Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
In late August Russia handed over decoded radar data to the Netherlands from the aerial zone where Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down on July 17, 2014. These materials had initially been provided in their original, i.e., non-decoded form, along with the software needed to decode them.
However, the Dutch investigators, despite being armed with the latest in modern technology as well as the assistance of their British colleagues, were not able to decode the recordings, and in the end they asked Russian experts to do it. In three years this has been the only time they have asked to collaborate. Never before had the commission accepted any Russian offers of assistance.
The decoded recordings clearly showed that the missile had been fired from the zone controlled by the Ukrainian military. And this is not some fabricated story concocted by journalists, but documented, technical information.

Estimated distance to Flight MH-17 from the Ukrainian-controlled BUK launcher in Zaroshchenskoe at the moment of attack (less than 30km) lies within the operational range, unlike one, presumably operated by the Donbass militia.​
However, every sign seems to indicate that the decoded information obtained from Russia will not be included in the case file, but will instead face the fate of so much other data that does not fit neatly into the preferred version of the investigation. It will probably just fall into a black hole, which is what happened to the photos of the tragedy that were taken by American spy satellites.

In the meantime however, it will not be easy for the investigators to stick to their prescribed approach to the investigation. Independent experts are conscientiously suggesting new avenues of inquiry that could help move the process along.
For example, since all of the Ukrainian army’s existing launch sites for its Buk-M1 missile-defense system can be accounted for and examined by the commission, it would be a simple enough matter to establish whether at least one of them was used to fire the missile. An inspection of the 60 existing launch sites within this system is both physically possible and could provide some surprising information. The launch of a Buk-M1 missile leaves indelible “burns” on the ramp that cannot be concealed, even under a new coat of paint. Although that would seem to be a very simple suggestion, it’s a significant one.
Kees van der Pijl

Kees van der Pijl, a Dutch professor in the Department of International Relations at the University of Sussex and the president of the NGO The Committee of Vigilance Against Resurgent Fascism, recently finished writing a book titled “The Launch: Flight MH17, Ukraine and New Cold War(Der Abschuss: Flug MH17, die Ukraine und der neue Kalte Krieg). The German-language version of the book will go on sale later this month, and the English original and Portuguese translation will be available by the end of the year.
Professor van der Pijl examines the tragedy from a geopolitical perspective and asks: who benefited most from this disaster? And he answers: the US, which subsequently imposed sanctions against Russia, undermining its gas industry and checking its growing role on the international stage.
Specifically, the professor cites the following arguments:

  • One day before the tragedy, the BRICS nations signed an agreement to establish their own bank, which the US saw as a rival to the IMF and World Bank.
  • Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel had settled on a new conceptual framework for resolving the crisis in Ukraine – without US input – and real progress was being made.
  • In addition, once the Boeing 777 was downed, American gas companies were suddenly able to find the traction to kick-start their work in Europe and force Russia out of the EU market. Moscow was forced to abandon the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline, and relations with the government in Kiev, which subsequently became a pawn in the games played by the West, definitively soured.
Not a single European or American media outlet has reacted to the announcement of the book’s publication and its path onto the shelves of bookstores is unlikely to be an easy one. However, times are changing, and many people are taking an interest in and flocking to Professor van der Pijl’s blog, Der Abschuss Flug MH17, which provides info


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
So all the evidence, and Satellite imagery, that were used in the beginning of the investigation went missing? and it is all the American's fault? Fak me I wonder who financed this fictional piece of writing. Russia get out of Ukraine I can't believe the dirt is still black from all the blood that was spilled over the Ukrainian landscape through history.

Attila the Hun
Ghengis Khan and the Tatars
edit: Switzerland was in here as well
and now Russian seperatists

I'm sure I missed many in between
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the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
So all the evidence, and Satellite imagery, that were used in the beginning of the investigation went missing? and it is all the American's fault? Fak me I wonder who financed this fictional piece of writing. Russia get out of Ukraine I can't believe the dirt is still black from all the blood that was spilled over the Ukrainian landscape through history.

Attila the Hun
Ghengis Khan and the Tatars
edit: Switzerland was in here as well
and now Russian seperatists

I'm sure I missed many in between

You missed the USSA which is responsible for the latest warfare.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
So the huskies provide data that only they could decode as proof that they or their dependents didn't fire the missile. Sound about right?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Well that's what you do in court...and if necessary, you call in an expert to explain it to the jury.

We know the whole west installed nazis in ukraine story is about one of the biggest farces ever.
Oh look...pipelines

German TV Shows Nazi Symbols on Helmets of Ukraine Soldiers

and get this:

In Kiev, an Israeli army vet led a street-fighting unit

“I don’t belong [to Svoboda], but I take orders from their team. They know I’m Israeli, Jewish and an ex-IDF soldier. They call me ‘brother,’” he said. “What they’re saying about Svoboda is exaggerated, I know this for a fact. I don’t like them because they’re inconsistent, not because of [any] anti-Semitism issue.”


Just before Malaysian jets started to fall out of the sky, the Malaysian PM came out and detailed the attempted take over by bribery of the Malasian government by guess whoo.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
MH17 suspects to be ID'd next week: Reports
June 14, 2019
June 14, 2019 11:14 AM EDT
A Malaysian air crash investigator inspects the crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, near the village of Hrabove (Grabovo) in Donetsk region, Ukraine, July 22, 2014.Maxim Zmeyev / REUTERS File Photo
AMSTERDAM — Investigators will next week announce criminal proceedings against suspects in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 five years ago, allegedly by pro-Russian separatists, two leading Dutch broadcasters reported on Friday.
MH17 was shot out of the sky over territory held by separatists in eastern Ukraine as it flew from Amsterdam to the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur, killing all 298 people on board.
About two-thirds of the passengers were Dutch.
Australia, Holland, Russia start talks over downed MH17
Missile that shot down flight MH17 was Ukrainian: Russia
Investigators: Russian military missile downed Flight MH17
Dutch prosecutors said on Friday a multi-national investigation team would present its latest findings to media and families on June 19. A spokesman for the national Dutch prosecution service declined to specify what would be announced.
Citing anonymous sources, broadcaster RTL reported that the public prosecution service had decided to launch a case against several MH17 suspects.
National public broadcaster NOS also reported that criminal proceedings will be announced against individual suspects.
No suspects were named in the reports.
The Joint Investigation Team, which seeks to try the suspects under Dutch law, has said the missile system came from the Russian 53rd Anti-Aircraft Brigade, based in the western Russian city of Kursk.
Investigators had said their next step would be to identify individual culprits and to attempt to put them on trial.
Dutch officials have said Russia has refused to cooperate.
Russia is not expected to surrender any potential suspects who may be on its territory and authorities have said individuals could be tried in absentia.
The Joint Investigation Team was formed in 2014 by Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine to investigate collaboratively.
The Netherlands and Australia, which lost 38 people, hold Russia legally responsible. Moscow denies all involvement and maintains that it does not support, financially or with equipment, pro-Russian rebels fighting Ukrainian government troops.


the universe is electric
Jan 26, 2006
RR1 Distopia 666 Discordia
And Washingtonmachine is not mentioned at all, American interference in European politics kills people, lots of people. It,s what they,ve done for more than a century. The Dutch know thier place.

Empires always end one of two ways, climate change or military defeats. Uncle Scam can,t escape that fate. And thier economy is being compromized by international anti American boycots of the greenback. They have lost thier grip, the dolla is being trashed. All thier high office is loaded with Israeli employees.
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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Three Russians, one Ukrainian to face murder charges over downing of flight MH17
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019 9:31 PM EDT
A Malaysian air crash investigator inspects the crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, near the village of Hrabove (Grabovo) in Donetsk region, Ukraine, July 22, 2014.Maxim Zmeyev / Reuters / Files
NIEUWEGEIN — Three Russians and a Ukrainian will face murder charges for the deaths of 298 people aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 that was shot down over eastern Ukraine in 2014, the international investigative team said on Wednesday.
The suspects are likely to be tried in absentia in proceedings set to start in the Netherlands next March. Dutch authorities said Russia has not cooperated with the inquiry and is not expected to surrender defendants.
“These suspects are seen to have played an important role in the death of 298 innocent civilians,” Dutch Chief Prosecutor Fred Westerbeke said. “Although they did not push the button themselves, we suspect them of close cooperation to get the (missile launcher) where it was, with the aim to shoot down an airplane.”
The Russian Foreign Ministry denied that it had not cooperated while saying on Wednesday the investigation was intended to damage Moscow’s reputation.
“Once again, absolutely groundless accusations are being made against the Russian side, aimed at discrediting the Russian Federation in the eyes of the international community,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
Pictures of former FSB colonel Igor Girkin (from top to bottom), Sergei Dubinskiy employed by Russia’s GRU military intelligence agency, Oleg Pulatov former soldier of the Spetznaz GRU and Ukrainian Leonid Kharchenko, are displayed on screen on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 in Nieuwegein during a press conference on the ongoing investigation of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash in 2014. John Thys / AFP / Getty Images
Dutch Justice Minister Ferdinand Grapperhaus said in a letter to parliament the Netherlands had taken unspecified “diplomatic steps” against Moscow for failing to fully comply with legal requests or providing incorrect information.
MH17 was shot out of the sky on July 17, 2014, over territory held by pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine as it was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. Everyone aboard died.
The Dutch-led international team tasked with assigning criminal responsibility for the plane’s destruction named the four suspects as Russians Sergey Dubinsky, Oleg Pulatov and Igor Girkin, and Ukrainian Leonid Kharchenko. It said international arrest warrants for the four had been issued.
Girkin, 48, a vocal and battle-hardened Russian nationalist, is believed to live in Moscow where he makes regular public appearances. He is a commentator on Russian and foreign affairs via his own website and YouTube channel.
“The rebels did not shoot down the Boeing,” Girkin told Reuters on Wednesday without elaborating.
Ukrainian authorities said they would try to detain Kharchenko, who is believed to be on their territory.
“The Russian Federation must now cooperate fully with the prosecution and provide any assistance it requests,” British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said. There were 10 Britons on the flight.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged Russia in a statement to “ensure that any indicted individuals currently in Russia face justice.”
Australia, Holland, Russia start talks over downed MH17
Missile that shot down flight MH17 was Ukrainian: Russia
Investigators: Russian military missile downed Flight MH17
Most of the passengers were Dutch. The joint investigation team formed by Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherlands and Ukraine found that the plane was downed by a Russian missile.
Last year Russian President Vladimir Putin called MH17’s downing a “terrible tragedy” but said Moscow was not to blame and there were other explanations for what happened.
Asked if she expected the suspects to attend the trial, Silene Fredriksz, whose son Bryce was on the plane, said: “No, I don’t think so. But I don’t care. I just want the truth, and this is the truth.”
The investigation team said Girkin was a former Russian FSB security service colonel who served as minister of defense of the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) in eastern Ukraine in the summer of 2014.
It said Dubinsky was head of the military intelligence agency of DNR, while Pulatov headed a second department of the agency. Kharchenko was head of a reconnaissance battalion for the second department, it said.
Prosecutors have said the missile system that brought down the airliner came from the Russian 53rd Anti-Aircraft Brigade, based in the western Russian city of Kursk.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
MH17 suspect among prisoners swapped by Ukraine with Russia: Dutch government
September 7, 2019
September 7, 2019 8:33 AM EDT
Volodymyr Tsemakh, suspected of involvement in the downing of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 plane in 2014, stands inside a defendants' cage during a court hearing in Kiev, Ukraine September 5, 2019. SERHII NUZHNENKO / REUTERS
AMSTERDAM — Ukraine has included a man suspected of involvement in the downing of a Malaysia Airlines flight over eastern Ukraine in 2014, which killed 298 people, in a prisoner swap with Russia, the Dutch government said on Saturday.
Volodymyr Tsemakh, whom Ukraine’s security service has identified as a former commander of Russian-backed separatist forces in eastern Ukraine, was transferred to Russia in an exchange of prisoners between Moscow and Kiev, the Dutch Foreign ministry said.
Dutch prosecutors had urged Kiev not to allow Tsemakh to travel to Russia, fearing this could jeopardize the investigation into Flight MH17. He was released on bail by a Ukrainian court on Thursday.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
MH17 crash investigators say phone taps reveal Russian political ties
November 14, 2019
November 14, 2019 8:41 AM EST
This file photo, taken on Sept. 9, 2014, shows part of the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 at the crash site in the village of Hrabove (Grabovo), some 80 km east of Donetsk, Ukraine.Alexander Khudoteply / AFP / Getty Images / Files
AMSTERDAM — Investigators released a series of phone intercepts on Thursday which they said revealed Moscow’s influence over pro-Russian rebels accused of downing Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine five years ago.
MH17 was shot out of the sky on July 17, 2014, over territory held by pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine as it flew from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. All 298 passengers and crew died.
The joint investigation team (JIT) has said a missile that hit the airplane originated from Russia’s Kursk military base, not far from the Ukrainian border. In June, the JIT charged three Russians and a Ukrainian with 298 murders.
Investigators said on Thursday the pro-Russian rebels in the self-declared Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), who allegedly fired the missile, had been in closer contact with authorities in Moscow than previously assumed.
“Recent analysis of witness statements and other information revealed that Russian influence on the DPR went beyond military support and that the ties between Russian officials and DPR-leaders appear closer,” the JIT said.
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A series of telephone call intercepts was released on the investigation’s website along with an appeal for witnesses to come forward.
“These telephone numbers were used on a daily basis to discuss administrative, financial and military matters in the DPR. The JIT wants to know by whom these telephone numbers were used,” it said.
A cross near the crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 plane, that was shot down over territory held by pro-Russian separatists in 2014, outside the village of Hrabove in Donetsk Region, Ukraine, on June 19, 2019. The sign on the cross reads “Save and Protect. Hrabove”. Alexander Ermochenko / Reuters / Files
The JIT statement named Sergey Aksyonov, the Russian-appointed leader in Russian-annexed Crimea and Vladislav Surkov, a senior aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The Russian officials had contact with Alexander Borodai, self-proclaimed prime minister in the DPR, and defendant Igor Girkin, self-proclaimed defence minister, it said.
“The indications for close ties between leaders of the DPR and Russian government officials raise questions about their possible involvement in the deployment of the (missile), which brought down flight MH17 on 17 July 2014,” the JIT said.
Three former rebel leaders have previously told Reuters that Surkov decided how the pro-Moscow administration of eastern Ukraine was run and who got what jobs there, challenging Kremlin denials that it calls the shots in the region.
Both the rebels and Moscow have repeatedly denied any involvement in the downing of MH17. Russia also denies Western accusations that it sent ground troops as well as weapons and funding to the rebels in eastern Ukraine.
The Dutch-led investigative team has previously named Russians Sergey Dubinsky, Oleg Pulatov and Igor Girkin, and Ukrainian Leonid Kharchenko as suspects in the downing of the plane.
The four suspects are due to go on trial in absentia in a Dutch court on March 9 next year.
The investigation team has said defendant Dubinsky was head of the military intelligence agency of DNR, while Pulatov headed a second department of the agency. Kharchenko was head of a reconnaissance battalion for the second department, it said.
MH17 suspect among prisoners swapped by Ukraine with Russia: Dutch government
Three Russians, one Ukrainian to face murder charges over downing of flight MH17
Missile that shot down flight MH17 was Ukrainian: Russia


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
Prosecutors seek life terms in Dutch murder trial over flight MH17

Author of the article:
Stephanie Van Den Berg
Publishing date:
Dec 22, 2021 • 21 hours ago • 2 minute read •
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Russian nationals Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinskiy and Oleg Pulatov, as well as Ukrainian Leonid Kharchenko, accused of downing of flight MH17, are shown on screen as international investigators present their latest findings in the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, nearly five years after the crash that killed 298 passengers and crew, in Nieuwegein, Netherlands, June 19, 2019.
Russian nationals Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinskiy and Oleg Pulatov, as well as Ukrainian Leonid Kharchenko, accused of downing of flight MH17, are shown on screen as international investigators present their latest findings in the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, nearly five years after the crash that killed 298 passengers and crew, in Nieuwegein, Netherlands, June 19, 2019. Photo by Eva Plevier /REUTERS
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Amsterdam — Dutch prosecutors on Wednesday demanded life sentences for three Russians and a Ukrainian charged with murder over the shooting down of a passenger jet over Ukraine in 2014.
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They said the defendants, who are all at large, helped supply a missile system that Russian-backed separatists used to fire a rocket at Malaysia Airlines flight MH17. All 298 people on board were killed.

Prosecutor Manon Ridderbeks demanded life terms for all four, named as Igor Girkin, Sergey Dubinsky, Oleg Pulatov and Leonid Kharchenko.

Most of the victims were Dutch nationals. The Dutch government holds Russia responsible. Authorities in Moscow deny involvement.

Outside the courtroom Piet Ploeg, who lost his brother, nephew and sister-in-law in the crash, said he had waited a long time to hear the prosecution makes its recommendation.

“It’s a relief that the prosecutors demanded the maximum sentence,” he told reporters.
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Even if the four men were never jailed, “it is just as important that the world knows who was responsible,” he said.

After years of collecting evidence, an international team of investigators concluded in May 2018 that the launcher used to shoot down the aircraft, which was en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, belonged to Russia’s 53rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade.

Prosecutors said on Wednesday the defendants were linked to Russian-backed rebels in eastern Ukraine and played significant roles in the events that led to the downing of the jet.

Russians Pulatov, Dubinsky and Girkin and Ukrainian Kharchenko have all denied involvement. On Wednesday Dubinsky told Dutch broadcaster RTL that the hefty sentencing demands were “totally predictable.”
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“Our guilt has already been determined,” he was quoted as saying.

Lawyers for another suspect, Pulatov, said he followed the prosecution closing arguments via the court’s live stream but did not give his reaction.

Relying on satellite images, social media posts and intercepted phone calls, prosecutors say the four men worked together to get a Buk missile system from Russia into eastern Ukraine to reinforce separatists.

“By shooting down MH17 with a Buk …the defendants used devastating violence. They planned this violence beforehand and they organized it in close cooperation,” prosecutor Thijs Berger said.

In recordings played to the court earlier in the week, men identified by the prosecution as the suspects could be heard discussing moving “our Buk” to a field from where flight MH17 was attacked.

They then celebrated the success of “our boys” when they brought down what they mistakenly thought was a Ukrainian military plane. The target turned out to be MH17.

Prosecutors said they were also trying to identify the people who fired the missile and the Russian officials who sent the Buk to Eastern Ukraine.

The trial of the four suspects started 20 months ago. Only Pulatov has sent lawyers to represent him while the others have not cooperated with the court and are being tried in absentia.

Closing arguments from Pulatov’s lawyers are expected in March and a verdict by the end of 2022.