Global warming: Fact or Fiction?


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
So, I have heard a lot folks that either steadfastly believe or vehemently disbelieve that Climate Change aka Global Warming is real. Initially, I believed in the idea that we are causing the planet to warm and I put my belief in the concept that scientists would be honest and scientific in presenting their case. So, in a nutshell I was believer, but my atheism began to grow, because like many religions, be they Christian, Scientology,Judaism and even Islam, not all is as it seems and not all are true prophets or as holy as they would like you to think. With the religion of Climate Change it is abundantly clear that many of the self proclaimed prophets of doom aren't exactly following the scripture to a tee. They are abandoning strict scientific protocol, by fudging the the numbers and conveniently ignoring the facts.

Now, here's the thing. I am an environmentalist, but I'm environmental on this level.

  • If you say we should cut pollution. I'm in.
  • If you say we need to keep our oceans clean I'm there.
  • If you say that we need to reduce and reuse, sign me up.
  • If you say that we need find a cleaner energy source. I'm in.

But here is where I part ways with the religion of environmentalism. If you say, we need carbon tax to make that happen, I say that you and your bunch are no different from the Jim Bakers and Jimmy Swaggart's of the world. Bless me Jesus, we have rising oceans and we need your contributions to stem the tide! Give me an Amen! Yes brother! Amen praise Climate Change and damnation to Satan's Polluters!

Here's the other thing. When you say that a carbon tax is going to be revenue neutral. I counter that no government has ever brought in a tax that it didn't abuse. Tire and fuel tax for highways are thrown into general revenue. The Goods and Services Tax earmarked for the mounting debt, straight into general revenue. Even Personal income taxes, brought in at the end of the Great War as a temporary measure became too damn tasty to abandon and guess what? That goes into general revenue.

You might ask yourself, "What do governments do with General Revenue?"
Answer: Whatever the **** they want brothers and sisters! Can you give me a big old Amen!

Governments are filled with dishonest people and they are clearly liars. So, you're going to trust that a carbon taxes imposed for the "environment" is actually going to be used for the good of the planet? Well, having seen the track record of every government prior to this one and basing it on the fact that this latest government has already reversed itself on a number of promises, I can't help be be a tad skeptical. Tad?

I wouldn't trust this bunch of carpetbaggers any further than I'd trust Hilary Clinton with national security or Donald Trump in the button room during a Def Con 5. For you babes born after the cold war, the one I helped win, Def Con 5 is the lowest state of readiness. Basically, it's every ****ing day in the minuteman silo. Regarding the Hillary/Trump thing: I know, I know. Were going to be stuck with one of these two idiots for at least five years. You may as well ready yourself. It's the best of both worlds. Five years of Trump making America great again by alienating Mexicans, vilifying good descent Muslims or... Watching Justin Trudeau and Hillary Clinton suck face for the next five years. I know. I know. It doesn't seem like much of choice does it. I kid. Trump is a dink and I guess I could just stop watching the news for five years.

Where was I?

Oh yeah. I am extremely skeptical of groups and governments looking for outlandish ways into my wallet. But even more so I loathe anyone who will deliberately lie to push their agenda or religion.

Lie? Who's lying?

More than a few times scientists working in the field of climate change have been caught cooking the books and fudging the numbers to suit the advancement of this religion. Al Gore told us by 2014 the polar caps would be gone. Even DiCaprio (Al Gore's mini-me) said there was clear evidence of climate change whilst filming the thoroughly enjoyable revenge tale. THE REVENANT. Great movie by the way, check it out. DiCaprio is a fine actor. His stuff with Scorsese has been a real pleasure. Wolf of Wall Street rocked. Gangs of New York andThe Departed all great movies and Leo did a bang up job. But that's where it stops. Because, like the couch jumping Scientologist lunatic that is Tom Cruise, Leo is a Kool-Aid drinker of epic proportion. And possibly, I hope not, but possibly he's not all that bright either. Because he mistook a Chinook in Calgary for clear evidence of Climate Change in action. Technically the climate did change, but not in the way that the religion of Gore and Leo would have you believe. It was really just a warm wind, like the flatulence from the chicken little types who run around screaming the sky is falling, but on a slightly grander scale and without the scent of methane.

As I've already said, I still believe we should do everything we can to make the planet better, but like most people I am not buying the song and dance of the televangelist type environmentalist. The Trudeau's, the Wynne's, the Knotley's, the Christie Clark's of the world don't have to worry about how they are going to feed their family or pay their rent. You are already giving them a big fat check and a pension plan to die for. If their heating costs or electric bills rise, they don't really feel it. Most of them are already millionaires and money isn't really an object for them.

For you folks on the left, here's an interesting parallel. You know how pissed of when guys like Rush Limbaugh or Michael Savage say that people who are are poor or work for minimum wage should be happy or get a better education. Arrogant millionaires telling us lesser folk how we need to live and not look at them and by gosh, don't dare measure their conscience or lack thereof.

Same applies to the religion of global warming, or Thieving Evangelical Christians, or Vengeful Zionists, or Hate filled Muslim Mullahs, or those bastards who trick you into coming to their house only to find out that you have set yourself up for an Amway pitch. How the hell did I get into this? It's a dirty feeling, one of complete self-loathe, comparable to the realization that you were just too kind to those door knocking jumping Jehovah's with their Watchtower Pamphlets and mismatched powder blue suits.

Why didn't I just tell them to F*** off? Why? Why? Why?

Because we all want to believe that at the core humanity is good and that most folks are honest and that we need to believe in the great sky man up there because when I'm watching my TV and that man comes on to tell me how white my shirts can be but he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke the same cigarettes as me...

Oops. Sorry, I got thinking about the Stones and this sort of got away from me.

So, I just wanted you to know where I stand and that is for the planet, but not Prophets of Doom.

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Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
making big money off 'global warming' when it's implied to be our fault and we should feel bad.

that's a fact to be sure.

ignorant and gullible populace.

that's a fact too.

media collusion in the ponzie scheme.


the planet natural heats and cools over thousands of millennia.

dat's a fact jack.
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Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
let's see them sky is falling AGW predictions and threats from the past 25 years or so.

__________ is going to __________ if we don't __________.

__________ will be__________ by (insert date)

fukking goddamn fear-mongering snake oil kids. and you damn well know it.
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Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Actually it does, but that's my critical eye after pulling the trigger.
We'll get over it before we impale you on a spike. Alberta will be warmer than the east at the beginning of an ice age. The snow gradually moves west until Canada is all under the ice. That process would take 10,000 - 40,000 years.
One aspect of the 'natural disasters' that has not been covered is a growing earth means the air pressure is less and that means we get less 02 and plants get less C02 so the place turns into a slowly dying madhouse unless fires are burned all the time and e-vehicles are used because the gaps in their system are used to have ozone come out the 'tail-pipe' 30 minutes after it comes out it is 02 rather than 03 and the single molecule kills parasites in and out of the human body. Win/win.

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
The base question in the OP is a loaded question.

Does GW exist?... Sure it does as evidenced by the many episodes of continental glaciation (and recession of said glaciers). The loaded part relates to the anthropocentric part of GW.

In my opinion, we don't really know and within that Q, how much of an impact does it represent?

... I'm with you on this in many regards, but IF the powers-that-be insist that humanity is responsible, I am perplexed that the proposed solution is based on taxing folks as opposed to talking about the number of people in the population that are in fact emitting.

A harsh prospect for sure, but ultimately cuts to the chase on things


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
let's see them sky is falling AGW predictions and threas from the past 25 years or so.

__________ is going to __________ if we don't __________.

__________ will be__________ by (insert date)

fukking goddamn fear-mongering snake oil kids. and you damn well know it.
Let's take it a step further, the west coast of BC should get southerly winds that are warm and wet. That climate change is something that would reach much farther north so it is a long term change that can be adapted to as far as what to grow and what to expect from the ocean. Vancouver Island would probably end up being one big city, a well supplied one so the term disaster hardly fits in the long run.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
It's a money grab. Three words. Diesel Exhaust Fluid. Forced upon manufacturers to improve emissions when in fact it decreases mileage by up to three miles to the gallon. Kind of like forming a lucrative foundation that raises lots of money but does little to cure a single disease.
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captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
Oh look, here comes the cult spokesman. :)



Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
It's a money grab. Three words. Diesel Exhaust Fluid. Forced upon manufacturers to improve emissions when in fact it decreases mileage by up to three miles to the gallon. Kind of like forming a lucrative foundation that raises lots of money but does little to cure a single disease.
My first GM pickup in the 60's had an emission reduction device that effectively was an air pump that pushed air into the exhaust after the manifold and did in fact dilute the pollution at the tail pipe...
My solution was finding a shorter fan belt that bypassed the pump and in so doing my gas mileage went from 20 to 23MPG
with a lot more power.....
I really can't take credit for the fix because the way it happened, was that my fan belt broke when I was out of town and at the small garage I stopped it was the only one I could find that would effectively drive the water pump and the generator...
When I noticed the power and mileage change, I left it that way for the rest of the time I owned that truck.


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
one of the biggest scams going is ...pardon me...'stewardship' ontario and their fukkin' eco fees.

the media still hasn't done an investigation into that mcguinty-wynne outfit.

hand over goddamn fist boys and girls.