More from Hoaxwagen


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
So, Mr. Volkwagon, suck it up and spend the money to fix the stuff. You'd still make a profit, yes?

It's hard to believe that Skoda is still around. Geeez. I just took a look and what they make that isn't just plain ugly, still looks like any other oversized electric razor on the road. Well, at least a handful of companies make vehicles that are distinguishable from others (without looking at the emblems).

That Skoda was a piece of sh*t back in the mid 80s. :)


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
New diesel cars from Renault, Nissan, Hyundai, Citroen, Fiat, Volvo and other manufacturers have been found to emit substantially higher levels of pollution when tested in more realistic driving conditions.

Research compiled by Adac, Europe’s largest motoring organisation, shows that some of the diesel cars it examined released over 10 times more NOx than revealed by existing EU tests, using an alternative standard due to be introduced later this decade.

Adac put the diesel cars through the EU’s existing lab-based regulatory test (NEDC) and then compared the results with a second, UN-developed test (WLTC) which, while still lab-based, is longer and is believed to better represent real driving conditions. The WLTC is currently due to be introduced by the EU in 2017.

The biggest polluters according to Adac’s own data are:

Wide range of cars emit more pollution in realistic driving tests, data shows | Environment | The Guardian


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
New diesel cars from Renault, Nissan, Hyundai, Citroen, Fiat, Volvo and other manufacturers have been found to emit substantially higher levels of pollution when tested in more realistic driving conditions.

Research compiled by Adac, Europe’s largest motoring organisation, shows that some of the diesel cars it examined released over 10 times more NOx than revealed by existing EU tests, using an alternative standard due to be introduced later this decade.

Adac put the diesel cars through the EU’s existing lab-based regulatory test (NEDC) and then compared the results with a second, UN-developed test (WLTC) which, while still lab-based, is longer and is believed to better represent real driving conditions. The WLTC is currently due to be introduced by the EU in 2017.

The biggest polluters according to Adac’s own data are:

Wide range of cars emit more pollution in realistic driving tests, data shows | Environment | The Guardian
I hope you don't ever drive.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
Norman Spector ‏@nspector4

Uh, oh. It’s not just scammed Volkswagen drivers who’ve been emitting deadly pollutants…


Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I don't think that Walter likes any regulation. Walter would rather that private companies like Volkswagen can say whatever they want and do whatever they want to us because they are private corporations. You and I are merely economic cannon fodder.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I don't think that Walter likes any regulation. Walter would rather that private companies like Volkswagen can say whatever they want and do whatever they want to us because they are private corporations. You and I are merely economic cannon fodder.

I think Walter quite often has a point, as old fashioned as some perceive Walter to be. That's the fault of the era we old fossils grew up in, we got stupid ideas like people doing sh*t for themselves.


Blah Blah Blah
Aug 31, 2006
Under a Lone Palm
I think Walter quite often has a point, as old fashioned as some perceive Walter to be. That's the fault of the era we old fossils grew up in, we got stupid ideas like people doing sh*t for themselves.

Like the Quakers and the Luddites? The world moves on to bigger and better things.
The emission standards for diesels are stupid. They cost as much as they save so to speak.
The emissions saved are offset by the additional fuel burnt to do so. Not a big deal for cars
but trucks use about 10% more fuel to meet these standards. That is a lot of extra fuel being burnt.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
I think Walter quite often has a point, as old fashioned as some perceive Walter to be. That's the fault of the era we old fossils grew up in, we got stupid ideas like people doing sh*t for themselves.

So, if there were no EPA measuring emmisions, there would be no problem.

Who is advocating for the citizenry in that equation? It's all Caveat Emptor and if you don't have any knowledge about what you're buying, that's just tough.

Remember automobiles are the second biggest purchases that we make. What would you think of an unregulated construction industry with no building codes? Is your house going to fall down? Maybe yes, maybe no but government has no business keeping your houses from falling down. Only a Commie would expect the government to provide building standards. You are on your own, consumers and its for your own good.


Hall of Fame Member
May 20, 2012
So, if there were no EPA measuring emmisions, there would be no problem.

Who is advocating for the citizenry in that equation? It's all Caveat Emptor and if you don't have any knowledge about what you're buying, that's just tough.

Remember automobiles are the second biggest purchases that we make. What would you think of an unregulated construction industry with no building codes? Is your house going to fall down? Maybe yes, maybe no but government has no business keeping your houses from falling down. Only a Commie would expect the government to provide building standards. You are on your own, consumers and its for your own good.

Everyone keeps pointing to the American EPA but this is a world wide situation and the EPA had to act in the USA after the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT). brought it to everyone's attention.

But you are right. Obviously 'private biz' can't be trusted to Police themselves.

I heard someone on the radio who's peed at VW as he has one that he feels was worth $15,000.00 a few weeks ago and the only offer he's gotten for it is $4,000.00.

Peter Mock of Berlin, Germany, and John German of Ann Arbor, Michigan, work for the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT). The organization’s mission as stated at the ICCT website is to “provide first-rate, unbiased research and technical and scientific analysis to environmental regulators.”

Mock became suspicious when test results on diesel-powered vehicles in Europe were inconsistent. The tests were intended to convince European environmental regulators to loosen restrictions on the sale of diesel cars by verifying claims that their engines ran on “clean diesel.” Two of the models tested – the Volkswagen Jetta and Passat – passed emissions tests in the lab, but were still emitting unacceptably high levels of pollutants under real-world driving conditions. Since US clean air standards are higher than those in the EU, Mock contacted his American colleague. Would identical testing on vehicles made for the US market produce the same results?

Small Non-Profit (not EPA) Brought Down World's Largest Automaker: Caught VW's Emission Fraud

That he hopes you don't ever drive?
Why not?
Personally I don't like driving despite having a small fleet I may consider selling off in the spring but I do wonder why Walter would throw that comment out on this thread...?


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I don't think that Walter likes any regulation. Walter would rather that private companies like Volkswagen can say whatever they want and do whatever they want to us because they are private corporations. You and I are merely economic cannon fodder.
Walter's retarded, but he's kinda right on that last score.

Not saying that's how it should be, mind, just that's how it is.