Climate of Smear: Global Warming Misinformation


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Global warming deniers......There are fewer of them every day......can never come up with an alternate explanation for the obvious fact that global temperatures are rising.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
The wealth accumulators don't want to give up the great business model; pump it out of the ground and get what ever they want for it. Isn't there a thread around here about resisting change?


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
How about the sun :roll:

Well, if there was evidence that the sun's output had been rising in concert with the global temperature rise since the industrial revolution, I might consider it. Right now, the increase in CO2 levels looks like the best bet.


Council Member
Mar 9, 2007
Well, if there was evidence that the sun's output had been rising in concert with the global temperature rise since the industrial revolution, I might consider it. Right now, the increase in CO2 levels looks like the best bet.

Temperatures aren't rising in concert with CO2 levels any more then they are rising with solar output. The correlation is not straight forward.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Temperatures aren't rising in concert with CO2 levels any more then they are rising with solar output. The correlation is not straight forward.

No it is not straight forward but I maintain that the rising CO2 levels are the most likely culprit.


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
It seems when it comes to global warming that the global production of methane is as much a culprit if not more so than CO2.

Cattle flatulence accounts for a good part of that methane; also the by-product of cattle (non chemical fertilizer) is another source of methane as it decomposes.


So, If anyone is serious about not contributing to global warming, don’t get rid of your big SUV………just start eating veggie burgers…….

And for God’s sake…….don’t eat my home made beans ;-)


Electoral Member
May 14, 2007
Does it really matter if we are causing or speeding up climate change? I for one am getting a bit bored with both sides on this. It has become just petty point scoring from all involved. Climate change has happened before and will happen again, we cannot stop it or reverse it no matter what we do. If the sea levels rise or there are more storms does it really really matter, we will either go on with our lives or we will go the way of most other life that has gone before. The only difference with humans and other species is that we are aware of our possible extinction, the only thing special about us is that we will go louder and complaining more while passing the buck and blaming something else...:-?:-?.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Oops, sorry Toro, but wrong again. If it had a dollar sign in front of it you'd understand it better.....or perhaps that is why you don't.

Climate myths: Mars and Pluto are warming too

  • 17:00 16 May 2007
  • news service
  • Michael Le Page
There have been claims that warming on Mars and Pluto are proof that the recent warming on Earth is caused by an increase in solar activity, and not by greenhouses gases. But we can say with certainty that, even if Mars, Pluto or any other planets have warmed in recent years, it is not due to changes in solar activity.
The Sun's energy output has not increased since direct measurements began in 1978 (see Climate myth special: Global warming is down to the Sun, not humans). If increased solar output really was responsible, we should be seeing warming on all the planets and their moons, not just Mars and Pluto.
Our solar system has eight planets, three dwarf planets and quite a few moons with at least a rudimentary atmosphere, and thus a climate of sorts. Their climates will be affected by local factors such as orbital variations, changes in reflectance (albedo) and even volcanic eruptions, so it would not be surprising if several planets and moons turn out to be warming at any one time.
However, given that a year on Mars is nearly two Earth years long, and that a year on Pluto lasts for 248 Earth years, it is rather early to start drawing conclusions about long-term climate trends on the outer bodies of the Solar System.
What do we know? Images of Mars suggest that between 1999 and 2005, some of the frozen carbon dioxide that covers the south polar region turned into gas (sublimated). This may be the result of the whole planet warming (see Mars images hint at recent climate swings).
Dwarf planet

One theory is that winds have recently swept some areas of Mars clean of dust, darkening the surface, warming the Red Planet and leading to further increases in windiness – a positive feedback effect (see Dust blamed for warming on Mars).
There is a great deal of uncertainty, though. The warming could be a regional effect. And recent results from the thermal imaging system on the Mars Odyssey probe suggest that the polar cap is not shrinking at all, but varies greatly from one Martian year to the next, although the details have yet to be published.
Observations of the thickness of Pluto's atmosphere in 2002 suggested the dwarf planet was warming even as its orbit took it further from the Sun. The finding baffled astronomers at the time, and the cause has yet to be determined.
It has since been suggested that this is due to a greenhouse effect: as it gets closer to the sun Pluto may warm enough for some of the methane ice on its surface to turn into a gas. This would cause further warming, which would continue for a while even after Pluto's orbit starts to take it away from the Sun.


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
Aren't the temperatures on Mars and Neptune also rising?

No, they are not. Mars regularly undergoes seasonal changes. Winds blow the lighter sand off darker surfaces which then absorb more heat. Neptune is a gas giant that likely gives off more heat than it takes in.


Force majeure
May 28, 2007
Temperatures aren't rising in concert with CO2 levels any more then they are rising with solar output. The correlation is not straight forward.

So the physics of green house gases is incorrect? Please explain.


just special
May 7, 2006
not in Kansas anymore
Kyoto believers,there are fewer and fewer everyday. anyways I linked up to the mediamatters website. Of course it was just what one would expect,The sky is falling,and if you really care you will visit our gift shop and buy our products. Michael Moore understands this concept very well. I am not denying this current warming trend,just as I never denied the cooling trend of the 70's.What galls me is that so many people are making money off of it,something like the 9/11 conspiracy freaks.


Senate Member
Oops, sorry Toro, but wrong again. If it had a dollar sign in front of it you'd understand it better.....or perhaps that is why you don't.

Stop being such a jackass Avro.

I merely asked a question.

You will not find me anywhere arguing that global warming is not happening, nor that it is caused by man, though I do not like the shrillness of the debate - which you are demonstrating with your "witty" retort - nor the marginalization of the academic critics who argue otherwise.

Thanks for demonstrating the "climate of smear" though.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
While I believe common scense dictates that dumping crap into the air will eventually come back to hurt you ... there have been climate shifts both ways in the past. Even if we were living in our caves, burning our occasional fire, the earth may warm, it may cool. New deserts may appear, old ones disappear. I think the difference now is the rate is faster than recently recorded history. Whether that is faster than it was in 200BC (year for example purposes only), I can't say.

But only a fool says we can keep pumping zillions of gallons of gas into our SUVs and not actually damage the environment. Whether Global Warming is a theory or a fact, smog is real and caused by pollution. But if the Global Warming is what it takes for all the citizens of the worlds to address this, so be it.


just special
May 7, 2006
not in Kansas anymore
I concur. There is way too much hysteria on this matter. I have been a fisherman and/or a hunter for years. It has always been my practice and everyone who has ever gone out with me to leave as little behind as possible. Let's worry about our air and water quality first before we start spending our energy,time and money in the hope that someone else cleans up thiers. Lead by example.A fine example of the schemes that will take money out of your pocket while having a negligible effect on the enviroment is the latest feel-good project by Air Canada.When you fly you can also pay a surcharge to offset your carbon use. This is close to $12 for domestic flights ,slightly higher for international.Sounds good,right. Well,maybe not. This money goes to a "not-for-profit" organization called Zerofootprint. I went to thier website and took a peek around. Impeccable credentials,but they are very vague about what will offset your carbon. They will plant trees somewhere,sometime for you.Also you can visit thier giftshop and for only $15 buy a gift certificate that you can mail to your friends and loved ones that offsets a tonne of thier carbon footprint.Please,I know you all want to send me one ,but save 5 bucks and just send me a ten-spot.I will recycle my empties. This site also has a questionnaire that will tell you exactly how much carbon emissions that you and your family are responsible for emitting.What a farce. I took it a few times changing my answers and found out that the only way I can become carbon-neutral is by giving up eating or heating. Basically,live in a cave or die quickly. Or buy something from the gift shop. I will not be visiting thier giftshop or flying air canada any time soon. Cheers.


Time Out
Feb 12, 2007
Stop being such a jackass Avro.

I merely asked a question.

You will not find me anywhere arguing that global warming is not happening, nor that it is caused by man, though I do not like the shrillness of the debate - which you are demonstrating with your "witty" retort - nor the marginalization of the academic critics who argue otherwise.

Thanks for demonstrating the "climate of smear" though.

Me the jackass? Oh come on now Toro, with a question like yours....please.

I merely answered your question my money loving little friend now run along and pretend you don't take a side little one.:lol:

Btw it is was you who have demostrated the climate of smear with your obtuse question.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007