WE really need to get rid of this guy

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken a shot at Pierre Poilievre, claiming the Conservative Leader wants to “take Canada backwards.”

But his comments may have backfired because it turns out, Canadians want to go backwards — about nine years.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Matlow goes looking for another job while ignoring residents
Councillor Josh Matlow wants to leave city hall for an MPs job in Ottawa but some residents say, he's already checked out.

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Jan 17, 2024 • Last updated 3 days ago • 3 minute read

Councillor Josh Matlow may have his eyes on the City Hall exits as he looks to jump to federal politics, but not before he wastes millions on a project nobody wants.

It’s indicative of the spending problem at City Hall, a vanity project from a councillor always looking to climb to higher office.

Moments after it was confirmed that Liberal MP Carolyn Bennett was being appointed as Ambassador to Denmark, Matlow was posting that he was interested in seeking the nomination. Is Matlow a Liberal or a New Democrat because he’s been acting like a Dipper at City Hall of late.

Oh well, what was it Shakespeare said, something rotten….

Matlow spent the better part of 2023 trying to convince Toronto voters that he should be the next mayor; he didn’t come close, and then spent a good part of the rest of the year paying off his debt. With Mayor Olivia Chow helping Matlow retire that campaign debt, he has been somewhat indebted to her and voting with Team Chow.

Now that there is an opening at a higher, and better paying, level of government, Matlow has lost interest in City Hall once again as he sets his sights on Ottawa.

Residents in the Oriole Parkway section of his ward, though, would tell you Matlow abandoned his constituents long ago. They’ve been trying to fight a project that they don’t want, that Matlow is committed to pushing through.

Along the leafy boulevard that is Oriole Parkway sits a median separating the east side of the street from the west, with some flower beds at the ends of each section. There are also flattened areas that allow local residents to cross over, pull into their driveways or do U-turns to get to their local destination.

Matlow wants to rip that all up, spending millions of dollars the city doesn’t have in the process, even as local residents say this is not what they want. Local resident James Grace walked the street collecting signatures for a petition, with residents of 78% of the homes on the street signing, calling for the road to stay as is.

“They want what we have left as it is, but repaired and maintained,” Grace said of his neighbours.

Under Matlow’s plan, there would be no ability to turn into your driveway, to do U-turns and the like and the entire median would become a place for flowers, plants and trees. That last part sounds lovely until you realize, the city doesn’t look after the limited existing flower beds, the local residents do and without their work, the median would look horrible.

Grace said the changes would also make it more difficult for ambulances and fire trucks to get to homes. He noted the difficulty of larger vehicles being able to perform a U-turn.

“I wouldn’t want them having to rush to my house or someone I care about,” Grace said

This may seem like the ultimate definition of first world problems, residents of a well-to-do street with expensive homes, complaining about getting an expensive project put into their neighbourhood. It’s more than that, though; this is a project of questionable value and high cost at a time when the city says it is broke.

There is no need to go ahead with this project other than to flatter Matlow’s vanity.

Questions put to his office about the project went unanswered, just like what local residents say about their calls to the councillor’s office. They go unanswered.

If Josh Matlow was listening to his residents, instead of busily trying to find another job, he might realize that.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Julie Dzerowicz’s neighbour is not a fan of Toronto MP
Author of the article:Denette Wilford
Published Jan 19, 2024 • Last updated 1 day ago • 2 minute read
Julie Dzerowicz, Liberal MP for Davenport in Toronto.
It can be tough to find good neighbours.

Just ask Julie Dzerowicz, Liberal MP for Davenport, whose office sits at 1202 Bloor St. W., smack in between Dufferin St. and Lansdowne Ave.

Content creator Beau Pinto posted a video on TikTok of the exterior of Dzerowicz’s office space, and says, “Oh, man, imagine this. You get your whole setup here, right? You build yourself an office and sign the lease.”

Dzerowicz’s windows show the signage along with decals on the window with her phone number, website and email address along with a sticker that reads, “Working hard for Davenport.”

But maybe not hard enough because Pinto continued in the now-viral video: “And then this is your neighbour,” and pans to the window next door which has its own sticker in the window that reads, “Julie Dzerowicz doesn’t give a damn about you.”

It’s unknown who is next door to Dzerowicz but the location, 1200 Bloor St. W., has been known to have interesting items in its storefront.

Plastic mannequin butts were seen years ago when CityNews reported on a telephone rigged outside the location.

More recently, along with the sticker slamming Dzerowicz, there was also a photo of the MP next to one of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in blackface.

There was also signage that read, “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery” and “Ignorance is strength.”

Exteriors of Julie Dzerowicz's office and neighbour.
Exteriors of Julie Dzerowicz’s office and neighbour. (Google Maps) Google Maps
Dzerowicz has represented the riding since 2015, and according to users on social media, her neighbour has been ripping her for years.

And it seems like the neighbour isn’t alone with one person calling Dzerowicz a “Trudeau puppet” and another wishing the sign was bigger.

“I always love walking past that,” one person wrote. “Julie is one of the worst MPs, never wants to talk to actual constituents.”

A second added: “Honestly, hats off to them. Julie has been coasting for a while and it’s totally fair play to call her out.”


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
Matlow goes looking for another job while ignoring residents
Councillor Josh Matlow wants to leave city hall for an MPs job in Ottawa but some residents say, he's already checked out.

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Jan 17, 2024 • Last updated 3 days ago • 3 minute read

Councillor Josh Matlow may have his eyes on the City Hall exits as he looks to jump to federal politics, but not before he wastes millions on a project nobody wants.

It’s indicative of the spending problem at City Hall, a vanity project from a councillor always looking to climb to higher office.

Moments after it was confirmed that Liberal MP Carolyn Bennett was being appointed as Ambassador to Denmark, Matlow was posting that he was interested in seeking the nomination. Is Matlow a Liberal or a New Democrat because he’s been acting like a Dipper at City Hall of late.

Oh well, what was it Shakespeare said, something rotten….

Matlow spent the better part of 2023 trying to convince Toronto voters that he should be the next mayor; he didn’t come close, and then spent a good part of the rest of the year paying off his debt. With Mayor Olivia Chow helping Matlow retire that campaign debt, he has been somewhat indebted to her and voting with Team Chow.

Now that there is an opening at a higher, and better paying, level of government, Matlow has lost interest in City Hall once again as he sets his sights on Ottawa.

Residents in the Oriole Parkway section of his ward, though, would tell you Matlow abandoned his constituents long ago. They’ve been trying to fight a project that they don’t want, that Matlow is committed to pushing through.

Along the leafy boulevard that is Oriole Parkway sits a median separating the east side of the street from the west, with some flower beds at the ends of each section. There are also flattened areas that allow local residents to cross over, pull into their driveways or do U-turns to get to their local destination.

Matlow wants to rip that all up, spending millions of dollars the city doesn’t have in the process, even as local residents say this is not what they want. Local resident James Grace walked the street collecting signatures for a petition, with residents of 78% of the homes on the street signing, calling for the road to stay as is.

“They want what we have left as it is, but repaired and maintained,” Grace said of his neighbours.

Under Matlow’s plan, there would be no ability to turn into your driveway, to do U-turns and the like and the entire median would become a place for flowers, plants and trees. That last part sounds lovely until you realize, the city doesn’t look after the limited existing flower beds, the local residents do and without their work, the median would look horrible.

Grace said the changes would also make it more difficult for ambulances and fire trucks to get to homes. He noted the difficulty of larger vehicles being able to perform a U-turn.

“I wouldn’t want them having to rush to my house or someone I care about,” Grace said

This may seem like the ultimate definition of first world problems, residents of a well-to-do street with expensive homes, complaining about getting an expensive project put into their neighbourhood. It’s more than that, though; this is a project of questionable value and high cost at a time when the city says it is broke.

There is no need to go ahead with this project other than to flatter Matlow’s vanity.

Questions put to his office about the project went unanswered, just like what local residents say about their calls to the councillor’s office. They go unanswered.

If Josh Matlow was listening to his residents, instead of busily trying to find another job, he might realize that.
Typical dipper. Always looking for more taxpayer money for himself.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Trudeau is responsible for all the questions on his vacation
He's given three different explanations for a single vacation since questions started being asked.

Author of the article:Brian Lilley
Published Jan 20, 2024 • 4 minute read
It's believed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vacationed at this luxurious beachfront villa dubbed the Frankfort at Prospect Estate in Jamaica, a former slave plantation, from Dec. 26, 2023, to Jan. 4, 2024.
It's believed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vacationed at this luxurious beachfront villa dubbed the Frankfort at Prospect Estate in Jamaica, a former slave plantation, from Dec. 26, 2023, to Jan. 4, 2024. Prospect Estate Jamaica
The prime minister’s personal vacation shouldn’t matter so much but he and his office have made it an issue. No one was talking about his trip to Jamaica until his office started putting out contradictory stories about who paid for his accommodations at a luxury villa.

And this is why it matters: It’s important to know who is buying access to our leaders, who is buying influence and a stay at a private villa, on a private beach in Jamaica, worth $84,000. It’s enough to potentially buy access.

The real problem with Justin Trudeau’s Christmas vacation was best summed up in the headline of a recent Globe and Mail editorial, “One Trudeau family vacation, three explanations, many doubts.”

There have been three different stories provided by Trudeau’s office to explain away the vacation. Since those competing stories became an issue, his office has refused to clarify further.

It's believed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vacationed at this luxurious beachfront villa dubbed the Frankfort at Prospect Estate in Jamaica, a former slave plantation, from Dec. 26, 2023, to Jan. 4, 2024.
It’s believed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vacationed at this luxurious beachfront villa dubbed the Frankfort at Prospect Estate in Jamaica, a former slave plantation, from Dec. 26, 2023, to Jan. 4, 2024. Prospect Estate Jamaica
At first, Trudeau’s office issued a statement before he left saying that he would pay for his accommodations in Jamaica. Then days before he returned to Canada, his office issued a second proactive statement saying the family stayed, “at no cost at a location owned by family friends.”

That’s when this became a story. Trudeau’s office has put out two contradictory statements about his vacation, that made it an issue to be questioned. Yet, when questions were put to his office looking for clarification, a third statement was issued that muddied things further.

In the third version of events, Trudeau wasn’t paying for his accommodations, and he wasn’t staying at no cost at a place owned by friends, he was staying with friends.

“Like a lot of Canadian families, we spent the Christmas holidays with friends. All the rules were followed,” Trudeau said when questioned about the trip on Wednesday.

That sounds like what most of us do when we visit friends or family and stay in a basement bedroom at the back of the house. Trudeau was staying in “perhaps the most desirable north coast villa in Jamaica” located on “a spectacular three hundred foot, powdery white sand beach, widely hailed as the best stretch of private beach in Jamaica.”

As for all the rules being followed, we don’t know if that is the case.

Trudeau, his office and his House Leader Steve McKinnon, have all floated the idea that this trip was cleared by the Ethics Commissioner ahead of time. To most Canadians, such a statement would make it sound like this was cleared and totally above board and any complaints about it were just partisan bickering.

It's believed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vacationed at this luxurious beachfront villa dubbed the Frankfort at Prospect Estate in Jamaica, a former slave plantation, from Dec. 26, 2023, to Jan. 4, 2024.
It’s believed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vacationed at this luxurious beachfront villa dubbed the Frankfort at Prospect Estate in Jamaica, a former slave plantation, from Dec. 26, 2023, to Jan. 4, 2024. Prospect Estate Jamaica
The problem is, as the Ethics Commissioner’s office has told the Toronto Sun and any media outlet willing to listen, they don’t preapprove vacations.

“To clarify, the Office does not approve or ‘clear’ regulatees’ vacations. The Office has a role only in ensuring that the gift provisions of the Act and Code are observed,” spokesperson Jocelyne Brisebois wrote via e-mail on Jan. 11.

I wasn’t the first person to report this fact, but it still seems lost on many in the media who continue to report that the trip was “pre-cleared.” That is simply not the case which means the PM, his staff and one of his ministers are trying to get out of an ethical pickle based on a lie, which is never a good look.

The Commons Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics has called interim Ethics Commissioner Konrad von Finckenstein to testify. It’s something Liberal MPs reluctantly agreed to as long as they could ask about other travel, meaning they will try to equate MPs having a fancy dinner with the PM taking an $84,000 vacation from his friend Peter Green.

Green inherited his fortune, and Prospect Estate where Trudeau stayed, from his late father-in-law Harold Mitchell, a British politician and industrialist. When Mitchell was elevated to the British House of Lords, his title included mention of Luscar, Alberta, based on his mining interests there.

It's believed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vacationed at this luxurious beachfront villa dubbed the Frankfort at Prospect Estate in Jamaica, a former slave plantation, from Dec. 26, 2023, to Jan. 4, 2024.
It’s believed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vacationed at this luxurious beachfront villa dubbed the Frankfort at Prospect Estate in Jamaica, a former slave plantation, from Dec. 26, 2023, to Jan. 4, 2024. Prospect Estate Jamaica
Is that still a family business that Green may want to talk to Trudeau about?

We know that the villa stayed in rents for $7,000 USD per night over Christmas, thus the $84,000 stay over nine days. We don’t know if that was paid for by the Green family or the company that rents the villa out.

Either way, it’s an expensive gift that creates a lot of questions and Trudeau would be smart to answer those questions rather than make it sound like he slept in the basement guest room of his family friends as so many of us did over Christmas.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Liberals say much is at stake as they paint Tories as ’MAGA’ politicians
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Mickey Djuric
Published Jan 20, 2024 • 5 minute read

OTTAWA — As the United States election cycle goes into full swing ahead of a pivotal election later this year, federal Liberals north of the border have been increasingly comparing Canadian Conservatives to Trump Republicans.

For several months, the refrain from Liberal MPs is that the federal Tories are doing “American-style” politics, and their leader, Pierre Poilievre, is representing “Trump North.”

Conservative MPs are using “MAGA” tactics, the Liberals say, referring to Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan. They’re invoking it just as the ex-president looks for another kick at the presidential can.

The comparison south of the border is a classic page in the Liberal playbook and a tactic conservative politicians have seen brought out both provincially and federally.

To the Tories, it’s just a lazy trope and a distraction from pocketbook issues.

But the Liberals are arguing that more is at stake, painting their rhetoric as an attempt to shield Canada from a far-right populist wave that is surging in other democratic countries and spelling harm to priorities such as LGBTQ+ rights and climate action.

People around the world are becoming increasingly anxious and frustrated over the price of goods and housing shortages, and Conservatives are capitalizing on those emotions by using Trump’s playbook, says the Liberal party’s national campaign co-chair.

“There are tactics being used where you want to polarize emotions in a way that you present facts that feed into your own ideology and put fear into people,” said Quebec Liberal MP Soraya Martinez Ferrada, who is serving as Trudeau’s tourism minister.

“That’s the way you want to drive politics, and it’s something new we’re seeing here in Canada. And it’s not just (coming from) America. We see it in other countries and that’s what’s different right now.”

Countries across the European Union are seeing a rise of far-right populist parties, and in November, Argentina elected a far-right outsider as president.

Last week, Trump won the Iowa caucuses, paving the way for him to become the likely 2024 Republican presidential nominee.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has been falling behind in the polls for months. Like members of his caucus, he has been hitting hard on the idea that Poilievre is borrowing from Trump’s brand of campaigning.

As abortion and transgender rights remain hot-button issues in U.S. politics, Trudeau has tried to link both topics to Poilievre.

“What we’re seeing from these MAGA conservatives is an approach on going back on fundamental rights in ways we shouldn’t be seeing,” he said in a year-end interview with The Canadian Press, suggesting that Conservatives in Canada could go down the same road.

Noting a rollback on abortion access in the U.S., Trudeau said: “We may think to ourselves, ‘This will never happen in Canada and this is just the Liberals bringing up the usual fear that they do.’ I’m sorry, it wasn’t ever supposed to happen in the United States either, and yet it did because of MAGA conservatism. The threat is real.”

Trudeau has also accused Poilievre of trying to use LGBTQ+ kids as a wedge issue.

Poilievre has said that “parental rights” need to be respected, as conservative premiers in New Brunswick and Saskatchewan impose policies requiring teachers to inform parents if students wish to use different pronouns or names at school.

The Conservative leader has also alluded to the idea that Trudeau subscribes to “radical gender ideology” — a phrase that Trump has repeatedly used, as the Liberals have pointed out in online advertisements putting the two side by side.

The party has also run ads in Conservative Prairie strongholds suggesting that Tories are importing “American-style politics” and questioning their support for Ukraine.

That’s after Poilievre and his caucus voted against a bill that would implement a modernized free-trade agreement with the war-torn country.

The Conservatives have insisted they stand with Ukraine and their opposition has to do with language in the deal that says both countries will promote carbon pricing. Ukraine already has a carbon price and its ambassador, along with Ukrainian Canadian organizations, have been calling on Poilievre to reconsider the position.

As Poilievre continues to push the government on its approach to Canadians’ economic woes — and blames carbon pricing for the cost-of-living crisis — the Liberals have suggested that the Conservatives would cut important social programming.

“The Conservative party under Pierre Poilievre has made it very, very clear they want to take Canada backwards in all those ways and more,” Trudeau said Thursday at a press conference in Nunavut.

Sebastian Skamski, a spokesman for Poilievre, said Trudeau and his “out-of-touch Liberals” are desperate to distract from the “misery and pain” they’ve inflicted over more than eight years in power.

“With millions of Canadians forced to rely on food banks and more and more middle-class people driven into homelessness, it’s no surprise Liberals will make ludicrous claims in a desperate attempt to divide Canadians and hope they forget about their suffering,” Skamski said in a statement.

But the only divide Liberals say they are looking to create is a clear distinction between Trudeau and Poilievre, whom they accuse of stirring up fear without offering solutions.

Garry Keller, a former senior Tory staffer, said he sees the Liberals relying on external events — in this case the perceived threat of a second Trump presidency — to change the narrative as they struggle to resonate with an increasingly detached voter base.

“When you’re at that point in the polls, there’s a portion of the voting universe that has completely tuned you out because you haven’t addressed their concerns, whether it’s on housing, affordability, cost of living,” said Keller, a vice-president at consulting firm StrategyCorp.

“They deliberately tried a number of things to try to change the channel, and they haven’t really worked.”

Enter Trump as the ideal bogeyman.

Alex Marland, a professor of politics at Acadia University, said the Liberals are attempting to frame the political debate as a choice between good and evil.

“They’re targeting people who voted Liberal in the past and have now soured on the Liberals,” said Marland, who has written about political marketing in Canada.

“So they’re trying to find a way to get those people back. And the way to get those people back is to cause them to be afraid of voting Conservative.”

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
Sounds like the feds going all in subsidizing Canadian auto makers to produce EVs needed a little more scrutiny seeing as no one wants one now that they are available. Just tax dollars though.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
That wasn't enough?
Fucked Canada over by cancelling Keystone XL creating a huge oil shortage and record fuel prices helping to skyrocket inflation.

Its still a problem that Biden tried alleviating by lifting Venezuelan heavy oil sanctions.

What is Venezuela doing with the cash? Invading their neighbour.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Quebec man pleads guilty to threatening Justin Trudeau, Francois Legault
Author of the article:Canadian Press
Canadian Press
Published Jan 23, 2024 • 1 minute read

SHERBROOKE, Que. — A Quebec man has pleaded guilty to uttering threats toward Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Quebec Premier Francois Legault in a series of online videos.

Prosecutor Genevieve Crepeau says Germain Lemay, 30, pleaded guilty to five charges Monday at the courthouse in Sherbrooke, Que.

Lemay admitted to uttering threats toward the two politicians in videos posted between July and September 2023, as well as making similar threats toward any police officer who came on his land and toward an employee of Quebec’s workplace health and safety board.

He also pleaded guilty to making threats to burn, destroy or damage an office of the workplace health and safety board and to storing firearms improperly.

A trial on two other charges, pointing a firearm at a police officer and possession of a weapon for dangerous purpose, began today.

Quebec provincial police shot and wounded Lemay during an early morning raid on his Scotstown, Que., home on Sept. 27.