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    Bolivia returns to socialism

    Luis Arce set to win Bolivia presidential election, returning socialists to power Conservative candidate Carlos Mesa, 2nd among voters, concedes election Bolivia's socialists all but sealed a dramatic election comeback after their centrist rival Carlos Mesa conceded the vote on Monday...
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    Spitting Image is back...

    First glimpse of Spitting Image pits Johnson and Trump against Putin... in the sauna
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    The Julian Assange Extradition

    Honest Government Ad | Julian Assange The British, Australian, Ecuadorian and US Governments have made an ad about Julian Assange’s arrest and it’s surprisingly honest and informative!
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    Woman attacked by buffalo and lives

    Bison attacks woman taking photos of herd at South Dakota state park The woman was taking...
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    X-border effort to save the "scrotum frog"

    Lake Titicaca giant frog: Scientists join forces to save species The frog lives its entire life in the waters of Lake Titicaca and nearby lagoons. It has loose, baggy skin which ripples around its body in folds, which earned it the nickname "scrotum frog". Scientists think the skin flaps...
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    on this day in 1937

    Spam was introduced to the civilian population on this day in 1937.
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    ‘Fundamentalist’ popularity grows with the chaos in the street. Church and state, which have been inseparable throughout history (witness Billy Graham blessing missiles during the Gulf War) are trying desperately to reassert their authority. Those who have the most to lose in power and...
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    Stop picking on Moscow Mitch

    McConnell Admits He Lied About Obama Not Leaving Pandemic Plan For Trump: WATCH May 14, 2020 by John Wright 22 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell admitted Thursday that he lied earlier this week when he said the Obama administration did not leave behind any “game plan” for responding...
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    Happy Presidents day Y'all

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    Children Raised Without Religion Are Kinder

    Study Discovers Children Raised Without Religion Are Kinder And More Empathetic In a study that was conducted by the University of Chicago, a link was found between non-religious upbringing and kindness. In fact, children who were raised without religion were not only kinder but also showed...
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    300 + years and nothing much has changed.

    As much as we like to think the Human condition changes for the better, in reality, very little does. This was written in the late 1700s by the founder of the Methodist denomination.
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    Quit picking on alt-right TV evengelicals

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    Women at the forefront of equality protests around the world

    36 Powerful Images Of Women Protesters Leading From The Front Across The World Celebrating the power and courage of all the women and girls across the world who have to take to the streets for their beliefs in gender equality, violence and democratic values. Here are some images of such...
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    Peace: No more war

    “John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s 1969 peace campaign came to a close on this day [December 23, 1969] following a meeting with Canada’s prime minister Pierre Trudeau. The meeting took place in the Centre Block on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Lennon and Ono had arrived in the city at 2am that...
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    Winter Solstice

    A Time of the Shaman’s Gift Bringing Ancient Origins of the Season’s Icons Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, the longest night. In the northern hemisphere this occurs December 20, 21, 22 or even the 23rd, varying from year to year, dependent upon the elliptical path of the...
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    The First Brain Chip Implant

    "This Could Be a Tragedy For Humanity" “It’s the first chip implanted into the human brain” Personally, I do not recommend this.
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    Where did all the other humanoid species go?

    Were other humans the first victims of the sixth mass extinction? Nine human species walked the Earth 300,000 years ago. Now there is just one. The Neanderthals, Homo neanderthalensis, were stocky hunters adapted to Europe’s cold steppes. The related Denisovans inhabited Asia, while the more...
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    Why do we put up with this shit?

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    The US backed coup in Bolivia.

    This written from my former boss at Global Exchange, a non governmental human rights org based in San Francisco. Media Benjamin is in Bolivia witnessing and taking reports of human rights violations. You can trust them to report the truth, even when the US gov is behind the violations. -...
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    These days, history is nothing but propaganda

    Orwell: ‘History Stopped in 1936’ (and Everything Since Is Propaganda) Most people are familiar with the plot of the The Matrix. The 1999 film portrays a dystopian future where the “reality” that people inhabit is actually a simulation created by machines intent on subjugating the...