Is True Dope Still Worse Than Putin?


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Well it certainly isn’t a good little liberals party . How stupid are you ? Hopefully not as stupid as you come across here .

wow, I see you can't really participate in more than one discussion at a time or you start screwing things up.
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Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I could care less of her associations . And how does western separatism equate with far right ? Do you consider the Bloc far right ?
Those that call for western separation are realists that understand Canada is irreparably broken and makes no sense as the only thing we have in common is Ottawa .

On the political spectrum here in Canada, they are a "far right" party. Further right than the CPC, maybe not as far as the PPC. That's debateable. Just so we are clear, I'm talking about the Maverick Party and wexit. I have no idea where Bloc sits and nor do I care. They are another separatist party that I consider treasonous the same as any other separatist party.

The fact that the major organizers were separatists, that along with the MOU presented to the GG and the Senate proves that this had very little to do with covid mandates.

Those that participated and supported this that deny this either are lying, or were duped. Which one applies to you?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
On the political spectrum here in Canada, they are a "far right" party. Further right than the CPC, maybe not as far as the PPC. That's debateable. Just so we are clear, I'm talking about the Maverick Party and wexit. I have no idea where Bloc sits and nor do I care. They are another separatist party that I consider treasonous the same as any other separatist party.

The fact that the major organizers were separatists, that along with the MOU presented to the GG and the Senate proves that this had very little to do with covid mandates.

Those that participated and supported this that deny this either are lying, or were duped. Which one applies to you?
I was and still against Covid mandates or any other measure that creates two classes of people , that you are fine with the state coercing you and your children to inject an untested experimental gene altering concoction into your system says enough for me .
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
As to the other b.s. that is all it is I. I checked out this manifesto shit you are talking about , one yo-yo , his wife and one other yo, yo signed it . Another confederate flag found in a crowd of thousands .


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
I was and still against Covid mandates or any other measure that creates two classes of people , that you are fine with the state coercing you and your children to inject an untested experimental gene altering concoction into your system says enough for me .

ROFLMFAO, to put it bluntly, you are a fucking idiot. Gene altering concoction. I'd be surprised is you could walk and chew gum at the same time.
As to the other b.s. that is all it is I. I checked out this manifesto shit you are talking about , one yo-yo , his wife and one other yo, yo signed it . Another confederate flag found in a crowd of thousands .

See above. You're a moron.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
ROFLMFAO, to put it bluntly, you are a fucking idiot. Gene altering concoction. I'd be surprised is you could walk and chew gum at the same time.

See above. You're a moron.
Once again you show how out of touch and how little you know . Have you had your liver checked lately ?
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
My welfare? Oh hun, I work for a living.

Still don't get it?

We would never see a drop of oil taken out of Canadian soil.

And what we would sell off would affect the global prices barely a partial cent.

Personally I WISH we could take our own oil, refine AND sell domestically. I'd much rather see Irving (as much as I despite the family) actually work for Canada for once, but I don't see that happening anytime, well, ever.
You won't see it as long as the Liberals have a lock on Ottawa. Trudeau family has money in Irving and Saudi oil. That is the real reason we can't get enough Canadian oil to domestic markets.


Time Out
Mar 15, 2022
I dont have any other social media (dont trust it) I figured I give this form a shot.. seems like alot people have same mind set as me. Look forward to the lively debate!

This a very simple answer; Trudope

He called a movement that challenged his leadership or power Nazi, he did this in an attempt to shut down any conversation or creditability they may have.. Why? When ever someone prevents one side from having a voice, its a clear indicator they cannot debate what is going to be said. So the only option is to prevent what is going to be said.

Our society is based upon a debate, being able to have a discussion regardless of what is being said. We taught this in highschool but it represented in many parts of our society, negotiations, business deals, court cases and even our government.. SO why does one side insist on shutting down other side?

Understanding is a three-edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth. <-- B5 quote, one of the best shows every, its about this very struggle we face now.. Freedom and Choice.

When it comes to the media, its very simple how to determine truth... How do they make their money...? CBC gets paid 1.5 billion dollars yearly form Canadian Government but... I have yet to see once critical article about Justin Trudope, why... simple because that's NOT what they are paid to do..!

I present this warning to the east... a reckoning is coming ... the first strike we will make against the east we'll be shutting down your nuclear power plants, immediately, no waiting no nothing. We will weld the control rods in place! IF carbon is so bad, then nuclear is OMGWTFBBQ. From what I can see this makes up 60% of Ontario's power... I cant wait to see how Ontario takes 2022/2023 winter without electricity... and our dirty oil :p
The strike 2 comes when we start launching legal action against the province of Ontario for its use of nuclear power.. we demand you compensate all other provinces for your unfair advantage and abuse of the system.. This would probably bankrupt Ontario so I would imagine its going to be a fun ride.

This is a great fun fact... Trucker convoy raise more money then the liberals did in its last election cycle.. This shows the true power of our movement.. :D

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
At least pick someone marginally closer to Rasputin, like Harper. 🙊
Wow, ok. I just thought Harper was an intelligent introvert accountant and still managed to be a decent leader.

So….are you saying Harper like Rasputin was packing a foot long dick? You’d think that would’ve made him more of an extrovert?? To each their own though….


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
I dont have any other social media (dont trust it) I figured I give this form a shot.. seems like alot people have same mind set as me. Look forward to the lively debate!
I'm not sure debating with people who have the same mindset is the best way to gain new ideas or fresh perspective, or to test your ideas.

He called a movement that challenged his leadership or power Nazi, he did this in an attempt to shut down any conversation or creditability they may have.
Um. . . Putin has also called people who challenged his "leadership" Nazi. . . including the Jewish President of Ukraine. True Dope probably has a lower body count.
When it comes to the media, its very simple how to determine truth... How do they make their money...?
I've heard this a lot. When Harper was PM, did "the media" ever publish articles or opinion pieces critical of him?
This is a great fun fact... Trucker convoy raise more money then the liberals did in its last election cycle.
At five and a half bucks a gallon, the Truck Trash still driving in circles around the DC ring road will need it.
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Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I'm not sure debating with people who have the same mindset is the best way to gain new ideas or fresh perspective, or to test your ideas.

I'm not sure debating with people who have the same mindset is the best way to gain new ideas or fresh perspective, or to test your ideas.

Um. . . Putin has also called people who challenged his "leadership" Nazi. . . including the Jewish President of Ukraine. True Dope probably has a lower body count.

I've heard this a lot. When Harper was PM, did "the media" ever publish articles or opinion pieces critical of him?

At five and a half bucks a gallon, the Truck Trash still driving in circles around the DC ring road will need it.
You are spot on about debating with someone of the same mindset, Tec. 'A confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias that involves favoring information that confirms your previously existing beliefs or biases. For example, imagine that a person holds a belief that left-handed people are more creative than right-handed people.'


Hall of Fame Member
Dec 25, 2005
Eagle Creek
I watched a Frontline documentary last night called 'Putin's Road to War'. It is a fascinating and terrifying look at the rise of Putin and the reasons behind his current invasion of Ukraine. Well worth a watch.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
You are spot on about debating with someone of the same mindset, Tec. 'A confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias that involves favoring information that confirms your previously existing beliefs or biases. For example, imagine that a person holds a belief that left-handed people are more creative than right-handed people.'
Only an abject idiot would consider Trudeau to be in the same league as Pukin! One is incompetent, impetuous and not overly bright, while the other is cruel, calculating and criminal!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
ROFLMFAO, to put it bluntly, you are a fucking idiot. Gene altering concoction. I'd be surprised is you could walk and chew gum at the same time.

See above. You're a moron.
I'd hesitate to go quite that far, but definitely NOT a direct descendent of Albert Einstein!