kilo of peanut butter brittle, pan of mint Nanaimo bars, many chocolate

bill barilko

Senate Member
Mar 4, 2009
Bears like baking too!
Christmas is bruined: Bear breaks into freezer, gobbles up holiday baking
Animal munched through over a kilo of peanut butter brittle, pan of mint Nanaimo bars, many chocolate truffles
Sharla Marr was on top of all her Christmas baking this year — until a bear broke into her freezer and munched its way through her holiday supplies.
The Campbell River, B.C., woman noticed the destruction early Friday, as she was heading out for a walk. The freezer with all her extra baked goods is in her carport, near where she parks her vehicle in the winter.
It's stocked with all sorts of goodies, she said, but this bear seems to have an especially sweet tooth.
The list of stolen treats included a kilogram of peanut brittle, a large pan of mint Nanaimo bars and dozens of chocolate truffles. More regular bear fare like meats, fish and berries were left strewn on the ground.
"I couldn't even tell what he had eaten until I looked in the freezer to take inventory of what was left because he had just licked clean everything," Marr told Liz McArthur, guest host of CBC's All Points West.
"The containers were just empty.
"I've heard of bears doing weird things but I just never thought it would happen," she added.

Marr said she cleaned out her freezer and got rid of all the ruined food.
But a day later, the bear was back.
"There was dirt inside the freezer, like he was sticking his head in there," she said.
This time, there was nothing left for the animal to nick.
Marr, whose home is near a wooded area, said she knows there are bears around — she says she sometimes sees evidence of them in the woods — but hasn't had any animals approach her property before.
The B.C. Conservation Officer Service frequently advises British Columbians to secure their garbage bins and compost bins to avoid attracting bears, but freezers aren't on the list of precautions.
Marr is now busy re-baking all her holiday goodies — and knows where not to keep them.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Hopefully it will return in the spring.

Though I have to admit I really love a sunny winter day, I love fat biking out to go ice fishing or going on cookndrink outs with a couple thing I have found so far for my blood pressure in the winter.

At -27 the going on the sled trails is usually nice and crisp.
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