Hamas attacks Israel


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick

Looks like the people of Israel are fed up too.

What’s the viable realistic solution to this quagmire? I’m all ears.

Reality? There IS no viable, realistic solution to this quagmire, this insanity.

Both Hamas and Israel have guaranteed that at this point.

People in the West can cry and call for a "Two State Solution" and "Peace" all they want. It's not going to happen. It's bad enough that the polarization in the region has spread to the rest of the world as deep as it has, and people have just lapped up what their chosen side has done in the name of "defending ourselves". The West and closer regional powers have become "The Enabler" of all this insanity.

October 7th, and everything after, have proven two things: Hamas and it's allies and not as "weak" as Israel assumed they were (since Oct 7th was such a 'surprise') and will do anything to prevent Israel from having ANY sort of positive influence in the region, even if it could be positive. Second, Israel has become the monster they have always suffered from themselves. Like an abused child that in turn becomes an abuser. And it's belief about Palestinians are equally monstrous (animals, they deserve genocide, etc)

Even if they managed somehow to work up a ceasefire, it won't last. Someone will break it.

And because outside nations won't - and can't - afford to put in a multi-national peace force and wall off the region to keep anything resembling peace, this will be the continued reality.

Until, maybe, the youngest generation finally gets tired of the cycle and breaks it themselves, without relying on outsiders to help or hinder (again, like an abused kid breaking the cycle and not becoming the abuser). Until that desire is there, there won't be peace.

There certainly won't be peace when busybodies of the West have determined that somehow "they know better" all without paying attention and listening to the reality of things on the ground.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I'd prefer we went in and just killed all the Ayatollahs and the government. My daughter-in-law is from Iran, and she said the young people want to be free of oppression. Girls want to act like young girls and not be stoned to death.
Its silly to think "go in and kill the Ayatollahs". It's not gonna happen. Have you seen what they are packing and how deep they are dug in. They could be nuked for weeks without taking a scratch and easily return a decapitation strike on Washington with ICBMs several times over. They arent fucking around.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Israel somehow needs to offer the Palestinians a welfare state, while trying to deprogram generations of UNRWA indoctrination, while rebuilding Gaza without that infrastructure being weaponized against then, while giving those same Palestinians a hand up out of the armpit they’ve existed in, without showing weakness, while still defending themselves on every front, while under the microscope of public opinion and constant threat of the “River to the Sea” mentality enforced by Iran’s proxies.
Smothering them with overwhelming compassion has yet to be tried.
Sounds easy enough in the promise of Hamas repeating October 7th endlessly with the entire Palestinian population being potential martyrs of Hamas for Allah as Hamas is more than willing to sacrifice any and all Palestinians to its cause…
So, why haven’t they tried this? The Israelis using overwhelming compassion as an option towards the Palestinians I mean?

Would the Palestinians and various other Arab neighbours, nations, militias, peoples, etc…respect and acknowledge Israel for doing so (?) or would that be seen as a sign of weakness to be exploited?
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
So, why haven’t they tried this? The Israelis using overwhelming compassion as an option towards the Palestinians I mean?

Would the Palestinians and various other Arab neighbours, nations, militias, peoples, etc…respect and acknowledge Israel for doing so (?) or would that be seen as a sign of weakness to be exploited?
Are you saying they cant trust Israelis to be compassionate because it would be so far out a character that it couldnt possibly be true?

Thats not a good sign. Ill guess theyll have to keep relying on the compassion of Christians to survive. When do we send the next air drop because Israel wont let Christian boots on the ground to help those suffering?

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Are you saying they cant trust Israelis to be compassionate because it would be so far out a character that it couldnt possibly be true?

Thats not a good sign. Ill guess theyll have to keep relying on the compassion of Christians to survive. When do we send the next air drop because Israel wont let Christian boots on the ground to help those suffering?
I’m asking if Arabs in general and Palestinian specifically would respect compassion from their neighbour “enemy” (?) or would they see that as a sign of weakness to be exploited? Just for clarification.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I’m asking if Arabs in general and Palestinian specifically would respect compassion from their neighbour “enemy” (?) or would they see that as a sign of weakness to be exploited? Just for clarification.
It's kinda hard to call someone an enemy when they are compassionate.

Weak and exploited like us being overly compassionate after 75 years after we rescued them from certain death. If Hitler wasn't bombing London nobody would have stopped the Holocaust.

Compassion is how Israel was created.

Gaza sure looks like the Warsaw Ghetto.

History is echoing.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
A senior Hamas leader said on Thursday that Egypt had put forward a ceasefire proposal to end the conflict in Gaza, but that it did not include anything new.

He added U.S. and Egyptian mediators wanted to keep the ceasefire process alive despite their conviction that there was a wide gap between Israel and Hamas.

The Hamas leader said a new round of talks may be held before Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, in Cairo next week between the mediating parties and the Israelis in a new attempt by mediators to reach a ceasefire deal.

"The Hamas leadership informed the Egyptian and Qatari mediators that what is being offered cannot be accepted, as it is a continuation of the stubborn Israeli position," he added.
Hamas blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the standstill, saying he was placing obstacles that hindered both parties from reaching an agreement, and that he was "not interested" in releasing Israeli hostages.

Israel has said it would consider only a temporary truce to free hostages. Hamas has said it will let them go only as part of a deal to permanently end the war.

Israel's bombardment and invasion of Gaza followed the Hamas-led attack which killed some 1,200 Israelis and foreigners, with more than 250 abducted into Gaza as hostages, according to Israeli tallies, etc..

More than 33,037 Palestinians have been killed and 75,668 have been injured in Israel's military offensive on Gaza since Oct.7, the Gaza health ministry said through the Hamas communications wing in a statement on Thursday.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
A senior Hamas leader said on Thursday that Egypt had put forward a ceasefire proposal to end the conflict in Gaza, but that it did not include anything new.

He added U.S. and Egyptian mediators wanted to keep the ceasefire process alive despite their conviction that there was a wide gap between Israel and Hamas.

The Hamas leader said a new round of talks may be held before Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan, in Cairo next week between the mediating parties and the Israelis in a new attempt by mediators to reach a ceasefire deal.

"The Hamas leadership informed the Egyptian and Qatari mediators that what is being offered cannot be accepted, as it is a continuation of the stubborn Israeli position," he added.
Hamas blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the standstill, saying he was placing obstacles that hindered both parties from reaching an agreement, and that he was "not interested" in releasing Israeli hostages.

Israel has said it would consider only a temporary truce to free hostages. Hamas has said it will let them go only as part of a deal to permanently end the war.

Israel's bombardment and invasion of Gaza followed the Hamas-led attack which killed some 1,200 Israelis and foreigners, with more than 250 abducted into Gaza as hostages, according to Israeli tallies, etc..

More than 33,037 Palestinians have been killed and 75,668 have been injured in Israel's military offensive on Gaza since Oct.7, the Gaza health ministry said through the Hamas communications wing in a statement on Thursday.
Bad aim?

Good thing only one Canadian was blown to bits serving compassion.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan

Calling it now - Israel will give an excuse that there were "Terrorists" nearby, the cars were mistaken for terrorist cars, or someone in the group was a terrorist, and thus they're absolved of all wrong doing.
Oh malarkey. 1000lb bombs are indiscriminate.

If the Palestinians leave, Nutlessyahud get his one state final solution.

Egypt is in deep financial shit and has to stay neutral. They set up camps in Rafah.

Jordan has taken in hundred of thousands of those displace by West Bank settlement and kicked out of cities for being Goyim.

More than 2 million registered Palestine refugees live in Jordan, the largest number of Palestine refugees of all UNRWA fields. Most, but not all, have full citizenship. About 18 per cent live in the ten recognized Palestine refugee camps throughout the country.
https://www.unrwa.org › jordan
Where We Work - UNRWA

Lora Cruise missile.

How the HELL does Israel expect anyone to believe it was an "accident", when the fucking missile went THROUGH the logo of the damned organization, which was on the fucking roof of the car they were in?

View attachment 21624

This wasn't "unintended" at all. They were not all together, they were apart.

This was on fucking purpose.
Serryah called it first (I think):

Its forces “identified a gunman on one of the aid trucks, following which they identified an additional gunman,” the IDF said, as the trucks transported food to a warehouse in Gaza. It did not provide any more details about that claim.

Later, as three WCK vehicles left the warehouse, a commander “mistakenly assumed that the gunmen were located inside the accompanying vehicles and that these were Hamas terrorists,” the report said.

The IDF officers involved “misidentified something slung over one of the passenger’s shoulders as a weapon,” but forces now believe it was a bag, an IDF spokesperson told CNN Friday.

The spokesperson also said that Israel’s surveillance drones “could not see the WCK logo on the vehicles at night.”

So they could see the strap of a bag over the shoulder of an occupant in a vehicle but not the logo on the roof, at night?

It said the strike was carried out in “serious violation of the commands and IDF Standard Operating Procedures,” and dismissed a major and a colonel in reserve. Three other IDF officials were formally reprimanded; the commanders of the brigade and division involved, and the commander of the Southern Command, who bore “overall responsibility.” Etc…
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Serryah called it first (I think):

Its forces “identified a gunman on one of the aid trucks, following which they identified an additional gunman,” the IDF said, as the trucks transported food to a warehouse in Gaza. It did not provide any more details about that claim.

Later, as three WCK vehicles left the warehouse, a commander “mistakenly assumed that the gunmen were located inside the accompanying vehicles and that these were Hamas terrorists,” the report said.

The IDF officers involved “misidentified something slung over one of the passenger’s shoulders as a weapon,” but forces now believe it was a bag, an IDF spokesperson told CNN Friday.

The spokesperson also said that Israel’s surveillance drones “could not see the WCK logo on the vehicles at night.”

So they could see the strap of a bag over the shoulder of an occupant in a vehicle but not the logo on the roof, at night?

It said the strike was carried out in “serious violation of the commands and IDF Standard Operating Procedures,” and dismissed a major and a colonel in reserve. Three other IDF officials were formally reprimanded; the commanders of the brigade and division involved, and the commander of the Southern Command, who bore “overall responsibility.” Etc…
So that's their story and they're sticking to it?

As I said 2 days ago. Christian boots on the ground in Gaza doing humanitarian work is verboten. I didn't need proof but boy howdy they sure delivered just hours later.

We're being fed lie after lie after lie.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit

There is NO defense for this. NONE.
No no no. It's fine. Bibi is deNazifying Mariupol and it's just part of war.

There is a reason why every meatwagon or aid agency vehicle on earth is painted white with an insignia on the roof with the exception of school buses which have a white strobe that is easy to see from 30,000 feet.
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