Our veterans ask for help. They're offered assisted death


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
We are going down a very dark road. Just how dark and bleak and utterly wretched that road is remains to be seen, but the glimpses we are getting reveals it to be verging on the edge of pitch black.

On Thursday, another Canadian veteran, Christine Gauthier, who is also a five-time world champion at the Paralympics, told how she was offered medical assistance in dying (MAID) as she tried to access care from the Veterans Affairs department.
Gauthier now makes at least six injured veterans who were asking for help from Veteran Affairs but instead got an offer of MAID.

Michael Higgins: Our veterans ask for help. They're offered assisted death (msn.com)

Fucking disgusting is the only way to describe Canada's current federal govt. Pretty regressive thinking for a supposedly progressive govt.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
It is not only confined to veterans .
Oh I know. But when you consider there's a fucking ENTIRE govt org that's supposed to be dedicated to helping our veterans who are having trouble readjusting to civvy life and/or dealing with serious injuries, basically recommending death as a solution, it is beyond the fucking pale. "Thanks for being a govt tool when needed. Now be a good lad and let us help you off yourself so as not to burden the rest of us."

That's quite a 180 from an ideology that is massively opposed to the death sentence for criminals who are unquestionably guilty of cold-blooded murder.

Yep, that's quite the message the govt is sending. Kill disabled veterans but preserve the lives of cold-blooded murderers.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Does it say more about the Gov't or more about the assholes that voted for them?
The concept of MAID for it's original purpose isn't an appalling thing at all. The terminally ill should have the right to die with dignity and on their own terms.
That's a policy I fully support.
Where it's gone since then and where it's going is the big issue. It sure as fuck shouldn't be suggested to ANYONE by some fucking govt flunky just because they have routinely failed veterans. Or use it as a way out of dealing with their other abject policy failures concerning the mentally ill and differently abled.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Voting for Peter Polly may be like jumping from the frying pan into the fire!
I don't think so or, at the very least, I hope not. He can't be anymore disgusting than our current PM. I would hope he would change that regulation b'cuz it is disgusting.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Voting for Peter Polly may be like jumping from the frying pan into the fire!
There's literally no evidence in the slightest to support that. If anything his actions and his statements to date would suggest otherwise.

You never know what ANY politician will do but if you're trying to pretend that there's ANY reason to choose justin or his ndp lackeys who support this nonsense over PP then you're not being honest.


House Member
Aug 13, 2022
I'm not sure I'll be voting for anyone next election. No one is worth my vote. Spoiled ballot is all that might happen.
There is the catch to our system. You simply can't vote for the PM without voting for a party.The best you can do is vote for an independent in your riding.
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House Member
Aug 9, 2022
Oh Yeah, take a close look at Donald Trump! :)
Even trump was better. And isn't that a pretty stinging rebuke to Trudeau :) but it is true.

Trump exploited the divisions in the land but he didn't create them. Trudeau has deliberately created hatred and division where there wasn't any, and breathed on the flames where there was already.

Trump left his country in great shape financially and economically. Trudeau has done damage that's generational and has all but destroyed our ability to have a strong economy for at the very least a decade, not to mention made it nearly impossible for a generation to buy a home anytime soon.

Trump was accused of a lot of corruption in office, which turned out to be largely untrue after investigation. (personal corruption before hand - different story :) )

Trudeau has been actually caught being corrupt many many times. Not including his personal life.

Trump talked too much and may have inadvertently inspired a minor attack on a gov't building. Which is a threat to freedoms.

Trudeau declared the emergency act without cause to punish political opponents - that's the suspension of freedoms.

Trudeau is objectively worse.