
The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Pt 2

Advertise collectively.

Those who put out or publish our sex work advertisements are also at risk of arrest.

Hire or work with third parties, or work together with others doing sex work.

This reduces our abilities to employ collaborative practices that make our work safer.

For trans people in working in indoor sex work:

Many agencies in Vancouver do not hire trans sex workers. This is unfair, but, with the current criminalized environment around sex work, it is difficult to challenge legally. If an agency operates as a licensed business (for example, as a massage parlour), you could bring a challenge to their hiring practices under the BC Human Rights Code. However, you would need to think carefully about whether this would bring the desired result. The process is adversarial, and it is often long and stressful. If you are successful, instead of getting a position with the agency, you may only be awarded damages, since it is likely that your relationship with your potential employer would be too irreparably damaged for you to realistically work together. Additionally, bringing legal attention to businesses offering sexual services may result in the business coming under additional unwelcome legal pressure.

Working independently has considerable benefits. You keep all your money. You screen your own calls. You hire people (if you choose) that you trust to help keep you safe. As noted above, these business relationships are against the law, so if you choose to work with others, you will have to be discreet in order to keep yourself and your colleagues safe.

If you are working independently, it is a good idea to have a separate phone for business, or to make your number private. Because purchasing sex is a crime, many clients will not feel comfortable giving you their full name. This makes screening more difficult.

When booking an appointment, listen to your gut. If the person on the phone is disrespectful or makes you feel uncomfortable, do not see them. If you are going to them, leave their address with someone you trust. Have someone you can call when you reach the client’s location. Call or text them in front of the client. They will be reluctant to mistreat you if they know you have someone waiting for you.

It is generally safer to let your clients come to your location, if you have a space that is private. Because of the criminal prohibition on the purchase of sexual services, it is always best to be very discreet.

The Vancouver Police Department has issued guidelines saying that enforcement in cases of adult consensual sex work is not a priority for them, provided there is no violence or exploitation. Police in other municipalities do not have the same guidelines and may work together with municipal bylaws enforcement officers and Canadian Border Services Agency personnel to enter businesses. These agencies primarily target commercial establishments such as massage parlours and situations in which a number of sex workers are working together such as condos.

Your landlord cannot evict you unless engaging in sex work would contravene a specific term in your lease agreement; for example, a clause that prevents you from running a business from the premises. If that is the case, your landlord must have evidence to prove that you are contravening your lease. If your clients are discreet and respectful, you most likely will never have a problem.

It may be easier to work out of a high-rise apartment with a lot of residents because these places tend to be more anonymous.

In order to minimize noise and the chance that your conversation will be overheard, it is a good idea to keep chit-chat to a minimum in the hallways. When greeting clients at the door, don’t say hello until the door closes.

For trans people in working in outdoor sex work:

Outdoor work is generally considered riskier than indoor work. For one, you are more visible to the public and law enforcement. You may be also displaced into dangerous and isolated parts of the city in order to avoid police detection.

Remember that selling sexual services is not illegal. However, the laws criminalize the purchase of sexual services and all communications by clients about sexual services. This means that clients may be more afraid of law enforcement and more reticent to approach and negotiate with you in well lit, high visibility areas. This makes screening more difficult while working outdoors.

Remember to keep safe by working with a friend if possible. This way, you can take license plate numbers for one another and share experiences.

If you can, carry a cell phone. Even an out-of-service cell phone gives the impression of being in contact with someone else. You can use this to your advantage.

Collect the money upfront. Keep your money in a less obvious place in case someone tries to rob you.

Wear shoes you can run in just in case you need to. Be prepared to defend yourself.

If something feels wrong, don’t go with a potential client. No trick is worth compromising your safety.

Some clients will be ok with using condoms. Others will give you attitude or try to obtain unsafe services. One strategy is to have the condom in an easily accessible place and put it on using your mouth. Clients are less likely to complain about wearing a condom if they are distracted by oral sex.

Law enforcement sometimes uses condoms as evidence of sex work. This is a violation of your legal rights. You have the right to protect yourself from STIs.

You can access Bad Date Reports at PACE and WISH, both of which run drop-in centres, as well as at other drop-in centres around the greater metropolitan Vancouver area. These reports are an excellent resource for keeping safe.

Staying Safe from Police Brutality

Trans people report high rates of harassment and violence from police. This is especially true for trans women who are also Aboriginal, people of colour, and sex workers. It is good to stand up for your rights. It is sometimes more important to be safe. To help keep yourself safe:

Try to be calm during encounters with police and do everything you can to keep yourself and others safe without becoming a target.

Speak quietly if you speak at all, keep your hands visible, and move slowly. If you are going to put your hand in a pocket or purse to get something out, tell officers what you are doing before you do it.

If your life is in danger, it may be better to strategically submit to an attack by police in order to preserve your life.

If possible, pay attention to the badge numbers of police officers you deal with and keep notes about things that happen to you. You may need this information later to file a complaint or to tell your lawyer.

If police mistreat you, you have many options:

You can file a human rights complaint if there is evidence that the mistreatment was motivated by your trans status.

If the complaint is against the municipal police, file your complaint with the BC Human Rights Tribunal. See Filing a Human Rights Complaint for more information. If your complaint is with the RCMP, file with the Canadian Human Rights Commission .

You can sue the police if there is no evidence that the mistreatment was motivated by your trans status. See www.transrightsbc.ca for more information.

You can file a complaint with the Office of Police Complaints. For help filing a complaint against the police, call the BC Civil Liberties Association at 604-687-2919, or toll-free at 866-731-7507.

You can report the crime to police, who may press charges.


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
They wouldn't need to be, but they still would be. Being an obnoxious, idiotic fuck is a trait, not a "feeling".

Except for the ones who, you know, ARE left alone and go on with their lives, until one of you assholes decide to make things an issue, then they correct your ignorant ass and then you get butthurt.

Yes, being an obnoxious, idiotic fuck is a trait and you display that trait SO well.


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
You do and you have. The only reason it might be "stuck in your face" is you decided to be a total asshole to a trans person and they corrected your ignorant ass.

Not likely.

Yes, you do. You absolutely do. Else you wouldn't be this pissed about it continually.

And you just proved you DO care. Because you will not look at a trans person as the gender they are. And it bothers you enough that you deny that person their gender.

Funny though, you bring up trans women...

No comment about trans men?

Is that your misogyny peeking through?

"Be"? No, they ARE.

Just like you say you "are" a male.

Even though I say you aren't, because you don't get to tell me your gender, only I get to decide that (like you decide the gender for trans people). And your gender isn't male.

But otherwise - yeah, trans people are "not comfortable in their skin"... that's it... that's all it is... (and since you're an idiot, that's heavy sarcasm)

It is absolute ignorance when you're informed on the issue, or on the status of the person, and choose to ignore it.

It is, because when it comes to transphobia, it's not just fear - it's hatred, mistrust, aversion to trans people.

And you show that constantly.

So yes, you're absolutely phobic.

... well I'm glad you know that much?

Because they're gay and they are in agreement with the gender they are and their attraction is to the same gender...?

Because they're not women, they're men. Their gender is the same as the sexual attraction they have.

Funny you bring "Biology" and "Common sense" into it when you have neither common sense, nor understanding of, or desire to admit, that biology also states that people who are trans are in fact who they say they are.

And all that... whatever the fuck that was about your gay man bit... has nothing to do with trans people what so ever and their gender status.

Wow... you really show you ignorance there too.

When someone misgenders you, yeah, you are a victim. A victim of ignorance, of bigotry and just plain old human assholery.

It's not "faux outrage"; denial of the person you are is serious, but not like you give a damn either way to that, right?

You're just happy as a pig in shit with your bigotry and phobia of trans people.

Yes, YOU should get a life, and while you're at it, learn some decency.

In the end, Missy, you are the one causing this to be "shoved in your face". Don't want to have trans people be who they are? Go to an island, seclude your pussy ass self and live out "your reality" there. Trans people are out and loud about who they are because sub-human pieces of shit like you continually tell them they are sick, they deserve to die, they are delusional and all the other bullshit that goes with it. If you would just shut up and go about YOUR life, and get others who think and act like you to do the same, trans people wouldn't need to be as obnoxious and idiotic as they can be.

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Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Nope, I don't care, I never cared if people thought I was male or not.
I know who I am, I'm not the one making demands.
No you're not making demands & no one should be "demanding" anything when it comes to this stupidity. You're either female or male - period. The rest is all made up B.S. being forced into our daily lives. If one wants to "dress up" like the opposite sex, fine & dandy but don't expect me to approve of your delusion because I will not comply to your pronouns or identity. It's stupidity at its best & people suffering from the mental illness need to get help. Unfortunately, it's not overly available because the "experts" have bought into this B.S. & are actually promoting it. It's sick!!
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