It's Kamala

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Walter! The Trump campaign dusted off it's birther bullshit for Harris!

Better dig out your birther illusion. Time to saddle up!
Donald is certifiable.(Irrational)...... , I swear. It is just sickening. And there are idiots that fall for this??


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Donald is certifiable.(Irrational)...... , I swear. It is just sickening. And there are idiots that fall for this??
I've never been a huge fan of "American greatness," but ya gotta admit, there's a certain sadness that the country of Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson is no more.

Of the C-54s that roared into the sky to achieve the impossible, keeping West Berlin free, only one is left. It is gutted, its engines removed, and set up as a static display at Tempelhof.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
I've never been a huge fan of "American greatness," but ya gotta admit, there's a certain sadness that the country of Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson is no more.

Of the C-54s that roared into the sky to achieve the impossible, keeping West Berlin free, only one is left. It is gutted, its engines removed, and set up as a static display at Tempelhof.
I totally agree. I think this is what is making me so angry at times. Like can't people SEE what is happening?? As I mentioned ..... half my family is I have a vested interest in the US doing well. I grieve at the deterioration that is taking place under Donald.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Agree. She can handle herself well. I really think she is a great pick. Did you see her interrogate Barr?/ She is no slouch in the smarts dept either.. Making History. ( that too is dissing the donald off..he has zero tolerance for anyone else being first , or best
, or bigger etc than him....... .everything is in superlatives with him......
Yes she sort of reminds me of Sarah Palin , a rising star . Will she fizzle out as well ?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
And here I was thinking that the first misogynistic remarks would come from Trump, but okay, let's play.

So to your point, of course when a woman makes her way to the top of any male dominated heap she must have ****ed her way there right? Leaving in her wake a trail of stilettos and lingerie littering the floors of boardrooms and bedrooms everywhere. Of course she must have, how else could she have navigated her way through the testosterone filled world of powerful men. You know the men I'm talking about right? The ones who likely didn't **** men on their way to the top certainly did **** over a few to get there. No, a woman couldn't possibly make it to the top on her own merit, dedication and hard work. A woman who holds degrees in both political science and law, a woman who became deputy DA to later rise through the ranks to become DA, who later became AG of California and who would become a Senator and who is now Biden's pick as Vice President only got there because she slept with one specific man, Willie Brown, over 20 years ago. Really?

Now let's play with your theory a little. According to you the only way a woman can make it to the top is by sleeping with a man to get there, okay but then, what does that say about some men? Are some men so easily influenced and manipulated? So easily played by a woman? These strong powerful men of influence and action can be brought to their knees by what rests a little above a woman's knees? I think that ridiculous comment you made says a lot more about men than it does women.

As to the remainder of your post, it's just noise, political noise coming from those who are threatened by the choice Biden made, a strong woman who has and can take all that comes her way. And will the "ploy" work? I guess we'll know soon enough.
Yes she sort of reminds me of Sarah Palin , a rising star . Will she fizzle out as well ?you said all that , not Jim . Maybe she just has round heels . She wouldn’t be the only handsome woman with that infection .


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
My guess would be the connection is that Trump saw him on Fox news mirroring everything Trump says about the virus. That's all Trump needed to hear.

Oh yeah he's intimidated by strong people, especially strong women. His insecurity and constant need to be praised is sad frankly, to be a man so in need of constant ego stroking. What a lonely man he must be.
You two should sneak out back . A veritable love fest .


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Kamala Harris is no friend of the community

In late 2009, Sharon Woo, an assistant San Francisco district attorney and well-known drug prosecutor, sent an e-mail to a superior regarding the conduct of San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) crime lab technician Debbie Madden. According to the e-mail, the assistant DA gathered that “Debbie is unhappy with the lab and strategically picks days and times to be sick which have the greatest impact on work,” and that Madden had become “increasingly undependable for testimony.”

Not long afterwards, a fellow SFPD technician noticed that envelopes in her bin, containing drug samples awaiting testing, appeared to have been tampered with. She asked if Madden had anything to do with it, and after first denying the tampering, Madden admitted to having rifled through the bin. A rapid unravelling of events led to an investigation into Madden’s conduct, producing evidence that she had taken samples from the lab, possibly for her own use, and also possibly tainting evidence in the process.

This information, while known to the district attorney’s office, was not disclosed to defence attorneys.

MORE: Kamala, Joe and the video chat that could change history

The district attorney at the time? Kamala Harris, now the running-mate to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

“No excuses,” said Kamala Harris said of the incident in a 2019 interview with the Washington Post. “The buck stops with me.”

From there, the dominos fell quickly. A defendant in a narcotics case filed to dismiss the charges against him for Brady violations (that is, where due process has been violated due to the state’s failure to disclose exculpatory information), and the case was attached by nearly two dozen other defendants. The district attorney first estimated the possible violation was limited to those 20-odd defendants, but the extent of the damage ballooned so rapidly that the DA’s office ended up dismissing nearly 1,000 drug-related cases—nearly 700 of them pending, and hundreds more for convictions already rendered.

MORE: Kamala Harris’s father is slamming her for making a ‘travesty’ of her Jamaican heritage

At the time, however, the district attorney’s office attempted to pin the responsibility on the SFPD, for which it was castigated by California Superior Court judge Anne-Christine Massullo in the 2010 case: “It’s not the police department who has the affirmative obligation,” said the judge at the time. “It’s the district attorney. That’s who the courts look to. That’s tho the community looks to, to make sure all of the information constitutionally required is provided to the defence.”

That’s who the community looks to.

As a district attorney, the California attorney general and U.S. Senator, Kamala Harris was looked to as a pillar for America’s Black communities, and for her part, Harris has spoken plenty of responsibility: responsibility for parents, whose truant children were deemed more likely to join gangs; responsibility for recreational drug users, whose habits and addictions were not only spoiling their own communities, but fuelling narco-wars south of the border; and responsibility for the worse-off members of the community, whose involvement with and enablement of “gangs” and criminal activity needed stamping out.

And so this “progressive prosecutor” embarked on a carceral crusade, threatening the arrest and fine of parents whose children above eighth grade missed too many classes (resulting in a few dozen charges across the state, depending on the whims of local prosecutors), successfully prosecuting roughly 1,900 marijuana-related cases as San Francisco DA, and launching the “back on track” anti-recidivism program, which achieved some measure of lowering repeat offences, but saw the rise of inmates in San Francisco jails nonetheless.

The community could count on Harris to not only blame it for its own problems, and turn the force of the law in its direction, but when it came to those who posed a danger to the community, where was Harris then?

Let’s take the case of OneWest Bank, a predatory lender led by current Trump administration Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin from 2009 to 2015, as an example. Harris, who was California’s Attorney General at the time, declined to prosecute the bank for rather obscenely violating foreclosure rules in order to throw homeowners onto the street. Investigative journalists at The Intercept even obtained a memo including a sample legal complaint provided by the AG office’s Consumer Law Section, which Harris‘s office, for whatever reason, failed to act on.

In 2016, Mnuchin donated to Harris’s campaign, making her the only Democrat to receive any such contribution. The donation was not returned.

Or the case of Catholic clergy accused of sexual abuse against children. Harris’s DA office opted to keep church personnel files secret. In the case of Pacific Gas and Electric—a California electric utility company—and its possible culpability in California wildfires? Harris’s AG office declined to pursue an investigation into alleged illegal dealings between the company and state regulators.

And despite establishing a brand as a blistering critic of the Trump administration, Harris has not only voted to fund Trump’s war in Syria, but voted for a bill with a Hyde Amendment provision against federal funding for abortion. As California AG, Harris attempted to block gender reassignment for a trans inmate, and as a DA, Harris supported a provision that placed undocumented students in the custody of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement if charged with a crime—even if it separated them from their parents.

As the first woman of Black and South Asian descent to appear on a presidential ticket, Kamala Harris’s status as running mate to Joe Biden is indeed historic. But representation does not imply cooperation, loyalty, or any degree of respect beyond the superficial. The matter of “Black and brown communities” in this election is murky indeed, when Harris’s policy record indicates an alignment with some communities and hard-pressed against others.

At a time when Black people and communities of colour rise up against police violence and the carceral state, America’s self-declared “top cop” has certainly not been the one for any of these communities to look to for justice. And there is no excuse for that.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Kamala said mean things during the Rapist's confirmation hearing. I would look for the Rapist to be removed from the supreme court shortly after the next inauguration


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Yes she sort of reminds me of Sarah Palin , a rising star . Will she fizzle out as well ?you said all that , not Jim . Maybe she just has round heels . She wouldn’t be the only handsome woman with that infection .

Maybe she has round heels? Because there is no possibility at all that she got where she is on her own merit right? Oh wait, you're the guy who said you wouldn't mind if men spoke to women you cared about the way Trump has spoken to and about women because it's just "guy talk." My bad, I forgot what your views of women were, thanks for the reminder.

And I'm not sure what type of "infection" you're referring to.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
You two should sneak out back . A veritable love fest .

I'll pass, that's more your fantasy, not mine. This comment of yours is not surprising though, considering what your views on women are and how easily you sexualize them when you feel threatened by them, so please don't be fooled in thinking it got to me. No it's the classic move of a misogynistic, insecure man and is exactly the response I would expect from you. And it makes more clear to me the attraction you have to Orange Man Bad, you share this trait with him, you are equally as much a shrinking violet as he is when it comes to women of confidence, women of strength and women of power.

And for the record pgs, when you sexualize women who are successful, who are strong, who threaten you, who frighten you, and who can chase you away with a few biting words, it says much more about you than the woman you are attempting to demean. You can direct all the misogynistic sexual insults you have at me, bring it! Please! Solidify to me who you are.

Now once your fantasy has played out in full and you're all satisfied and you put the tissues in the trash and the hand lotion back in the drawer, come on back and enjoy the rest of the day. It's Friday! Yay!


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Oh Look, another strong woman, I wonder who she slept with to get where she is.

On the other hand I know who the guy she's interviewing slept with to get where he is.


Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Oh Look, another strong woman, I wonder who she slept with to get where she is.

On the other hand I know who the guy she's interviewing slept with to get where he is.

Great interview. Love Christiana. Jared K.......Not so much ;-)

Inter-sting thing about strong , competent and successful women. they don't get into the silly game playing that the testosterone laden counterparts do. the woman's achievements speak for themselves. christianna is a class act.

MCP's are pee in their pants threatened by such competent woman. They can't handle they try to disparage them. Does not work. The MCP only demonstrates his own silliness. & inadequacies.
Last edited:


Council Member
Nov 27, 2019
Great interview. Love Christiana. Jared K.......Not so much ;-)
Inter-sting thing about strong , competent and successful women. they don't get into the silly game playing that the testosterone laden counterparts do. the woman's achievements speak for themselves. christianna is a class act.

That she is, I've long been drawn to her in her journalistic style. I don't think there are too many men who would accuse her of sleeping her way to the top, at least not to her face.