Retailers want feds to postpone plastic ban for at least a year


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Oct 26, 2009
Retailers want feds to postpone plastic ban for at least a year
Author of the article:postmedia News
Publishing date:Apr 27, 2021 • 15 hours ago • 1 minute read • Join the conversation
The federal government is moving to ban several commonly used plastic items, including straws
The federal government is moving to ban several commonly used plastic items, including straws PHOTO BY GETTY IMAGES /Toronto Sun
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Retailers want a delay on the federal government’s proposed ban on single-use plastic for at least one year.

The Retail Council of Canada says small shopkeepers would only be hurt by pushing the ban through quickly, according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

“More clarity is needed in terms of the government’s intention to broaden the scope of the ban,” Philippe Cantin, senior director with the retail council, told the Commons’ environment committee.

“Given the pandemic, businesses need as much certainty as possible.”

Last October, cabinet proposed to ban several everyday plastic products by Dec. 31, 2021, including straws, stir sticks, cutlery, and single-use checkout bags.

In a discussion paper, the environment department proposed other plastics under review include meat wrapping, fruit and vegetable bags, water bottles, cup lids and disposable wipes.

When asked if retailers had enough time to deal with the ban, Cantin replied: “If there is an implementation period of one full year between the moment the ban is announced, and it’s effective, yes that would be essentially what we’re asking.”


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Professor Marc Olivier, a chemist with the University of Sherbrooke, also questioned the point of any ban without full recycling programs.

“It’s not a silver bullet to ban, ban, ban,” said Olivier. “We have real needs in society, and we have to reconcile that.”

According to the feds, 4.7 million tonnes of plastic is used annually in Canada with 1% thrown away, 4% incinerated for energy recovery, 9% recycled and 86% landfilled.