Quebec City dumps 46 million litres of raw sewage into St. Lawrence River

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Very preventable, intentional dumping of raw sewage in this day and age should be banned, make retention ponds like the Oil industry has to hold the raw sewage until the plant is back into operation and then treat before release.

I'm guessing that seeing how there will be no more transfer payments with any substance, we can expect to see Montreal and Quebec City dumping untreated sewage into the waterways on a regular basis

(no pun intended)

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
SOmeone recently did a test on crabs and prawns off Victoria shit pipes and found antidepressants present in the crabs.

I am not surprised.

I recall reading in one of the newspapers here that trout were testing positive for having estrogen in their systems despite their being a full cycle treatment system releasing into that river.

The speculation had to do with pharmaceuticals passing through a person's system and the excess hormone (or whatever) was eliminated in their urine... The waste treatment facilities are/were not designed to remove these water-soluble components