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  1. Serryah


    Guess the Trans person, no Google. Pretend you're seeing them go into a bathroom.
  2. Serryah

    Public Inquiries into Emergencies Act begin September 19

    So Pierre invoking Marshal Law was not a good idea? He should'a left things as they were? Interesting point of view.
  3. Serryah

    The prime minister is a...

    Wine, like beer, is gross. Ugh! How can anyone drink it is beyond me.
  4. Serryah

    Hamas attacks Israel

    So says the genocidal, far right wackadoo who if he were any other religious group he'd be considered "Extremist" by most people. Somehow his being Jewish makes him exempt. Also funny how Biden has been getting flack from people for being so "loving" to Israel, yet now that he's holding them...
  5. Serryah

    JK Rowling

    You know you're horrible when even Musk thinks you need to move on.
  6. Serryah

    Hamas attacks Israel

    Israel was going to attack Rafah, regardless of what Hamas said or did, regardless of what anyone else hopes for. Again, Israel is proving it's out to slaughter people and it's not for the hostages or even seeing stability come to the region (or as much stability as there can be). But I'm sure...
  7. Serryah

    The prime minister is a...

    So's PP... Your point?
  8. Serryah

    Hamas attacks Israel

    Funny. A lot of what I've seen from Jews in Israel is a combination of what this person assumes he'll get... and demands that their Goverment do something to get any hostages that might be alive, back to them. When they're not demanding a stop to his and his government's insanity. So no, no I...
  9. Serryah

    Hamas attacks Israel

  10. Serryah

    The prime minister is a...

    I know, right? But I expected you to post so it's no shock, really :D
  11. Serryah

    Hamas attacks Israel

    Valid points. And I guess wounded and dead are wounded and dead, no matter how you look at it. Destruction is destruction. I just think that the not so personal "war" of today is different than those of the Civil War, WWII and so on. It has; it's why I used to side with Israel. Even though...
  12. Serryah

    Hamas attacks Israel

    At it's core? I think, depending on who you are, it's both. And that's part of the problem. They did, and did deserve retaliation for it. But there's retaliation and then there's annihilation/genocide. In the Civil War, you can't compare that to today's warfare. It'd be totally different...
  13. Serryah


    There's nothing wrong with being confused about it; even we GLBTQIA+ are confused with stuff, mostly because the language changes and if you're not as into it as some others are, you miss out. Exactly. And then within those two characteristics are variances too, which further complicates...
  14. Serryah

    Hamas attacks Israel

    They got exactly what they wanted. You've proof of that claim, or is that hyperbole? Oh, careful Ron, you're sounding like me and that won't sit well with the right wing wackadoo World Guilt types here. That's pretty much been my point since the get go.
  15. Serryah


    Yet I apparently did? Except, I did try. I gave you a legit chance to discuss this shit. And you showed yourself to be one of those both sides of your mouth types. You know, "Oh I support..." but at the same time you'd deny the same issue in the next breath. At that point, you showed...
  16. Serryah

    The prime minister is a...

    That PP isn't this savant of the Conservative's that people are painting him out to be. Exactly, it was expected. Have no idea if PP is spineless, but a racist? Yeah, it's bordering on that at least. I mean, it's political suicide for anyone to be seen around things that are signals of...
  17. Serryah

    Hamas attacks Israel

    How is the deaths of Gazan children from Israeli attacks a "Hamas" issue, exactly? Also doesn't answer my question of how much blood of children needs to be spilled to "make up" for Oct 7th?
  18. Serryah


    Well to be fair, I refuse to put up with his bullshit anymore so...
  19. Serryah

    Hamas attacks Israel So at what point will the deaths of the children in Gaza repay for Oct. 7th?