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  1. J

    Will Doug Ford privatize Healthcare in Ontario?

    Rumours are that it's in the works? I mean he took away rent control so I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he privatize our healthcare system.
  2. J

    Lewis Hamilton was robbed this year.

    Im a Red Bull fan and its not Maxs fault. It was Michaels. "No Michael Nooo". Max definately had a championship season and hes the champ to me but Hamilton got robbed
  3. J

    What a Storm eh?

    Holy **** how aboot it? Stuck in Timmins FML
  4. J

    Those Carbon Tax Stickers on the gas pumps

    Anyone notice those stickers on the gas pumps which show what the carbon tax is going to cost people now and in the future? At alot of stations I've noticed that people have been ripping those stickers from off of the pumps. Why would people do this? And who would you think are the people...
  5. J

    Jody Wilson-Raybould

    She won her riding. Id vote for her, backbencher whatever. At least she appears kinda honest
  6. J

    Toronto the BEST city in North America?

    It is if you think about it.
  7. J

    Pantheon to Politics

    Religion is the root of all of today's politics.
  8. J

    The Athiest vs the Religious

    I utterly reject everything to do with religion while on the other hand religious nutbars like selfsame reject everything I believe in. Who is wrong? Both of us **** religion
  9. J

    What happened to Sudbury?

    My poor old city is less educated than the average Canadian city.... What happened?
  10. J

    Amir gennet starts a brawl

    Amir Garret busts out the Muay Thai, David Bell sprints on the field after another ejection and Puig who isn't even on the team goes into crazy horse mode. Then.... They get jose Peraza out there pitching:lol: Awesome
  11. J

    Great Lakes Water Levels

    The rivers are low like always this time of the year. From Tbay to Killarney. The Maroons who manage the water levels are to blame. Come at me
  12. J

    Does God/Allah create hate for his amusement?

    Islamic Terrorists Christian Patriots God is the motive of these killers God is the conscious of these killer God is the preacher and Imam on TV God is the reason why the trigger is pulled God is why the good suffer God IS Satan!!!!
  13. J

    Those Ontario Cannabis Commercials

    Smoking cannabis does not cause people to act like those idiots in these commercials. The government is taking a stereotype and using it to justify their actions...
  14. J

    God if youre listening

    Why are you such an asshole? Your sons and daughters are killing and dividing themselves for your favour and you do what? What is it that you do around here?
  15. J

    Who judges God?

    And who judges the Judge? Etc...
  16. J

    Hearing superior to seeing?

    What do you think?
  17. J

    I dont care about the immigrants

    **** the Carbon Tax
  18. J

    Mike Trout is the best

    Let's be honest, now that he is being walked more than he strikes out this far in4o his career means we are watching the n3xt great.
  19. J

    If you're buying from legal dispensary dope stores

    You're smoking something else to pay those prices.
  20. J

    Thunder Bay Missing

    It's been 1 month and already people are disappearing. This morning alone I woke up to the news of 3 more people gone missing. There are already many more. People think I'm making this shit up but Human...