The Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
China rejects calls for inquiry into virus origins

China has rejected calls for an independent international investigation into the origin of the coronavirus.
A top diplomat in the UK, Chen Wen told the BBC the demands were politically motivated and would divert China's attention from fighting the pandemic.
Information about the origin of Covid-19 and how it initially spread could help countries tackle the disease.
The virus is thought to have emerged at a wildlife market in the city of Wuhan late last year.
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Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
China coronavirus cases might have been four times official figure, says study

Yeah - the Beijing Butchers GET CAUGHT LYING AGAIN - and it is Trump that LIE-berals TURN ON and slag!

Simply because Trump points out the LIE and acts to punish the liars!

LIE-berals are SO DESPERATE to hang onto their nice political positions - you REALLY HAVE TO WONDER

HOW POORLY LIE-berals WERE RECEIVED when they applied for jobs in the privater sector!


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Can't hold his beer typing on this forum................



Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Australia rejects Chinese 'economic coercion' threat amid planned coronavirus probe

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne has cautioned China against attempts at "economic coercion" as Australia pushes for an investigation into the coronavirus pandemic that China opposes.
Chinese ambassador to Australia, Cheng Jingye, said in a newspaper interview on Monday the "Chinese public" could avoid Australian products and universities.
Australia last week called for all members of the World Health Organization (WHO) to support an independent review into the origins and spread of the coronavirus, and is lobbying world leaders.
China's foreign ministry has attacked the proposal.
"Maybe the ordinary people will say 'Why should we drink Australian wine? Eat Australian beef?'," Cheng said in the interview published on the front page of The Australian Financial Review.
Cheng said it was possible that tourists may have "second thoughts" about visiting Australia.
"The parents of the students would also think... whether this is the best place to send their kids," he added......More

Threatening Australia if they go through with voting for a probe, wow must be something to hide.

EU ‘watered down’ report on Chinese disinformation about Covid-19

The European Union’s foreign policy chief is facing questions over allegations that a report about Chinese disinformation over Covid-19 was watered down in response to pressure from Beijing.
In a letter to Josep Borrell, the Dutch MEP Bart Groothuis calls for a “formal and full explanation to the European parliament” about the evolution of an EU report on disinformation, amid emerging evidence it had been altered under Chinese pressure.
The row escalated last week after the New York Times reported that EU officials delayed and then rewrote the report after China tried to block its release. “The Chinese are already threatening with reactions if the report comes out,” Lutz Güllner, head of communications at the EU foreign service, wrote to colleagues last Tuesday, in an email seen by the paper.
The report was published on the EU’s monitoring website EU vs Disinfo on Friday. A survey of disinformation and misinformation about Covid-19 around the world, the report largely summarises and analyses publicly available information. It notes a “continued and coordinated push by some actors, including Chinese sources, to deflect any blame for the outbreak of the pandemic and highlighting bilateral assistance”, as well as “significant evidence of covert Chinese operations on social media”.
Groothuis told the Guardian that the EU appeared to have “caved in on substance”, as he said an earlier version of the report had provided details of false Chinese government claims. For instance, he said, it reported untrue claims from China that 80 French politicians had signed a statement using a racist slur to denigrate the head of the World Health Organization.
Groothuis, a former analyst at the Dutch ministry of defence, said it was extremely important for the EU’s senior management to back independent factual analysis. “China will become stronger, more prosperous and powerful, also militarily. It won’t be the last time they will try to intervene in internal politics of the EU.” He said it was time for the EU to send a clear signal: “If this is true, this can’t happen again in the future.”.....More

Interesting, seeing dissention in the EU ranks


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
What does Beijing have to hide?

CLEARLY the Beijing Butchers HAVE LOTS TO HIDE!

Such as why they were studying Wuhan Virus in the lab in the first place!

Nobody bothers to study harmless items -thus it seems HIGHLY LIKELY that China HAD GOOD REASON to be afraid

of the Wuhan Virus! And since SARS, Swine Flu and Bird Flu all emerged from Chinese "wet markets" with their HUGELY

UNSANITARY food handling conditions - it seems HIGHLY LIKELY that China recognized that Wuhan Virus MIGHT end up

as a hugely costly Pandemic - AND CHINA GUESSED RIGHT! Too bad they did not find a cure before the Pandemic occurred!

And lets face it -why would Beijing Butchers go to the trouble of puttiing huge pressure on the E.U. UNLESS they were afraid



Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Trump says China could have stopped Covid-19 and suggests US will seek damages

Only relevant part of the attack piece

Trump responded to questions about a German newspaper editorial calling for China to pay Germany $165bn, suggesting he would also seek damages.
“Germany is looking at things, we are looking at things,” he said. “We are talking about a lot more money than Germany’s talking about.”
“We haven’t determined the final amount yet,” Trump said. “It’s very substantial.”
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Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
China Mounts Aggressive Defense to Calls for Coronavirus Compensation

China is pushing back against the growing chorus of voices around the world calling for the country to pay compensation for the damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan.
Politicians in the United States are “lying through their teeth,” a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Geng Shuang, said at a news briefing on Tuesday.
The spokesman’s comments came one day after President Trump suggested that the United States would seek “substantial” compensation for Beijing’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak.

Richard McGregor, a China analyst with the Lowy Institute in Sydney, said the dispute reflects China’s refusal to accept criticism at a time when its rival, the United States, seems weak and continues to struggle with the virus, political division and mass unemployment.
“Beijing is mounting an all-hands-on-deck, no-holds-barred, global diplomatic effort to stem any move anywhere to censure it over its handling of the initial coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan,” Mr. McGregor said.
He stressed that the Chinese government sees this as a pivotal moment “to make a generational advance in their global position at the expense of Washington.”...……….More


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
A Chinese newspaper that are opposed to Xi are racist? Riiiight.

The Epoch Times, a free newspaper typically found in street boxes, is coming under fire for advancing a conspiracy theory about the origin of the coronavirus — and putting it straight into people's mailboxes unsolicited.

Some Canadians who received it by mail and a postal carrier who says he is forced to deliver it are angry over a special eight-page edition of the paper exploring the idea that the virus that causes COVID-19 was created as a biological weapon and arguing it should be called "the CCP virus," a reference to the Chinese Communist Party.
People in Oakville, Etobicoke, Markham, and Toronto, Ont. all reported getting copies of a special edition of The Epoch Times, as did residents in North Vancouver and Kelowna, B.C., and Winnipeg. It's not clear that all those papers were delivered by Canada Post...………...More

And what gives the right to Canada postal carriers to decide it is right or wrong to deliver the papers?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
A Chinese newspaper that are opposed to Xi are racist? Riiiight.

And what gives the right to Canada postal carriers to decide it is right or wrong to deliver the papers?

Cdn civil service union HOG posties are STAUNCH supporters of all LIE-beral policy!

An attack on LIE-beral policy - even on the LIE-beral support for Beijing Butchers - IS AN ATTACK ON HOGS!

Thus Posties reserve the right NOT to deliver stuff they do not politically agree with!

Just as CBC / Communist Broadcasting Corp - our Cdn version of Pravda - RESERVES THE RIGHT

TO DELIBERATELY CENSOR Conservative party comment and opinion!

The LIE-beral LOVE of censorship in defense of their Soviet Socialist propaganda is POISONOUS!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Interesting, and how did the WHO miss this in their assessment of COVIDD-19?

United Front groups in Canada helped Beijing stockpile coronavirus safety supplies

In mid-January, Chinese consulates in Canada and worldwide issued an urgent call. China was concerned that the new coronavirus raging in Wuhan was so deadly and infectious that its nurses and doctors would run out of safety supplies.
It needed personal protective equipment (PPE).
In just six weeks, China imported 2.5 billion pieces of epidemic safety equipment, including over two billion safety masks, Chinese government data shows.
And this raises big concerns on a number of fronts, say critics, including Conservative MP Erin O’Toole.

READ MORE: China will replace faulty masks, swabs as Ottawa ramps up equipment procurement

China was evidently hiding the extent of a pandemic that endangered the world while covertly securing PPE at low prices. This “surreptitious” operation left “the world naked with no supply of PPE,” Jorge Guajardo, Mexico’s former ambassador to Beijing, told Global News.
The result: starting in March, after COVID-19 had circled the globe, countries that provided masks to China in January and February were forced to compete for China’s supply.
By late January, sources in manufacturing and military circles were warning western governments that China seemed to be covertly seizing global PPE supply, O’Toole and Guajardo said.
But leaders in Canada didn’t act, according to O’Toole.
“One source told me in January it became well-known amongst military and emergency services that China was stockpiling masks and basically buying out as many quantities as it could,” he said in an interview with Global News. “And we know, ... that senior officials, in the end of January and the early days of February, are equally aware at Public Works Canada, with respect to a run on PPEs."
An investigation by Global News examines the troubling methods and underground actors used by Beijing to quietly corner the world’s supply of PPE in a state-level operation.
China used diplomatic channels, state-owned businesses and Chinese diaspora community associations that are thought to be increasingly under the influence of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s powerful United Front Work Department (UFWD).
And through clandestine United Front networks run out of Chinese consulates in cities from Vancouver to Toronto to New York to Melbourne to Tokyo, the Communist Party urged millions of “overseas Chinese” to bulk-buy N95 masks in order to ship “back batches of scarce supplies for the motherland.”

READ MORE: Toronto hospitals begin rationing protective gear as COVID-19 crisis deepens

As troubling as China’s methods were, the operation looks even worse under a magnifying glass because some organizations seemingly involved in the United Front’s efforts in Canada include members that have previously been monitored or investigated by the RCMP and Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), according to RCMP and CSIS sources.
Under the radar
China’s PPE import operation was portrayed by its state media as a warlike effort. And it was a dramatic success.
According to a U.S. congressional report released in April, from Jan. 24 to Feb. 29, China ramped up its production of masks and slapped export restrictions on China-based foreign companies such as Canadian mask maker Medicom and U.S. mask maker 3M.
At the same time, China imported 2.02 billion safety masks, according to Beijing’s March 2020 customs records.
“To ensure sufficient domestic supplies to counter COVID-19 (Beijing directed) regional offices in China and overseas to work with PRC industry associations to prioritize securing supplies from global sources,” the report says.
The global callout for masks was posted to UFWD websites and sent to Chinese consulates where United Front officials are embedded.
The requests occurred around Jan. 14 and 15, when Chinese officials received confidential instructions from Xi, and all regions were warned to “prepare for and respond to a pandemic,” according to leaked documents cited in an Associated Press investigation. Hospital staff were ordered to don protective gear.
Guajardo, Mexico’s former ambassador to Beijing, told Global News that by Jan. 23, when China locked down Wuhan, he had recognized Beijing was involved in massive PPE imports.
Guajardo, who now works in a Washington, D.C., consultancy, said in mid-January, he was contacted by a source in Mexican supply chain logistics.
“They said, you know a funny thing, I’m being swamped by orders to send all the N95 I can find to China.”
He said he completed some checks in the United States and judged PPE stock was vanishing from retail locations through “under the radar” methods.
“I thought, ‘Oh my God, they are buying all the N95 supply in the world,'” Guajardo told Global News.
He was so convinced that he sent an ominous tweet on Jan. 27 forecasting an impending shortage of PPE in North America.
In mid-January, Chinese consulates in Canada and worldwide issued an urgent call. China was concerned that the new coronavirus raging in Wuhan was so deadly and infectious that its nurses and doctors would run out of safety supplies.
It needed personal protective equipment (PPE).
In just six weeks, China imported 2.5 billion pieces of epidemic safety equipment, including over two billion safety masks, Chinese government data shows.
And this raises big concerns on a number of fronts, say critics, including Conservative MP Erin O’Toole.

READ MORE: China will replace faulty masks, swabs as Ottawa ramps up equipment procurement

China was evidently hiding the extent of a pandemic that endangered the world while covertly securing PPE at low prices. This “surreptitious” operation left “the world naked with no supply of PPE,” Jorge Guajardo, Mexico’s former ambassador to Beijing, told Global News.
The result: starting in March, after COVID-19 had circled the globe, countries that provided masks to China in January and February were forced to compete for China’s supply.
By late January, sources in manufacturing and military circles were warning western governments that China seemed to be covertly seizing global PPE supply, O’Toole and Guajardo said.
But leaders in Canada didn’t act, according to O’Toole.
“One source told me in January it became well-known amongst military and emergency services that China was stockpiling masks and basically buying out as many quantities as it could,” he said in an interview with Global News. “And we know, ... that senior officials, in the end of January and the early days of February, are equally aware at Public Works Canada, with respect to a run on PPEs."
An investigation by Global News examines the troubling methods and underground actors used by Beijing to quietly corner the world’s supply of PPE in a state-level operation.
China used diplomatic channels, state-owned businesses and Chinese diaspora community associations that are thought to be increasingly under the influence of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s powerful United Front Work Department (UFWD).
And through clandestine United Front networks run out of Chinese consulates in cities from Vancouver to Toronto to New York to Melbourne to Tokyo, the Communist Party urged millions of “overseas Chinese” to bulk-buy N95 masks in order to ship “back batches of scarce supplies for the motherland.”

READ MORE: Toronto hospitals begin rationing protective gear as COVID-19 crisis deepens

As troubling as China’s methods were, the operation looks even worse under a magnifying glass because some organizations seemingly involved in the United Front’s efforts in Canada include members that have previously been monitored or investigated by the RCMP and Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), according to RCMP and CSIS sources.
Under the radar
China’s PPE import operation was portrayed by its state media as a warlike effort. And it was a dramatic success.
According to a U.S. congressional report released in April, from Jan. 24 to Feb. 29, China ramped up its production of masks and slapped export restrictions on China-based foreign companies such as Canadian mask maker Medicom and U.S. mask maker 3M.
At the same time, China imported 2.02 billion safety masks, according to Beijing’s March 2020 customs records.
“To ensure sufficient domestic supplies to counter COVID-19 (Beijing directed) regional offices in China and overseas to work with PRC industry associations to prioritize securing supplies from global sources,” the report says.
The global callout for masks was posted to UFWD websites and sent to Chinese consulates where United Front officials are embedded.
The requests occurred around Jan. 14 and 15, when Chinese officials received confidential instructions from Xi, and all regions were warned to “prepare for and respond to a pandemic,” according to leaked documents cited in an Associated Press investigation. Hospital staff were ordered to don protective gear.
Guajardo, Mexico’s former ambassador to Beijing, told Global News that by Jan. 23, when China locked down Wuhan, he had recognized Beijing was involved in massive PPE imports.
Guajardo, who now works in a Washington, D.C., consultancy, said in mid-January, he was contacted by a source in Mexican supply chain logistics.
“They said, you know a funny thing, I’m being swamped by orders to send all the N95 I can find to China.”
He said he completed some checks in the United States and judged PPE stock was vanishing from retail locations through “under the radar” methods.
“I thought, ‘Oh my God, they are buying all the N95 supply in the world,'” Guajardo told Global News.
He was so convinced that he sent an ominous tweet on Jan. 27 forecasting an impending shortage of PPE in North America.
Joske told Global News that China’s Communist Party uses organized crime and United Front groups for strategic uses abroad.
“In Australia, we've observed overlap between political influence operations, intelligence agencies and organized crime,” Joske said. “For example, a gambling junket operator and alleged criminal figure who also runs groups that report back to the United Front Work Department and collect information on politicians.”
Jonathan Manthorpe, a Canadian author and United Front expert, has reported that it is believed Ottawa blocked visas for 200 Guangdong federation officials seeking to visit Vancouver in 2018, based on national security grounds. However CSIS would not confirm to Global News whether it advised Ottawa to block the visas.
In an interview, Manthorpe told Global News that Xi has vastly increased resources of the United Front, which Xi calls a "magic weapon."
"The United Front Works Department is, to put it very simply, a political warfare operation," Manthorpe said. "It's in all the embassies and consulates in Canada."
And United Front operatives seeded in Chinese consulates worldwide create and take over "seemingly innocuous groups, most of them embedded in ethnic Chinese communities not only in Canada but in all the countries where the Chinese diaspora of around 50 million people now live,” Manthorpe said.
Manthorpe says a particularly troubling aspect of the United Front's mass mobilization of Chinese immigrants for the collection of PPE is the Chinese Communist Party's "ability to exert discipline and to demand patriotic loyalty."
"To me, it is utterly unconscionable that here are Canadians who are being intimidated and pressured in their own country by foreign agents," Manthorpe said. "These are assaults on our sovereignty, and they are assaults on our national interest. And they are assaults on our citizens. We should not allow that."
However, Chinese officials have countered criticism that the country cornered the world’s PPE supply, claiming that after China has conquered its internal coronavirus threat, United Front groups including Guangdong Federation members are now distributing PPE to other countries and “overseas Chinese.”
“It is understood that at present, the Guangdong Overseas Chinese Federation is also actively coordinating a group of masks and other epidemic prevention materials to be donated to overseas Chinese groups in areas with severe epidemics in Italy, Spain, the United States, Peru, and the United Kingdom, hoping to relieve the current shortage of anti-epidemic materials for overseas Chinese,” a March 23 UFWD report says.

READ MORE: Canadian mayors may have unwittingly been targets of Chinese influence campaign

While United Front actors have been on CSIS's radar since 1998, Manthorpe says, networks are growing rapidly in Canada under Xi's regime.
And the current threat level was encapsulated in a 2018 CSIS report that says: “The CCP’s United Front activities incorporate co-opting elites, information management, persuasion, as well as accessing strategic information and resources. It has also frequently been a means of facilitating espionage.”
China does not acknowledge that its United Front is used for espionage, and Chinese consulates in Canada did not respond to questions for this story.
John Townsend, CSIS' head of media relations, would not directly answer whether the national security agency could be investigating the PPE export operations involving United Front groups in Canada, such as Canada Chao Shan.
“Under our act, CSIS clearly has a mandate to investigate espionage and sabotage, terrorism, foreign interference, and subversion and we will continue to use our legal authorities to ensure the government of Canada receives intelligence on these critical issues,” he said.

Why did we send 16 tonnes of equipment to China even after the Red flags were hoisted on China before the lockdown?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Interesting, and how did the WHO miss this in their assessment of COVIDD-19?

United Front groups in Canada helped Beijing stockpile coronavirus safety supplies

Why did we send 16 tonnes of equipment to China even after the Red flags were hoisted on China before the lockdown?

Oh Moose - you know i do enjoy slapping at LIE-berals for all the many stupid things they do!

But I confess I do not feel hostile to Our idiot Boy for having sent that aid to the Beijing Butchers!

In the EARLY STAGES - when it seemed POSSIBLE to confine the Wuhan Virus to China - sending them aid

that would control and limit the problem seemed logical!

It s just too bad that Beijing Butchers TOLD SO MANY LIES about their situation that the aid we sent was WASTED!

As for seeking damages - that is nonsense! Taking such action is like demanding war reparations from Weimar Germany!

They cannot pay without being crippled - and crippled countries produce leaders like Adolf Hitler and Joe Stalin!

What we SHOULD DO is ensure that when trade resumes - it does so in such fashion that China is fiscally limited in various ways

so it CANNOT build up its military! After all - it is that HUGE COST for all manner of modern weapons that is motivating Beijing to

relentlessly bully its neighbours, establish slave labour camps and etc!

Some Cdns say we should not have allowed ourselves to become so dependent on China for certain supplies such as medical gear

and that is true but will Cdn govt PAY THE COST for such independence in future? That seems UNLIKELY!

After all - Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals allowed millions of pieces of medical gear - stockpiled in the aftermath of SARS

TO ROT IN STORAGE - then in 2019 - LIE-berals DUMPED all the rotten gear, and DID NOT BOTHER REPLACING IT

as they preferred to use their gravy to BUY VOTES rather than bother with medical gear!

It would be MUCH EASIER to take certain economic actions such as AN IMMEDIATE BAN on Huawei 5g technology

that is loaded with damaging spyware anyway!

And we have been warned by our allies NOT to use Huawei 5g because of its connections to Red Army Intelligence units and spies!

The Beijing Butchers are desperate to get Huawei established in the West because of the PROFITS they expect to gain!

Therefore banning Huawei and cutting the profits Red Army expects is far more effective than some lame ass law suit

at a United Nations Kangaroo Court!

In related news - SOMEBODY should be pestering Our idiot Boy to GET RID of Huawei chief Meng!

Load the bitch into a car and DRIVE her to the Yankee border AND HAND HER OVER!

The distance from central Vancouver to the border is TRIVIAL! Why are we paying to keep her?

And can you imagine the SCREAMING from the Beijing Butchers if the Witch catches Wuhan Virus while in Canada?

We would NEVER hear the end of it!


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Global Backlash Builds Against China Over Coronavirus

BRUSSELS — Australia has called for an inquiry into the origin of the virus. Germany and Britain are hesitating anew about inviting in the Chinese tech giant Huawei. President Trump has blamed China for the contagion and is seeking to punish it. Some governments want to sue Beijing for damages and reparations.

Across the globe a backlash is building against China for its initial mishandling of the crisis that helped loose the coronavirus on the world, creating a deeply polarizing battle of narratives and setting back China’s ambition to fill the leadership vacuum left by the United States.

China, never receptive to outside criticism and wary of damage to its domestic control and long economic reach, has responded aggressively, combining medical aid to other countries with harsh nationalist rhetoric, and mixing demands for gratitude with economic threats.
The result has only added momentum to the blowback and the growing mistrust of China in Europe and Africa, undermining China’s desired image as a generous global actor.
Even before the virus, Beijing displayed a fierce approach to public relations, an aggressive style called “Wolf Warrior” diplomacy, named after two ultrapatriotic Chinese films featuring the evil plots and fiery demise of American-led foreign mercenaries...…..More


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

The available evidence suggests that RED CHINA has accidentally unleashed the Wuhan Pestilence!

They SHOULD BE PUNISHED in some fashion for their careless behaviour!

It is a DISGUSTING AND DISTURBING COINCIDENCE that only a few short weeks after Beijing Butchers BANNED CDN PORK

and the Wuhan city population went back to eating boiled Fruit Bats THAT ARE KNOWN TO CARRY WUHAN VIRUS


We are CLEARLY UNDER THREAT from the Beijing Butchers!

SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu and now Wuhan Virus have all emerged as a result of Chinese PIGGERY regarding low quality sanitation

at food handling facilities!

In addition we are also dealing with various Asian PESTS that have infiltrated North America!

The Emerald Ash Borer Beetle hitched a ride on infested wood crates from China and that invasive species has resulted

in Cdn govt cutting down more than TEN MILLION ASH TREES in a FAILED EFFORT to limit the infestation!

In the latest news we are now faced with a NEW THREAT - the Asian "Murder" Hornet with several sightings of the

Insects in Washington State and in B.C. as well - with the insect DNA indicating they came from SEPARATE HIVES!

As yet nobody seems to know how this Hornet got to Canada but IT IS QUITE CAPABLE of handling a Cdn winter!

The Queens grow to a length two inches or more and as the Cdn exterminator who was called in to dispose of the nest in B.C.

CAN ATTEST - Japanese Murder Hornets are quite capable of STINGING THROUGH A STANDARD BEE KEEPER OUTFIT


Thus these Japanese Hornets are DEADLY DANGEROUS as several stings from the insects adds up to a dose of venom equivalent

to a RATTLESNAKE BITE or hit from some other venomous reptile!

Japanese Hornets are opportunistic when it comes to setting up a nest and may select a hollow tree or burrow underground!

Thus it might be EASY to accidentally stumble on and disturb a nest - triggering a DEADLY attack!

Worst of all - Japanese Murder Hornets did not get their name from their attacks on people - they got the name from their habit

of RAIDING Honey Bee nests and killing the inhabitants and stealing their honey!

And are North American Honey Bees NOT IN ENOUGH TROUBLE ALREADY from being POISONED with Nicotinoid insecticides?

What price this easy flow of goods from Asia? If we end up destroying our environment and cripple food production?

Just so we can help RED CHINA purchase ever more weapons to use to bully their neighbours!

Trade with the Beijing Butchers needs much more careful scrutiny and LEGISLATION and serious questions regarding the kind of

CRAP we are importing!

In addition we should STRONGLY QUESTION whether Our idiot Boy and his loser LIE-berals are FIT TO GOVERN CONSIDERING

their UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP with the Beijing Butchers!

After all - HOW MUCH HAS IT COST US to keep Huawei CEO Meng in her gilded Vancouver CAGE while Our idiot Boy

looks for some EXCUSE to release her in a fawning attempt to appease the Beijing Butchers - while INSULTING Our



Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
US government report assesses China intentionally concealed severity of coronavirus

This CNN piece is mainly an attack on Trump and his administration, but it does have this in it

Earlier Sunday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stepped up administration claims that China mounted efforts to hide the extent of the coronavirus spread, including concealing the severity while stockpiling medical supplies.
"You've got the facts just about right," Pompeo told ABC's "This Week" when asked if China intentionally stockpiled medical supplies in early January while it concealed the severity of Covid-19. "We can confirm that the Chinese Communist Party did all that it could to make sure that the world didn't learn in a timely fashion about what was taking place."

And this

The DHS assessment also says, "in its communications, China intentionally concealed its trade activity by publicly denying it has ever imposed an export ban on masks and other medical supplies," according to the source.
The findings were assessed at "moderate confidence," the source told CNN, pointing out that the report does not conclude whether the actions of the Chinese government were nefarious. It is reasonable to conclude that based on the outbreak, before it was declared pandemic, China would recognize key measurements in determining requirements for the need of personal protective equipment, the source said.
The US needs "to be mindful about, 'what do you do about it?'" the source noted. "Is this a trigger that propels industry here? Will there be enough in the stockpile going forward?" the source asked.

Just enough content to make the article look credible ;)