the virus originated naturally, a leak is also being considered by security services.

Theories about the origins of coronavirus being linked to a lab in Wuhan have been batted around since the early days out of the outbreak.

One member of Cobra, the emergency committee led by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, said security services are now considering a possible leak, reports The Mail on Sunday.

The source added however they did not dispute the virus was “zoonotic” - meaning it originated in animals.

Chinese officials have previously attempted to dismiss claims of a leak as "internet rumours".

The government source’s comments come as pressure ratchets up on China to come clean over the outbreak.

The member of Cobra, which receives classified briefings from British intelligence, said: “There is a credible alternative view [to the zoonotic theory] based on the nature of the virus.

“Perhaps it is no coincidence that there is that laboratory in Wuhan. It is not discounted.”

It IS VERY POSSIBLE that China MAY HAVE be engaging some sort of biological warfare effort! Consider this older article with its unanswered questions about Chinese activities!

Oh what a tangled political web is woven when LIE-berals try to virtue signal their cultural values and their love of Soviet Socialism!!

Some months ago - meaning in late summer 2019 - we witnessed a couple of Chinese scientists - collaborating at a Cdn institute - being QUIETLY ARRESTED AND DEPORTED after sending samples of some viruses back to China - for some ill defined reason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the time RCMP said little about what harm the guys might have done - but others whispered that China might be doing parallel research in order to develop ALTERNATE VERSIONS of viruses that could not be cured by western medicine!!

The speculation was that China might be trying to engineer a virus that only Chinese medicine could cure- and thus they could sell US THE CURE - at a HANDSOME PROFIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is worth recalling that China believes IT MUST HAVE 10 percent growth in its economy EVERY YEAR in order to satisfy the growing consumer desires of its people!! So we should ask - HOW FAR China will go to satisfy that NEED???????

Is the new Corona Virus - with its rather unique ability to be infectious even before a victim shows signs of infection revealing Chinese medical engineering that got out of control?? The new Corona virus is MUCH MORE INFECTIOUS BUT LESS DEADLY than the older SARS Corona Virus - and should ask - has it been ENGINEERED by Chinese to be that way???????????????

In RECENT news - there are reports online that BLAME China for creating the new Corona virus!! Are these reports written by CRANKS or are they right in their accusations??

WE know that China has reacted much more strongly to the new virus than they did to SARS - should we assume it is simply the natural reaction of a govt to a new disease - after learning hard lessons about SARS?? Or is the Chinese reaction MORE SINISTER - because it represents INSIDE KNOWLEDGE of how much more easily the new virus can be spread????????????????????

In related news - what a difference a few days makes - for the stories our LIE-beral overlords offer us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the beginning of the week - our federal LIE-beral health minister Patty Hajdu appeared on tv to assure us that all was under control and that there was screening at Cdn airports that would catch suspected ill travellers before they could enter Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But then we heard of a traveller - showing signs of fever and illness - flying back from WUHAN - the disease epicentre - and breezing through the vaunted Cdn airport screening - without being obstructed - and of course the guy turned out to be infected with the Wuhan virus - and HIS WIFE ALSO IS INFECTED - and of course Cdn health officials are now chasing down everybody who was on the plane - SITTING WITHIN THREE ROWS of these passengers -while PRETENDING they have no worries about other passengers and crew who may have used he same washrooms as the infected guy - and of course they will also have to CHASE DOWN AND TEST every person that came in contact with an infected passenger - and any of those contacts in the wider Cdn society - grocery store cashiers, waiters in restaurants, cab drivers, passengers on trains, baggage handlers - ALL OF THEM ARE POTENTIAL VICTIMS of that one clown who breezed through our airport screening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And his wife was NOT showing symptoms on the plane - but developed symptoms later - so how many people DID SHE INFECT before visibly falling ill?? The INSIDIOUS NATURE of the Wuhan Virus is that people become contagious BEFORE they show symptoms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the response of our LIE-beral health minister Hajdu to this HUGE THREAT is THIS::: “Oh well, airport screening really is not effective anyway”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IN RELATED NEWS - some LIE-beral minded DORKS began whining that using QUARANTINE to prevent disease spread was like “using an atomic bomb” on a minor issue - but of course that WAS BEFORE Wuhan Virus infected MORE PEOPLE WORLD WIDE than SARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smug LIE-beral complacency breeds ILLNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now we have Air Canada and others HALTING scheduled flights to China in a belated - after the horse escaped so lets close the barn door - reaction to growing public UNEASE!! And of course given the number of people who would WANT to fly to China right now - the airlines CAN CANCEL their China flights without losing a penny since NOBODY wants to travel there now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In related news - some Ontari-ow school boards- that happen to have substantial numbers of Chinese people in the community are asking that those who VISITED WUHAN recently to “SELF QUARANTINE”!! Meaning STAY HOME and out of community contact till they can be sure they are not infected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet our always virtue signaling RACIST LIE-beral loons see asking for such self quarantining as RACIST since it singles out Chinese people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I SAY HELLO LIE-beral IDIOTS - the disease originated in China and those who are most likely to be infected are people WHO HAVE BEEN TO WUHAN or other Chinese cities with a substantial number of sick people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To QUARANTINE PEOPLE WHO HAVE possibly been exposed to the virus IS NOT RACIST - since it is SIMPLY A MATTER OF GEOGRAPHY and medicine!

LIE-berals are following the SAME PLAY BOOK that enabled SARS to do so much damage!! LIE-berals virtue signal race crap while sick people travel and infect others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

During the SARS epidemic - some people such as myself RAGED that the airports continued to accept flights from infected regions - with NO real testing of passengers for possible illness - LIE-berals did not want to lose the tax gravy that would be lost by shutting down the airports!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals also did not want to panic the public by revealing HOW DANGEROUS SARS REALLY WAS!! Thus LIE-berals DID NOT monitor those who were under quarantine and as a result - Toronto saw an initial wave of SARS deaths that was fading - until some people under quarantine GOT BORED AND WENT OUTSIDE and infected a new wave of victims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The most egregious case was some guy who broke his quarantine to go to a funeral and in the process he infected a LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE!! LIE-berals are no more SERIOUS about quarantining sick people now than they were with SARS - and that casual crap is going to COST US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In related news - LIE-berals are planning to bring several hundred Cdns back from China - as soon as they can figure out WHAT IN HELL TO DO WITH THEM!!!!!!!

THE UGLY REALITY of LIE-beral rationing of health care IS NOW EXPOSED!!!

WUHAN VIRUS PATIENTS need a level of QUARANTINE CARE and sanitation that WE CURRENTLY CANNOT PROVIDE in our rationed health care system!!!!

The Yankees are holding their returnees in an isolated air base- while the Australians have a handy isolated Island for their returnees - but what does Canada have to hold returnees?? Nothing of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And OF COURSE THERE IS THE LARGER LIE-beral issue of WHO WILL PAY because the returnees come from various provinces and health care is a provincial deal - NOT a federal responsibility - thus our ability to return citizens to Canada is partly HAMSTRUNG by LIE-beral determination to DUCK THE BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral handling of the Wuhan Virus situation exposes ALL that is wrong with both Cdn health care and with LIE-beral political virtue signaling!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are prepared to risk your kids lives - by suggesting it is RACIST to quarantine people who have traveled in the Wuhan area recently!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We should expect that the Wuhan virus will follow the same sort of path as SARS - that it will most heavily impact the very young and the elderly!! Your aged parents and your kids are the most likely victims -as is usual in ANY serious outbreak of disease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It s just TOO BAD that LIE-berals are willing to risk so many lives and so much health care expense just so they can show the Beijing Butchers that Canada is THEIR PAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But then what else should we expect from LIE-berals whose leaders - such as Pierre Trudeau - have praised what Pierre called “The genius of Chairman Mao in rushing 30 million Chinese peasants to the gallows”!! And Our idiot Boy Justin Trudeau has told us “He likes the way the Chinese get things done” - and that Justin “admires the basic Chinese democracy”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cdn LIE-beral virtue signaling MAY JUST COST US MULTIPLE LIVES if Wuhan Virus is not handled MORE EFFECTIVELY than SARS WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Trump Suggests China May Be ‘Knowingly Responsible’ for Virus

President Donald Trump raised the prospect that China deliberately caused the Covid-19 outbreak that’s killed over 38,000 Americans and said there should be consequences if the country is found to be “knowingly responsible.”
“Let’s see what happens with their investigation. But we’re doing investigations also,” Trump said at a White House news conference on Saturday. “If it was a mistake, a mistake is a mistake. But if they were knowingly responsible, yeah, then there should be consequences.”...……...More

Australia demands coronavirus enquiry, adding to pressure on China

MELBOURNE, (Reuters) - Australia on Sunday added to growing pressure on China over its handling of the novel coronavirus, questioning its transparency and demanding an international investigation into the origins of the virus and how it spread.
The coronavirus is believed to have emerged in a market selling wildlife in the central Chinese city of Wuhan late last year. It has spread around the world infecting some 2.3 million people and killing nearly 160,000 of them, according to Reuters calculations.
Australia's foreign minister, Marise Payne, said her concern about China's transparency was at a "a very high point".
"The issues around the coronavirus are issues for independent review, and I think that it is important that we do that," Payne told ABC television.
"In fact, Australia will absolutely insist on that."....More
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Trump Suggests China May Be ‘Knowingly Responsible’ for Virus

Australia demands coronavirus enquiry, adding to pressure on China

There have been reports - swiftly suppressed by LIE-beral loving Cdn news media - that Chinese researchers have been aware of and

have been studying Wuhan Virus for close to 20 years!

In fact there are Yankee military records of occasional "SPILLS" of various viral material from rather SLOPPY Chinese labs!

We will probably NEVER know the truth about Wuhan Virus - other than how it came from China courtesy of SLOPPY SANITATION

and careless indifference to travellers carrying the Pestilence around the world on air planes!

One HAS TO ASSUME that if any Chinese person in the know actually tried to speak to any media - that persons family would be

getting a GOVT BILL for the cost of the bullet shot into the big mouth`s brain!

Red China and its Beijing Butchers are becoming increasingly UNEASY about its current LACK OF FRIENDS in the suddenly cold and lonely world!


Hubba Hubba
Apr 18, 2005
Das Kapital
I think the idea that it could be economic sabotage against China isn't unreasonable given how well we've been getting a long with them over the last year or more. And when I see we, I"m including my hero Donald Trump in that group lol


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
I think the idea that it could be economic sabotage against China isn't unreasonable given how well we've been getting a long with them over the last year or more. And when I see we, I"m including my hero Donald Trump in that group lol

Its a stupid theory.