B.C. First Nation signs multimillion-dollar deal with gas pipeline company


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
Just curious, but what makes you think that your unsolicited advertising is wanted or needed or has anything to do with the thread topic presented here?

if you have something to add to the topic then please join in but if you’re just here for a drive-by spam…. then please just go elsewhere.

"It’s my opinion – based on the work I have done with my own nation, as the former president and CEO of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, the executive director of the Indigenous Resource Network and as a board member of both Indigenous owned and public companies – that resource development, from forestry to mining to oil and gas to fishing, is often the best, and for many nations, the only, transformative economic opportunity that can allow us to be self-determining again."


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
"It’s my opinion – based on the work I have done with my own nation, as the former president and CEO of the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business, the executive director of the Indigenous Resource Network and as a board member of both Indigenous owned and public companies – that resource development, from forestry to mining to oil and gas to fishing, is often the best, and for many nations, the only, transformative economic opportunity that can allow us to be self-determining again."
But then the chiefs would just be Indians .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
It don't have to be that way. It ain't a law of physics.

Maybe "creative solutions," which are both wrong and stupid 90% of the time, are better than government policies.
Most of the solvable problems are created by bureaucraps. As long as the right ethnic background or body shape counts more than merit, it will continue to be that way.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
I actually think most Canadians would be very happy to see Canada rid of the Indian Act if they knew how beneficial it would be for all concerned, Tec. But then, I am a glass half full type of person. :)
Most Canadians, yes. However, this is just one area of government incompetence. It is rampant in every single area bureaucraps get their grubby little fingers in. FN leadership has no real interest in change for much the same reasons.
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Time Out
Dec 3, 2021
Most Canadians, yes. However, this is just one area of government incompetence. It is rampant in every single area bureaucraps get their grubby little fingers in. FN leadership has no real interest in change for much the same reasons.
Without the Indian Act, would all aboriginals just be Canadians and have to work and pay taxes and get only what all other Canadians get??
If so, then for sure get rid of the Indian Act.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Without the Indian Act, would all aboriginals just be Canadians and have to work and pay taxes and get only what all other Canadians get??
If so, then for sure get rid of the Indian Act.
Probably not, since they are entitled. But it would eliminate most of the Indian Industry in Ottawa. same as land claims. This could have been settled decades ago if not for all the parasites that are making a good living off it. About 20 years ago, a lawyer that I trust told me the whole land claims thing was set up to provide a generation of work for lawyers to get natives special rights. Then there would be work for another generation of lawyers to get the rest of us equal rights.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Most of the solvable problems are created by bureaucraps. As long as the right ethnic background or body shape counts more than merit, it will continue to be that way.
Can't think of a time it wasn't that way. Usually the "right ethnic background" that counted was European.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Probably not, since they are entitled. But it would eliminate most of the Indian Industry in Ottawa. same as land claims. This could have been settled decades ago if not for all the parasites that are making a good living off it. About 20 years ago, a lawyer that I trust told me the whole land claims thing was set up to provide a generation of work for lawyers to get natives special rights. Then there would be work for another generation of lawyers to get the rest of us equal rights.
Lots of those folks talking for the FNs seem kinda. . . pale. . . around the face.
Up here lots of those natives Are kinda pale around the face , for some reason . And they are also often the chiefs , go figure .


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Up here lots of those natives Are kinda pale around the face , for some reason . And they are also often the chiefs , go figure .
Same here. "What makes a person an Indun" is a perpetual topic of debate.

Practical answer seems to be the same as what made Henry VII a king. One drop of royal blood and a big-ass army.
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Time Out
Dec 3, 2021
Same here. "What makes a person an Indun" is a perpetual topic of debate.

Practical answer seems to be the same as what made Henry VII a king. One drop of royal blood and a big-ass army.
Being an "indian" is de rigur these days. Claiming to be one to get a better job or position is the way to go.


Time Out
Dec 3, 2021
We call that "EWD." Stands for "Elizabeth Warren Disorder (or Deception)."
Sad but she is not the only one. Just off the top of my head there was also a professor at Queens. And who knows how many others but I am sure it is not an anomaly.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Sad but she is not the only one. Just off the top of my head there was also a professor at Queens. And who knows how many others but I am sure it is not an anomaly.
And every single damn White talking to a Native claims to have a great-great-grandmother who was a "Cherokee princess."

My standard's simple. White card (tribal ID) or y'all ain't an Indun (for the U.S., obviously).
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Up here is a Federal issue Treaty Card, but I’m assuming it’s the same concept. It’s a photo ID mostly used for tax purposes but it makes one “officially” native in the eyes of Gov’t, etc…


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Sad but she is not the only one. Just off the top of my head there was also a professor at Queens. And who knows how many others but I am sure it is not an anomaly.
Head of Native Health for Health Canada. Been claiming for years she is Métis or something. Turns out she has narry a drop of native blood. SHe got fired.