Recent content by Tecumsehsbones

  1. Tecumsehsbones

    Hamas attacks Israel

    Not that it will amount to anything, but it's refreshing to see an official body of some kind acknowledge the obvious: all sides of every war commit war crimes.
  2. Tecumsehsbones

    Hamas attacks Israel

    Kinda what I'd expect from a very senior attorney in an incredibly sensitive, complex, and controversial case.
  3. Tecumsehsbones

    Hamas attacks Israel

    Read a damn newspaper. For that matter, read the damn article you're screeching about.
  4. Tecumsehsbones

    Iranically Iran, Middle East’s Karen…

    I'd think if the Israelis had anything to do with it (and even if they didn't), the Iranians would be screaming blue murder.
  5. Tecumsehsbones

    Nancy Pelosi’s husband arrested for DUI in California

    None of them were charged with "assault with a deadly weapon." That's an A felony.
  6. Tecumsehsbones

    Hamas attacks Israel

    There are, but don't let that stop you from believing there ain't.
  7. Tecumsehsbones

    Iranically Iran, Middle East’s Karen…

    We used to call that "a perfect one-point landing."
  8. Tecumsehsbones

    Quit Picking on the Republicans

    Well, the fact that he makes the Nazi salute doesn't mean he's a Nazi!
  9. Tecumsehsbones

    Pro-Palestine Anti-Israel College Campus Protests

    Hell, I do both most days!
  10. Tecumsehsbones


    Your greatgrandfather was named X 5? I never knew you were an Android-Canadian!
  11. Tecumsehsbones

    Two years into the Trudeau 2.0 Minority Term, which day will Justin call the election that only he wants?

    There is that. In a way, ya gotta kinda thank True Dope for giving y'all a freebie. Make good use of it.
  12. Tecumsehsbones

    Two years into the Trudeau 2.0 Minority Term, which day will Justin call the election that only he wants?

    Ron, I'm not saying what will happen. What I am saying is that the Tories, the Libs, and every damn body else in politics will turn on a dime if they think it'll get them elected. I do hope you're not so naive as to think a politician gives a shit less about Canadian women. Hell, the...
  13. Tecumsehsbones

    Hamas attacks Israel

    Admit it. At first sight, you thought "Gramps is wandering around in his bathrobe again," din'cha?
  14. Tecumsehsbones

    Two years into the Trudeau 2.0 Minority Term, which day will Justin call the election that only he wants?

    Yep, pretty much what we said. "Roe v. Wade is settled law. It's been in place for half a century. A Constitutional right. The Supreme Court will never go back on it, any more than it would go back on racial segregation. And nobody but a handful of bible-beating hillbillies want it to."...